European Pharmaceuticals

at this point i would almost suggest @pharmacist to post his name/address in order to save other honest sources trouble but i guess this would take it too far.
Sad that someone gets away with such a behavior.. and like @biggerben69 said, he will probably also receive what he orders in addition...
Probably anyone with half of brain he will see things as they are.
Transaction is in dollars and the way of payment is btc but the price that everyone is working is $,€. No one cares the amount of btc but the value that amount have in $. You gave 50$ worth of btc he gave you back 50$ worth of btc. The way of payment is btc but the currency that we all talk about is $. Full refund is in $ because he is working in $
You make yourself look like a scammer pice of shit that you are with your story and with your micro macro economy.
But yeah congrats you made 40$ while source lost 40$ because he and everyone else is working in $.Real investor out there
Lmao dude, if the price of BTC had gone down you would never be arguing for this. Your logic holds no water, stop whining
Lmao dude, if the price of BTC had gone down you would never be arguing for this. Your logic holds no water, stop whining
Who whining dude?
I tried to explain to that idiot many times how things are. If btc goes up or down doesn't matter because we talk dollars here not satoshi
Don't understand what are you referring
Pharmacist pm'd me and asked me to have a look at what's going down here.
I'll qualify my statement/answer by stating that I have openly disagreed with Pharmacist in regards to how a situation with a customer living in the USA who had placed an order with Pharmacist. The situation had to do with tracking the order.
Pharmacist and I respect each other enough to set aside our feelings about a situation and try our best to understand why the other believes what he does.

@pcpcpc, a rational person would sit back and wonder why it is that nobody else believes he is correct in the stance he is taking.
Your not being able to believe it possible that you may be wrong here speaks to your arrogance which is only surpassed by your immaturity.
I challenge you to find anyone, anywhere, who will side with you here. It won't happen.
If you seriously believe your correct here I have to believe your life, up to this point, has been confusing and daily life a daunting and frustrating chore.

We shouldn't be where we are with you and your nonsense because your request or demand for a refund should not have been entertained in the first place. 5 weeks for an international order is about halfway to where I would first make contact about a refund. This is all for naught. Why? Because your order will be delivered to you. You're lack of experience in ordering from any company or entity outside of the country you reside is partly to blame for your unreasonable position.
You are just plain wrong. When you refuse to make good with this man we'll all see you for what you are.
If you have a presence on any other board/forum in our Community you would be blackballed from ordering from any and all sources.
I'm quite sure I won't be able to find you elsewhere. If I can find you, once this thread is seen, you' re days of being able to place orders are done.
You're ripping this vendor off. Its that simple.

Good to see you around Bigben
Hope all is well

Love reading your novels brother

Lmao dude, if the price of BTC had gone down you would never be arguing for this. Your logic holds no water, stop whining

Lol, you're going after ththe guy who was explaining to the idiot that he was wrong.

Go back
Quote the right guy and proceed bro
Who whining dude?
I tried to explain to that idiot many times how things are. If btc goes up or down doesn't matter because we talk dollars here not satoshi
Don't understand what are you referring

He just went after you like you were the idiot

Instead of you actually being the guy who tried to explain to the idiot why he is wrong.

@pcpcpc you are an extreme idiot. I can’t believe someone would bring a complaint like this to pharmacist thread. If you are not aware delivery times are extremely long right now, I orders from him a couple months ago and took 6-7 weeks. Didn’t have a worry in my soul whatsoever because myself and everyone else has had nothing but pleasant experiences with pharmacist. You my friend are an impatient child and should not be dabbling in this game in the first place. Never would I have thought I would stick up for a source but pharmacist has done me right every single (maybe a couple dozen) time so I’ll stick up for him.
Lol my bad guys yes didn’t mean that to Nilatac

Despite the error, you and someone else brought up an interesting point.

Had his $50 in BTC (or whatever he spent) devalued to $10, and Pharmacist sent him that amount as a refund, the dude would be livid and calling Pharmacist a scammer. Guaranteed.

Fuck that dude. Fuck his Nolvadex and fuck his swollen bitch tits.
Been doing business with this man for about 4 plus yrs never an issue. Never a seizure either. I put the order in and forget about it. Some time passes and behold my friend from over the pond has came through again, like always.

This guy @pharmacist is genuine.

Got another incoming order for your brother, keep your email open @pharmacist :)
You have a amount of btc because that is the way of payment and crypto is volatile. One day 100$ btc worth more or less the other day and that's why we talk dollars. Everyone works with $ not crypto. Crypto is a way of payment. 50$ worth you gave 50$ worth you should received but you are a scammer and you received 100$

Once again currency is $ and in that currency we make payments not satoshi. If he listed prices in crypto then yes but is $.
Crypto is a way of payment and the currency is $. We gave a equal amount of crypto that worth the requested $ value at that day because here we talk dollars
But congrats for scamming and making yourself look like a stupid pice of shit. Anyone will agree with this

Thank you all for your oppinion!

Best Regards
Pharmacist pm'd me and asked me to have a look at what's going down here.
I'll qualify my statement/answer by stating that I have openly disagreed with Pharmacist in regards to how a situation with a customer living in the USA who had placed an order with Pharmacist. The situation had to do with tracking the order.
Pharmacist and I respect each other enough to set aside our feelings about a situation and try our best to understand why the other believes what he does.

@pcpcpc, a rational person would sit back and wonder why it is that nobody else believes he is correct in the stance he is taking.
Your not being able to believe it possible that you may be wrong here speaks to your arrogance which is only surpassed by your immaturity.
I challenge you to find anyone, anywhere, who will side with you here. It won't happen.
If you seriously believe your correct here I have to believe your life, up to this point, has been confusing and daily life a daunting and frustrating chore.

We shouldn't be where we are with you and your nonsense because your request or demand for a refund should not have been entertained in the first place. 5 weeks for an international order is about halfway to where I would first make contact about a refund. This is all for naught. Why? Because your order will be delivered to you. You're lack of experience in ordering from any company or entity outside of the country you reside is partly to blame for your unreasonable position.
You are just plain wrong. When you refuse to make good with this man we'll all see you for what you are.
If you have a presence on any other board/forum in our Community you would be blackballed from ordering from any and all sources.
I'm quite sure I won't be able to find you elsewhere. If I can find you, once this thread is seen, you' re days of being able to place orders are done.
You're ripping this vendor off. Its that simple.

Thank you very much @biggerben69 . You know I value your oppinion and accept it even if its different of mine as in the past. You have all my respect.

Best Regards


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