ExpressPCT- US and international generic pharma

Yeah, because you said you bought all the last batch, but I got 6 which were from the 2101 batch
If you don't have any more I can send it, provided that you pay Jano
Correction: The wise Janoshik has messaged to provide us with some insight -

1. That is correct, extremely overdosed Clomiphene for that particular batch.

2. I am completely sure about this! Just 1 tablet was tested but it states 139.75mg.
It is pretty much 100 mg pharma clomid and that's it. (100 mg clomiphene ~= 140 mg of clomiphene citrate)

3. That could be true, we will look to see if we can test a second pill to check your suspicion.
I don't think it is due to inconsistency, but due to above.

I think that the manufacturer (stupidly) assumed that clomiphene is 50% mix of enclomiphene and zuclomiphene so they just relabelled 100 mg clomid and sold as "50 mg enclomiphene equivalent" - notice the wordplay with equivalent. I remember something like that being on the blister.

Feel free to quote me on this, I just figured I'd PM the info to you first.

This would indicate it could represent a larger amount of batches, we will discuss further and post more soon!

Any discount code available for a potential first time buyer? How's your stealth BTW?


We do not really stealth packages unless they are from the "EU Warehouse" which is managed by Deus Medical.

The reason is that the packages have such low seizures rate that we believe in most cases it adds unnecessary effort.

Any update or timeline estimate as to when you guys will be able to offer bpc-157 and other peptides? I remember speaking to a rep a few months ago who mentioned you guys were working on it
Any update or timeline estimate as to when you guys will be able to offer bpc-157 and other peptides? I remember speaking to a rep a few months ago who mentioned you guys were working on it


We could probably stock these any time in our warehouses, the issue is actually with handling the load and also estimating the demand for the product.

Our UK warehouse likely could handle it, as could our India warehouse but our USA warehouses are going through a lot of restructuring (Changing partners, moving warehouses) and I don't believe our US warehouse could handle it for another month.

i made a domestic u.s. order from the website,email said it shipped on the 30th of may,its june 9th and still havent received my order.can someone tell me how long it takes from the website/expresspct
i made a domestic u.s. order from the website,email said it shipped on the 30th of may,its june 9th and still havent received my order.can someone tell me how long it takes from the website/expresspct

I never got an email showing shipped. Just that it was completed. That was on the 29th of May. Still waiting.


This is linked to my above post where I mentioned our US warehouses are undergoing restructuring. It is difficult to explain in depth how our warehouses work without comprising security but a large amount of US domestic orders are being reshipped.

Just email our team and they will assist!

Regarding the email showing it shipped - That is the completed email, if you order from another warehouse this would usually contain a tracking number.


This is linked to my above post where I mentioned our US warehouses are undergoing restructuring. It is difficult to explain in depth how our warehouses work without comprising security but a large amount of US domestic orders are being reshipped.

Just email our team and they will assist!

Regarding the email showing it shipped - That is the completed email, if you order from another warehouse this would usually contain a tracking number.

Opened a ticket up this morning. Waiting to see how they respond.
I don’t think you get a tracking number for us domestic shipping. I could be wrong in that one though…
You may very well be right, I’m in Canada and order from the EU warehouse, it’s still pretty quick, but I know I get 3 emails, 1 says order received, one says confirmed after the payment is accepted and whatever, and the third says shipped, and in my case near the top there will be a little link to track on all track or track 17 or something.. either way, if you got the 3rd email saying shipped(/w or /wo tracking) you’ll know it’s shipped.
You may very well be right, I’m in Canada and order from the EU warehouse, it’s still pretty quick, but I know I get 3 emails, 1 says order received, one says confirmed after the payment is accepted and whatever, and the third says shipped, and in my case near the top there will be a little link to track on all track or track 17 or something.. either way, if you got the 3rd email saying shipped(/w or /wo tracking) you’ll know it’s shipped.
How long was this. Been over a week since I paid and not received email saying shipped
I never got an email showing shipped. My order status just shows completed. Still waiting for a response to the ticket I opened this morning. Maybe they can help clear this up.
I never got an email showing shipped. My order status just shows completed. Still waiting for a response to the ticket I opened this morning. Maybe they can help clear this up.
I would contact customer service, it doesn’t sound like it’s been shipped than.