European Pharmaceuticals

He was so kind and sent me Telmisartan with a lower dosage per tab. So just ask him if got something left of them.
A sorry I mixed up two drugs I got from him.
They are not breakable regarding to package insert.
But just ask him. Usually he can offer different dosages.
Hello everyone, this is my honest review. I bought one bottle of Tamoxifen February 2nd with an original eta of 13 days. Once that original deadline passed, I would check in with him routinely and the only responses I’d get would be “check back in with me tomorrow sir when I go to the post office” or “check back in ____ days and I’ll have a better idea” but he’d never reach back out to me and when I’d hound him down I’d just receive another reply like the previous two he’d never have an answer. He said it could take up to a month because I do understand that times are crazy but now that it has been 5 weeks I have formally requested a refund but I am dealing with issues there too. I paid 0.00170311 BTC and he only returned 0.00113726 BTC (the current value of the $ amount). That is not how this works and I will explain that now. Say the value of the dollar decreased by half meaning $50 now has the purchasing power of 25$ even though it is $50 numerically. If I bought an item for $50 before the devaluation and then returned the item I'm not going to ask that $100 be return to me which would be equal to the old purchasing power $50 that would be ridiculous. In the same way it is completely unreasonable for me to ask for more, it is completely unreasonable for him to give back less. I gave him 0.00170311, in this example the $50, and regardless of what the value does going up or down he should return that same 0.00170311, that same figurative $50. Right now he is profiting 0.00056585 ($31 which is half of the order amount) refusing to refund the full amount and it is stealing because I have not received any deliverable from him. I was going to say a positive in that his response time is quick but now that I have brought this refund issue to his attention he attacked my economic situation and called me a social justice warrior when it is about morals and proper business standards. I don’t believe in handing people free money when they have either done nothing or not delivered on their service. I feel like that’s reasonable. I've seen plenty of people have great experiences but unfortunately this is my honest experience and I hope it helps some out.
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His price are in $ not in btc. If he had the price in btc then to return the amount you gave would be correct but is in $
So even if the price go up or down is not about btc is about $ value.
He gave you the equal value of 50$ at today price so is something fair

He has done something right not seeing any issues. As long as the price are in $ you report to the $ prices not the btc amount
The currency is dollar not btc
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Hello everyone, this is my honest review. I bought one bottle of Tamoxifen February 2nd with an original eta of 13 days. Once that original deadline passed, I would check in with him routinely and the only responses I’d get would be “check back in with me tomorrow sir when I go to the post office” or “check back in ____ days and I’ll have a better idea” but he’d never reach back out to me and when I’d hound him down I’d just receive another reply like the previous two he’d never have an answer. He said it could take up to a month because I do understand that times are crazy but now that it has been 5 weeks I have formally requested a refund but I am dealing with issues there too. I paid 0.00170311 BTC and he only returned 0.00113726 BTC (the current value of the $ amount). That is not how this works and I will explain that now. Say the value of the dollar decreased by half meaning $50 now has the purchasing power of 25$ even though it is $50 numerically. If I bought an item for $50 before the devaluation and then returned the item I'm not going to ask that $100 be return to me which would be equal to the old purchasing power $50 that would be ridiculous. In the same way it is completely unreasonable for me to ask for more, it is completely unreasonable for him to give back less. I gave him 0.00170311, in this example the $50, and regardless of what the value does going up or down he should return that same 0.00170311, that same figurative $50. Right now he is profiting 0.00056585 ($31 which is half of the order amount) refusing to refund the full amount and it is stealing because I have not received any deliverable from him. I was going to say a positive in that his response time is quick but now that I have brought this refund issue to his attention he attacked my economic situation and called me a social justice warrior when it is about morals and proper business standards. I don’t believe in handing people free money when they have either done nothing or not delivered on their service. I feel like that’s reasonable. I've seen plenty of people have great experiences but unfortunately this is my honest experience and I hope it helps some out.
I don’t see your economic point reasonable at all.
If i give some 50 dollars I expect 50 dollars back, that’s it, you are buying a product with BTC, but you are using what BTC costed AT THAT TIME, you guys are not sharing stocks legally, that’s a transaction not an investment.
I don’t see your economic point reasonable at all.
If i give some 50 dollars I expect 50 dollars back, that’s it, you are buying a product with BTC, but you are using what BTC costed AT THAT TIME, you guys are not sharing stocks legally, that’s a transaction not an investment.
We have settled everything. He has returned the full amount and if the package arrives he'll get delivery notice and I will send a picture confirming delivery and the full amount back to honor our agreement.

That is my point exactly it is a transaction not an investment. A transaction of 0.00170311 BTC is not an investment so him returning only 0.00113726 would've been treating it as an investment pocketing money through value growth. I am treating it as a transaction like your point states it was a transaction of 0.00170311 not a PayPal of $60. I gave 0.00170311 so I expect 0.00170311 back that is word for word the same as "If i give some 50 dollars I expect 50 dollars back".
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If the btc would has drop 50% you will request the amount of btc of the current value?

Is a transaction and the transaction is in dollars but the way of payment is in btc. You give him the amount that required at that time and he give back the amount that required 50$ worth at current time.
Price are in $ not btc. Btc is a way of payment but currency is $ value price are quoted in $ not btc
I see the problem at you not at him. Your logic is off.
He has proceeded to return the full amount which settles everything between us but that is point exactly it is a transaction not an investment. A transaction of 0.00170311 BTC is not an investment so him returning only 0.00113726 would've been treating it as an investment pocketing money through value growth. I am treating it as a transaction like your point states it was a transaction of 0.00170311 not a PayPal of $60. I gave 0.00170311 so I expect 0.00170311 back that is word for word the same as "If i give some 50 dollars I expect 50 dollars back".
That settles everything in your point of view only. I my oppinion you are a reverse scammer.
I dont go openly on the forums often but your behaviour made me write here.
I have asked for 60 usd. Dollars. Ok?
When you sent the 60 usd you opened the btc wallet, clicked send, put the btc address where you were sending AND THEN THE AMOUNT - 60 USD.
You give 0.00170311 because at that time that was worth 50$ and he give back 0.00113726 because now that is the worth 50$. Prices are in $ not btc so yes as he said you are a scammer or just not intelligent at all
In my last order he literally wrote “54 euros”, he didn’t asked for a specific BTC amount, so yeah basically @pcpcpc you are a scammer or your head is a bit fucked up.
Meso is for defending the customers against the sources, but from time to time some members can or will act worse than a source.
Like I said in my previous comment we have settled everything as he issued the appropriate full refund. This was in no way meant to be slander just my honest experience to inform other buyers. I don't need to continue to try to justify correct economic thinking to those who don't understand money nor do I need to defend my bad experience I am just sharing as thats what a forum or board is about. Thankfully you all had good ones. He knows it was right and refunded the amount. Have a nice day everyone and stay safe!
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Like I said in my previous comment we have settled everything as he issued the appropriate full refund. This was in no way meant to be slander just my honest experience to inform other buyers. I don't need to continue to try justify correct economic thinking to those who clearly don't understand money/are clearly accounts of the supplier nor do I need to defend my bad experience I am just sharing as thats what a forum/board is about. He knows it was right and refunded the amount. Have a nice day everyone and stay safe!
Clearly you have issues...
I told you in the email I am giving you 100 because it seems you need it more than I do. I explained you the same thing others say so this makes them my accounts?
Go seek help... Really. You start offending me kid... You got your 40 dollars, you made profit-such a business man!- now beat it.

7 years here and I was never accused of something like that... Not once!
Like I said in my previous comment we have settled everything as he issued the appropriate full refund. This was in no way meant to be slander just my honest experience to inform other buyers. I don't need to continue to try justify correct economic thinking to those who clearly don't understand money/are clearly accounts of the supplier nor do I need to defend my bad experience I am just sharing as thats what a forum/board is about. He knows it was right and refunded the amount. Have a nice day everyone and stay safe!
To inform other buyers how you do the scam or?
He did gave you what you have asked not because you are right but because he doesn't wanted to continue the argument with a idiot.

Once again you gave you 50$ worth at that time he gave you 50$ worth at current time. Prices are in $ not in btc. Btc is a way of payment but the prices are quoted in $ so that is what you have to report to
Same as that guy who pay pizza with btc he gave 10000 btc but the worth was 20$ at that time

Board is to reduce harm not to scam sources or the other way around
You al need to educate yourself on basic micro and macro principles including time value of money. Yes his prices were in $ but we paid in BTC so i paid 0.00170311 that was the transaction. Whether it went up or down or stayed the same the full refund amount is 0.00170311. If this was done after a week yes a scam but he said one month was the longest and its been 5 weeks with no product I'm very reasonably asking for a refund. Have a nice day everyone
Clearly a idiot or a poor guy who better do something to do some money not scam. I hope you will pay for doctors with that 40$.

Transaction was 50$ worth of btc and he gave you the same amount. Here we are dealing with $,€,£ not btc,ltc,eth or other crypto. The currency quoted is $ not btc and the refund is in $. Btc is a way of payment but the amount is in $ value at that time
You al need to educate yourself on basic micro and macro principles including time value of money. Yes his prices were in $ but we paid in BTC so i paid 0.00170311 that was the transaction. Whether it went up or down or stayed the same the full refund amount is 0.00170311. If this was done after a week yes a scam but he said one month was the longest and its been 5 weeks with no product I'm very reasonably asking for a refund. Have a nice day everyone
No shit!!!
Go check other threads, see actuall shipping times. Inform yourself. Be connected and learn. It is possible you might be wrong. I cant wait to see delivery confirmations soon and see what you are going to do with your macro and micro principles...
Like I said in my previous comment we have settled everything as he issued the appropriate full refund. This was in no way meant to be slander just my honest experience to inform other buyers. I don't need to continue to try to justify correct economic thinking to those who don't understand money nor do I need to defend my bad experience I am just sharing as thats what a forum or board is about. Thankfully you all had good ones. He knows it was right and refunded the amount. Have a nice day everyone and stay safe!
Yeah and you made money while he lost money. Every source here sells in dollars not btc. You're a fucking scammer.
I’m sorry you all feel so negatively that I had a bad experience I’m jealous you all had good experiences I ordered because of all the good reviews I’m just sharing mine. I was told my product would be here after 13-14 days and when that didn’t arrive every couple of days I was told to wait until eventually I was told a month would be the maximum wait delay during hectic times. It would be a scam if I waited a couple days then requested a refund but it has now been 5 weeks with no delivery so I am reasonably requesting a refund. Now I will explain the refund amount one last time. Yes the prices were in dollars if I sent a PayPal of $60 I’d expect $60 back. Although the prices were stated in dollars the transaction was done in BTC. A transaction of 0.00170311 was done so in result I expect the transaction amount back. You all are saying not to treat is as an investment and that is exactly what I’m saying as well. I paid him 0.00170311 that is the objective amount. With what he was giving he was sending 0.00056585 less than what I gave him treating it as an investment making a $35 profit. Again he says customer service is his top priority but when I have issues and share them he along with you all attack my character, tell me to seek help, call me a scammer all using the ad hominem logical fallacy, and he assumes my financial situation and tries to attack it. This has only been blown out of proportion by you all for being upset by an honest experience and for his reluctance to refund the full amount. When I paid 0.00170311, the objective amount, and I haven’t received my order after 5 weeks I expect a refund of 0.00170311. This isn’t about me scraping for $35 but I did request a full refund because I don’t think you failing to deliver your product nor your mandatory customer service email responses deserves a $35 service charge which is essentially what you did refunding me 0.00056585 short of what I paid you because you are treating it like an investment not an objective amount. Or rather, to use your language, I didn’t get my product so I don’t feel like getting scammed out of 0.00056585 when I paid you 0.00170311. The transaction was done in BTC the transaction receipt says 0.00170311 BTC. I hope this clears everything up to all those upset and to the rest of you reading obviously there have been plenty of great ones and this has continued to be mine. Again have a great day everyone
If my product was seized I would’ve gotten it sent again anyway I just don’t want to continue to do business so I am requesting the refund.
Probably anyone with half of brain he will see things as they are.
Transaction is in dollars and the way of payment is btc but the price that everyone is working is $,€. No one cares the amount of btc but the value that amount have in $. You gave 50$ worth of btc he gave you back 50$ worth of btc. The way of payment is btc but the currency that we all talk about is $. Full refund is in $ because he is working in $
You make yourself look like a scammer pice of shit that you are with your story and with your micro macro economy.
But yeah congrats you made 40$ while source lost 40$ because he and everyone else is working in $.Real investor out there