Thank you!
No, we are not a registered company, we are UGL, but we try to ensure that the production process meets high quality standards. And these are not just words.
For example, we test raw materials every time before producing a product, so we fully control the concentration of the active substance. Therefore, any complaints about underdose will always be ignored. Any blind test shows the presence of the required amount of active substance. There hasn't been a single bad lab test yet.
We also use only pharmaceutical glass and we purchase all components for tablets and oil preparations from certified official manufacturers in Europe.
We purchase raw materials directly from an official factory in China that produces raw materials for many official drug manufacturers.
In addition, the laboratory is equipped with all the necessary equipment, which must be according to all standards of the pharmaceutical industry (we created transfer windows, installed a deep water purification system, automatic UV lamps for disinfection of premises, units for sterile entrance to laboratory, laminars, etc.)