Pharmacist pm'd me and asked me to have a look at what's going down here.
I'll qualify my statement/answer by stating that I have openly disagreed with Pharmacist in regards to how a situation with a customer living in the USA who had placed an order with Pharmacist. The situation had to do with tracking the order.
Pharmacist and I respect each other enough to set aside our feelings about a situation and try our best to understand why the other believes what he does.
@pcpcpc, a rational person would sit back and wonder why it is that nobody else believes he is correct in the stance he is taking.
Your not being able to believe it possible that you may be wrong here speaks to your arrogance which is only surpassed by your immaturity.
I challenge you to find anyone, anywhere, who will side with you here. It won't happen.
If you seriously believe your correct here I have to believe your life, up to this point, has been confusing and daily life a daunting and frustrating chore.
We shouldn't be where we are with you and your nonsense because your request or demand for a refund should not have been entertained in the first place. 5 weeks for an international order is about halfway to where I would first make contact about a refund. This is all for naught. Why? Because your order will be delivered to you. You're lack of experience in ordering from any company or entity outside of the country you reside is partly to blame for your unreasonable position.
You are just plain wrong. When you refuse to make good with this man we'll all see you for what you are.
If you have a presence on any other board/forum in our Community you would be blackballed from ordering from any and all sources.
I'm quite sure I won't be able to find you elsewhere. If I can find you, once this thread is seen, you' re days of being able to place orders are done.
You're ripping this vendor off. Its that simple.