Or Driada can just send their products to Jano in the first instance?

Noticed you're also another new account with barely any posts.
just a satisfied customer, driada is the only source i’ve found so far that tests their product and will ship to Iceland :)
Goood morning, Gentlemen!

Hope you doing fine and if you would like to add NPP to your cycle , we made a test

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate batch no 981952


What is the point of this? Is it an argument or another hysteric-girl attempt to get attention?

As I see your interest in Driada is very personal - are you one of these #metoo brawlers? Ok, don't answer... I see your pain.

Resorting to misogyny is not a good look

I'm allowed to take the piss out of your 'lab testing' if I like. Just doing my part for harm reduction.
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Resorting to misogyny is not a good look

I'm allowed to take the piss out of your 'lab testing' if I like. Just doing my part for harm prevention.
Is a dislike for you - misogyny? So I was right about coming-out!!!! She/they?;)

Do the blind test in the lab you like, otherwise, it looks like you FORCING us to use Jano lab. And we will not.

your endless attempts to moan without any logical argument looks like personal interest. no harm prevention - just money was sent in the wrong lab?
You making bad service to his business. I am sure that the strength of Jano's laboratory is expertise and accuracy, BUT not screaming hysterical spammer-bitches on the Internet.

This adds to the desire to find another, even more, exotic laboratory next time just to send you the middle finger.

Even if you do something even more stupid to get attention, you can't reverse the fact that this is independent lab testing and previous tests from Jano and other labs showed almost the same results.

And you have not even one argument against it.

People know our quality and the results of our business are a direct indicator.

And you can cry for being insulted by "misogyny".:cool:

Resorting to misogyny is not a good look

I'm allowed to take the piss out of your 'lab testing' if I like. Just doing my part for harm reduction.
And if we talk about "misogyny" issue here, seriously - there is a big difference in how women and men communicate.

Women express emotions - for them this is the main thing.

Men use fists or logic to argue.

I asked - what are your arguments that the good tests from this laboratory were obtained by corruption.

And you don't express anything but your stupid emotions, so it seems to me that I'm talking to #METOO activist, but not a man.

Here is my LOGICAL rationale.

best regards!
And if we talk about "misogyny" issue here, seriously - there is a big difference in how women and men communicate.

Women express emotions - for them this is the main thing.

Men use fists or logic to argue.

I asked - what are your arguments that the good tests from this laboratory were obtained by corruption.

And you don't express anything but your stupid emotions, so it seems to me that I'm talking to #METOO activist, but not a man.

Here is my LOGICAL rationale.

best regards!
Please stop deflecting with your silly deflection tactics, just focus on doing what’s right and listen to the feedback rather than doubling down and talking about bloody Jordon Peterson You still can’t answer why you can’t make a proper dosed test cyp so there’s no chance of you gaining the reputation of a solid source when you only want to shine light on your areas of strength and nitty titty deflect when posed reasonable questions,

Please stop deflecting with your silly deflection tactics, just focus on doing what’s right and listen to the feedback rather than doubling down and talking about bloody Jordon Peterson You still can’t answer why you can’t make a proper dosed test cyp so there’s no chance of you gaining the reputation of a solid source when you only want to shine light on your areas of strength and nitty titty deflect when posed reasonable questions,


So, someone has a right to order which laboratories are correct and which are not?

The most that he can do is to express his opinion, and it was heard.

The guy went over the line and got the answer.

If growing up means being tolerant of pushy and stupid people, I'd rather be a kid.

you only want to shine light on your areas of strength
Our areas of strength are obvious, and criticism is welcome. however, it should be reasonable and argued right, but the main argument there is the hysterical nature of my opponent and, possibly, some kind of commercial interest. but I have no proof, and therefore I do not affirm it.
If being an adult is taking any stupidity seriously, then I'd rather be a kid.

You still can’t answer why you can’t make a proper dosed test cyp
Yes, I cannot answer this question as well as other questions that were not asked.

Answering unasked questions is a symptom of a schizophrenic nature, which, oddly enough, but correlates to "growing up", but to its most extreme "growing up" stage, which in medicine is called dementia :D

as a brand, we are quite transparent and provide comprehensive information on our drugs so that a thinking person can draw a conclusion. 10-15 mg of test C underdose is critical for you? so choose other products instead. all information is displayed. Therefore, even if a person is very stupid, he cannot say that he did not know her.

Moreover, we are attentive to the opinions of our customers(and this guy is not), but when a person from the street starts obsessively ordering us how to conduct business, I cannot stay calm.

I think you understand me

Thanks for your advice, anyway, sir!

So, someone has a right to order which laboratories are correct and which are not?

The most that he can do is to express his opinion, and it was heard.

The guy went over the line and got the answer.

If growing up means being tolerant of pushy and stupid people, I'd rather be a kid.

Our areas of strength are obvious, and criticism is welcome. however, it should be reasonable and argued right, but the main argument there is the hysterical nature of my opponent and, possibly, some kind of commercial interest. but I have no proof, and therefore I do not affirm it.
If being an adult is taking any stupidity seriously, then I'd rather be a kid.

Yes, I cannot answer this question as well as other questions that were not asked.

Answering unasked questions is a symptom of a schizophrenic nature, which, oddly enough, but correlates to "growing up", but to its most extreme "growing up" stage, which in medicine is called dementia :D

as a brand, we are quite transparent and provide comprehensive information on our drugs so that a thinking person can draw a conclusion. 10-15 mg of test C underdose is critical for you? so choose other products instead. all information is displayed. Therefore, even if a person is very stupid, he cannot say that he did not know her.

Moreover, we are attentive to the opinions of our customers(and this guy is not), but when a person from the street starts obsessively ordering us how to conduct business, I cannot stay calm.

I think you understand me

Thanks for your advice, anyway, sir!
“Quite transparent “

That’s like being “mostly honest”

You’ve been asked about your underdosed test cyp product numerous times going back dozens and dozens of pages.

Yes the fact you can’t dose your test cyp correctly (A very basic steroid) concerns me when you make things like T3/T4 blend (Which you still haven’t posted labs for) and also Clen (Your first batch was very very overdosed)

You resort to insulting customers who ask the REAL straight to the point questions and you resort to complete jibberish ,slights and outright rudeness instead of saying “You know what you’re right we fucked up and next time we are going to ensure this doesn’t happen again and we’ll be able to objectively prove this”

YOU came into this arena with your fancy video stating the level of quality and production you wanted to bring to the table, YOU no one else YOU.

Don’t get pissy when we hold you to that standard.

You have an opportunity right now to move forward improving the areas which you’re not the most transparent on don’t throw that opportunity in the bin as it will result in more customers, more trust and more revenue for you.
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“Quite transparent “

That’s like being “mostly honest”

You’ve been asked about your underdosed test cyp product numerous times going back dozens and dozens of pages.

Yes the fact you can’t dose your test cyp correctly (A very basic steroid) concerns me when you make things like T3/T4 blend (Which you still haven’t posted labs for) and also Clen (Your first batch was very very overdosed)

You resort to insulting customers who ask the REAL straight to the point questions and you resort to complete jibberish ,slights and outright rudeness instead of saying “You know what you’re right we fucked up and next time we are going to ensure this doesn’t happen again and we’ll be able to objectively prove this”

YOU came into this arena with your fancy video stating the level of quality and production you wanted to bring to the table, YOU no one else YOU.

Don’t get pissy when we hold you to that standard.

You have an opportunity right now to move forward improving the areas which you’re not the most transparent on don’t throw that opportunity in the bin as it will result in more customers, more trust and more revenue for you.
Sir, be more specific and dont blur the topic of conversation.

Perhaps in the context of the question about the laboratory, I should answer a few more questions about family, politics and cooking(and every possible question)?

It was a specific question and a specific answer was received.

Asking in the context of one question about another is inappropriate. This betrays the absence of specific claims, but the presence of hidden motives and emotions.

Directness is an important quality for a man:

Curious about cypionate? ask this question!
Don't like our cypionate? You always has a choice!

The fact is that our business is quite honest, and there are no arguments against it.


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To order Accutadyn, Yohimbinos and Sartanos with a discount, check the coupon code at our TG channel https://t.me/driadamedicaleu ... or ask me in PM
another order from Driada, thx for black friday sale. at the moment im on rest, the "gear" is for further use . this is my third order from Driada. delivery took 7-8 days from order was placed...
another order from Driada, thx for black friday sale. at the moment im on rest, the "gear" is for further use . this is my third order from Driada. delivery took 7-8 days from order was placed...
View attachment 176080

I think we just got a lesson in anarcho-capitalism in action.:D
There was a while before I noticed the flag. This is the greatest trolling of 2022 on this thread...no comment)


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