
Wow! That is crazy. Poor girl, I had never heard of a dog being allergic to chicken/bird meat. She is a cutie!!

I would say that you'd be just fine making a diet with the primary meat sources being non bird animals. Consider the following ingredients instead:
- Beef
- Lean ground beef
- Lamb
- Goat
- Beef liver/heart for micronutrients
- Sardines/salmon/oysters (I would avoid tuna due to heavy metal bioaccumulation)
- Eggs (can she eat eggs or is she allergic to those?(
- You could look into pork meat - like pork tenderloin maybe?

Different dogs will slow down more in their older age. I noticed my dog start to get more chill when he was about 7 or 8, but he's been steady since then but he still goes strong and can do good long hikes and stuff. I massage his muscles and joints and also have this little "Roller ball massage glove" that he likes a lot for his ribs/sides and back. He gets massages pretty much every day and I try to do things to encourage him to stretch too, like scratching the front of his knee sometimes makes him stretch his iliopsoas muscle well. My dog gets about 16 mgs of CBD with breakfast and dinner. I give him pain medication very rarely as needed for hip pain, but usually I don't give him anything (remember, ibuprofen and a lot of human meds are toxic to dogs or at least are dosed way too high, you need special meds from the vet).

My dog loves to sleep a lot. He is less tolerant of the heat than he used to be and needs more water while we hike. But overall he can still make 3-6 mile hikes up and down the mountain. He was hiking at 10-12,000 feet for miles on our last vacation!

I think one of the best things you can do to keep their energy up is to keep them exercised regularly. Dogs seem to be similar to humans in that they can grow to become lazy. Also my dog almost never ever gets table scraps. If he gets anything it is just some meat, or maybe a little apple or banana, but overfeeding seems to make dogs lazier. We try to never give him anything with sugar in it or anything that is really very sweet. Both for health as well as dental reasons. For his birthday we would get him a cookie made specifically for dogs that has basically no sugar in it.

One last thing, I have been giving my dog C60 for the last couple of years. As in the supplement Carbon 60. I got it from The research into C60's anti-cancer and longevity effects were compelling enough for me to want to give it to my dog. I took it for a while too, but it is SO expensive, so now only he gets it.

I don't know about steroids for the dogs. I know with humans winny causes the joint pain and such so I for sure wouldn't give it to my dog if it does that to dogs too. But idk, I am not sure increasing appetite is the right way to go? Animals that eat less tend to live longer. My dog gets pretty much the same amount of food regardless of whether we sat around all day, walked around our property, or went on a 4 mile hike (although he usually gets extra treats on the hikes so that makes up for some of it). He is not too thin, I would definitely up his food if he started losing weight, but he has stayed basically the same weight since he was about 3 years old.
Oya I can go over her diet again

I know kibble isn't the best but I stick with the high quality single source brands such as acana

So she gets 3 cups of acana a day, 1.5g of epa/dha. Usually 2 carrots a day. Apples acouple times a week. Broccoli stalks several times a week. She also gets sweet potato, squash, eggs, stew beef. Her treats consist of dried beef esophagus/lungs and dried sweet potato. She'll also eat bok choi if we're having it. No bones as they wear teeth.

Her diet is leagues above other dogs to say the least. This dog would sell my soul for goddamn carrot. It's brutal. Should've seen when she realized carrots came from the garden. Mind BLOWN. She has anxiety but her breed generally does, as for comprehension and just awareness. Its astounding. She knows verbal and hand commands. I can be speaking to someone and all I have to so is snap my fingers them make a certain hand signal without every looking at her. One fun thing is I taught her to sieg heil before she can eat just to piss radical feminist ex off.

As for increasing her appetite. What bugs me is she gets dinner at 6pm ish. Then fed again around 7am. And slowly she's become less interested in eating in the morning. Will sniff it and walk away. Usually if I toss an egg on then she'll got at it so maybe it's just her being a spoiled fuck. Where do you get your cbd from? I've tried sourcing it but so many places either just sell hemp oil or they use GSO as the carrier
Oya I can go over her diet again

I know kibble isn't the best but I stick with the high quality single source brands such as acana

So she gets 3 cups of acana a day, 1.5g of epa/dha. Usually 2 carrots a day. Apples acouple times a week. Broccoli stalks several times a week. She also gets sweet potato, squash, eggs, stew beef. Her treats consist of dried beef esophagus/lungs and dried sweet potato. She'll also eat bok choi if we're having it. No bones as they wear teeth.

Her diet is leagues above other dogs to say the least. This dog would sell my soul for goddamn carrot. It's brutal. Should've seen when she realized carrots came from the garden. Mind BLOWN. She has anxiety but her breed generally does, as for comprehension and just awareness. Its astounding. She knows verbal and hand commands. I can be speaking to someone and all I have to so is snap my fingers them make a certain hand signal without every looking at her. One fun thing is I taught her to sieg heil before she can eat just to piss radical feminist ex off.

As for increasing her appetite. What bugs me is she gets dinner at 6pm ish. Then fed again around 7am. And slowly she's become less interested in eating in the morning. Will sniff it and walk away. Usually if I toss an egg on then she'll got at it so maybe it's just her being a spoiled fuck. Where do you get your cbd from? I've tried sourcing it but so many places either just sell hemp oil or they use GSO as the carrier

Oh OK I see, yeah that is a solid diet too. I misunderstood before.

I feed my dog at 7-8 am and then at 4 pm. Maybe if you fed her dinner earlier she would be hungrier at breakfast?

Is there a certain type of food she doesn't seem to have lost interest in? My dog lost interest in the raw diet we were feeding him. He LOVED it at first and did great on it. Then he stopped wanting breakfast. But he would eat dinner because he was so hungry. Once we switched to this homemade cooked diet ir was hilarious, if he didn't have such distinctive markings I would upload a video, at meal time he wiggles around and wags his tail and rubs his face against our legs and then will stick his face in between ourblegs

I wonder if trying a new food might help? Is there a pattern like kibble in the morning then the other food at night? Sounds like you're already thinking that route since you said she will eat it if you toss an egg in. You could try reducing the kibble by a tad then topping it off with a tbsp of extr virgin olive oil in there for flavor. My dog loves olive oil. I get the Kirkland brand for him (not the Italian stuff. Just the Kirkland Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The mafia runs the olive oil trade in Italy and cuts it and fucks with it pretty bad so I don't get any from Italy.
When our boy had diarrhea we put a teaspoon to a tablespoon of psyllium husk in his food and mixed it in. It really helped to prevent watery stools and pretty much stopped him from getting diarrhea all together.

Not sure if you have heard of it or have ever tried it but if you have not I highly recommend it.

thanks for the advice. I will also try it, too, the puppy had such a problem
Oya I can go over her diet again

I know kibble isn't the best but I stick with the high quality single source brands such as acana

So she gets 3 cups of acana a day, 1.5g of epa/dha. Usually 2 carrots a day. Apples acouple times a week. Broccoli stalks several times a week. She also gets sweet potato, squash, eggs, stew beef. Her treats consist of dried beef esophagus/lungs and dried sweet potato. She'll also eat bok choi if we're having it. No bones as they wear teeth.

Her diet is leagues above other dogs to say the least. This dog would sell my soul for goddamn carrot. It's brutal. Should've seen when she realized carrots came from the garden. Mind BLOWN. She has anxiety but her breed generally does, as for comprehension and just awareness. Its astounding. She knows verbal and hand commands. I can be speaking to someone and all I have to so is snap my fingers them make a certain hand signal without every looking at her. One fun thing is I taught her to sieg heil before she can eat just to piss radical feminist ex off.

As for increasing her appetite. What bugs me is she gets dinner at 6pm ish. Then fed again around 7am. And slowly she's become less interested in eating in the morning. Will sniff it and walk away. Usually if I toss an egg on then she'll got at it so maybe it's just her being a spoiled fuck. Where do you get your cbd from? I've tried sourcing it but so many places either just sell hemp oil or they use GSO as the carrier
my dog is very fond of cheese))) he will sell his soul to the devil for him. This is as a reward. When training I use dried liver
Wow! That is crazy. Poor girl, I had never heard of a dog being allergic to chicken/bird meat. She is a cutie!!

I would say that you'd be just fine making a diet with the primary meat sources being non bird animals. Consider the following ingredients instead:
- Beef
- Lean ground beef
- Lamb
- Goat
- Beef liver/heart for micronutrients
- Sardines/salmon/oysters (I would avoid tuna due to heavy metal bioaccumulation)
- Eggs (can she eat eggs or is she allergic to those?(
- You could look into pork meat - like pork tenderloin maybe?

Different dogs will slow down more in their older age. I noticed my dog start to get more chill when he was about 7 or 8, but he's been steady since then but he still goes strong and can do good long hikes and stuff. I massage his muscles and joints and also have this little "Roller ball massage glove" that he likes a lot for his ribs/sides and back. He gets massages pretty much every day and I try to do things to encourage him to stretch too, like scratching the front of his knee sometimes makes him stretch his iliopsoas muscle well. My dog gets about 16 mgs of CBD with breakfast and dinner. I give him pain medication very rarely as needed for hip pain, but usually I don't give him anything (remember, ibuprofen and a lot of human meds are toxic to dogs or at least are dosed way too high, you need special meds from the vet).

My dog loves to sleep a lot. He is less tolerant of the heat than he used to be and needs more water while we hike. But overall he can still make 3-6 mile hikes up and down the mountain. He was hiking at 10-12,000 feet for miles on our last vacation!

I think one of the best things you can do to keep their energy up is to keep them exercised regularly. Dogs seem to be similar to humans in that they can grow to become lazy. Also my dog almost never ever gets table scraps. If he gets anything it is just some meat, or maybe a little apple or banana, but overfeeding seems to make dogs lazier. We try to never give him anything with sugar in it or anything that is really very sweet. Both for health as well as dental reasons. For his birthday we would get him a cookie made specifically for dogs that has basically no sugar in it.

One last thing, I have been giving my dog C60 for the last couple of years. As in the supplement Carbon 60. I got it from The research into C60's anti-cancer and longevity effects were compelling enough for me to want to give it to my dog. I took it for a while too, but it is SO expensive, so now only he gets it.

I don't know about steroids for the dogs. I know with humans winny causes the joint pain and such so I for sure wouldn't give it to my dog if it does that to dogs too. But idk, I am not sure increasing appetite is the right way to go? Animals that eat less tend to live longer. My dog gets pretty much the same amount of food regardless of whether we sat around all day, walked around our property, or went on a 4 mile hike (although he usually gets extra treats on the hikes so that makes up for some of it). He is not too thin, I would definitely up his food if he started losing weight, but he has stayed basically the same weight since he was about 3 years old.
My dog regares badly to chicken - immediately allergic. Therefore, it does not give anything related to the bird. But lamb, turkey or beef is very good. But everything is not very greasy. As a carbohydrate, usually rice, she is just like me, she loves rice very much))). We give her a lot of activity a day from 15 km to 30 km. Although she loves to be lazy, I support the system and train her constantly)
My dog regares badly to chicken - immediately allergic. Therefore, it does not give anything related to the bird. But lamb, turkey or beef is very good. But everything is not very greasy. As a carbohydrate, usually rice, she is just like me, she loves rice very much))). We give her a lot of activity a day from 15 km to 30 km. Although she loves to be lazy, I support the system and train her constantly)
My dog loves rice too. We give him organic quick cooking oats for his normal meals and he likes that a lot. They don't gum up in the blender when we mix his food together like the rice does. We found mixing his food up in the food processor makes him have better digestion and stool. did don't really chew very well, and I think my dog is worse than some others even.

It was funny watching him eat the rice food, it kept getting stuck to the top of his mouth. That was THE SLOWEST he has ever eaten in his life!! It was hilarious. He must've spent the next 5-10 mins straight just smacking his tongue against the roof of his mouth to try to get the food off
My dog loves rice too. We give him organic quick cooking oats for his normal meals and he likes that a lot. They don't gum up in the blender when we mix his food together like the rice does. We found mixing his food up in the food processor makes him have better digestion and stool. did don't really chew very well, and I think my dog is worse than some others even.

It was funny watching him eat the rice food, it kept getting stuck to the top of his mouth. That was THE SLOWEST he has ever eaten in his life!! It was hilarious. He must've spent the next 5-10 mins straight just smacking his tongue against the roof of his mouth to try to get the food off
You're telling me. I'll give mine steak pieces and she sits there eyes just wide waiting for this delicious steak. I let her take it and boom, gone. Not even an attempt at chewing or enjoying it. It's like what's the point haha.

Damn good thing she's got the pitty neck, I've damn near put my whole hand down her throat trying to give her medication. Shows the trust we have for eachother, she could just snap and my hand would be toast haha
You're telling me. I'll give mine steak pieces and she sits there eyes just wide waiting for this delicious steak. I let her take it and boom, gone. Not even an attempt at chewing or enjoying it. It's like what's the point haha.

Damn good thing she's got the pitty neck, I've damn near put my whole hand down her throat trying to give her medication. Shows the trust we have for eachother, she could just snap and my hand would be toast haha
Lol! My last dog was like that with the meds...this dog doesn't care at all. I just dip it in peanut butter and he is happy. It's just another treat to him!
My dog loves rice too. We give him organic quick cooking oats for his normal meals and he likes that a lot. They don't gum up in the blender when we mix his food together like the rice does. We found mixing his food up in the food processor makes him have better digestion and stool. did don't really chew very well, and I think my dog is worse than some others even.

It was funny watching him eat the rice food, it kept getting stuck to the top of his mouth. That was THE SLOWEST he has ever eaten in his life!! It was hilarious. He must've spent the next 5-10 mins straight just smacking his tongue against the roof of his mouth to try to get the food off
Haha, we have the same story, when our dog eats food from rice))) But what to try organic oats, should you see it or not ?. I will also try to grind food in a blender
You're telling me. I'll give mine steak pieces and she sits there eyes just wide waiting for this delicious steak. I let her take it and boom, gone. Not even an attempt at chewing or enjoying it. It's like what's the point haha.

Damn good thing she's got the pitty neck, I've damn near put my whole hand down her throat trying to give her medication. Shows the trust we have for eachother, she could just snap and my hand would be toast haha
My dog is very indifferent to meat. It seems to be such an appetizing cousse of meat, she sometimes eats it without much admiration, but cheese is direct love))
Lol! My last dog was like that with the meds...this dog doesn't care at all. I just dip it in peanut butter and he is happy. It's just another treat to him!
Uhaha) it's really funny)) I'm laughing out loud)) thanks for the good mood, buddy. Dogs are like children))) so naive)
Haha, we have the same story, when our dog eats food from rice))) But what to try organic oats, should you see it or not ?. I will also try to grind food in a blender
We use the quick cooking oats, not nornal whole oats. Whole oats would probably be fine, but might be a little harder to digest? Just my guess though, I am not totally sure on that. Either way they are a lot easier to cook, just add some boiling water or microwave for a couple mins. Whole oats take a lot longer.

We use a spatula (like a spatula for mixing, not a turner for flipping eggs/using in a skillet) with a flat side to get the food out all the way. He licks his bowl COMPLETELY clean every meal now lol ;)
We use the quick cooking oats, not nornal whole oats. Whole oats would probably be fine, but might be a little harder to digest? Just my guess though, I am not totally sure on that. Either way they are a lot easier to cook, just add some boiling water or microwave for a couple mins. Whole oats take a lot longer.

We use a spatula (like a spatula for mixing, not a turner for flipping eggs/using in a skillet) with a flat side to get the food out all the way. He licks his bowl COMPLETELY clean every meal now lol ;)
I think whole grain oats will be more difficult for a dog's digestive tract. An easily digestible version, I think it would be better
Our 1 and a 1/2 year old American Bulldog Cooper is no longer with us as of 3:30PM MST today. He was the best fucking dog ever and it broke our hearts but we decided the best thing to do was put him to sleep. He suffered extensive damage due to grand mal seizures and cluster seizures to the point where he wasn't behaving as himself anymore and his seizures were getting progressively worse over time.

It was so damn hard to see him go and one of the most emotionally draining experiences I've ever had. My wife and I have been balling our eyes out all day and its so quiet in the house now. I miss him so fucking much its crazy. I feel like he will pop around the corner any minute with his tongue hanging out...

You will be missed Cooper. RIP Love you with all my heart buddy.

July 9th 2020 - January 1st 2022
