ExpressPCT- US and international generic pharma

6 1/2 weeks and counting... pharmacom beat them to the finish line lol

I am sorry for that, the average is 30 days but it is also very random and too dependent on factors we can't control. Even if we ship next day there is no guarantee it will arrive before the package we ship 5 days after it as customs may process cargo faster than others.

Some even report getting their packages in 12-15 days and this is where NYC ISC processes instantly on what I assume is not a very busy day but then there are cases where some take 6 weeks and if Chicago ISC where they have taken 3 months.

I am sorry for that, the average is 30 days but it is also very random and too dependent on factors we can't control. Even if we ship next day there is no guarantee it will arrive before the package we ship 5 days after it as customs may process cargo faster than others.

Some even report getting their packages in 12-15 days and this is where NYC ISC processes instantly on what I assume is not a very busy day but then there are cases where some take 6 weeks and if Chicago ISC where they have taken 3 months.


The domestic turn around is great.
@ExpressPCT when are you going to announce new goodies in the domestic candy store?
The domestic turn around is great.
@ExpressPCT when are you going to announce new goodies in the domestic candy store?

On the way to USA we have

Anaridex 1 (Arimidex)
Xmalon 25 (Aromasin)
Telmaheal 80 (Telmisartan)
Signatret 20 (Accutane)
Iverheal 12 (Ivermectin)
Clenbut 40mcg (Clenbuterol)

All are expected to arrive within 2 weeks provided nothing goes wrong!
My order got canceled after I paid for it. Has this ever happened to anyone? I use Litecoin and paid pretty much as soon as I made the order and the transaction went through fast. I logged on today and my order is showing canceled but no one has contacted me or given a refund.
My order got canceled after I paid for it. Has this ever happened to anyone? I use Litecoin and paid pretty much as soon as I made the order and the transaction went through fast. I logged on today and my order is showing canceled but no one has contacted me or given a refund.

Names are not attached to crypto addresses and so there is no way to know who sends what, you would need to contact us. There is also no way to automatically process crypto refunds as crypto is anonymous.

If it was cancelled by our system it is because the exact amount our system asked for was not send, this can be an underpayment and overpayment.

I made quite a large order from you guys in March and when my package got seized (which was supposed to be less than a 1% chance but lucky me I guess) I was given a reshipment around June.

People are complaining about 4 weeks of waiting? Its been 4 months since my package has been shipped and it has not moved from customs (6 months if you count the original package).

Now I come back and look at the forums, and now you guys refuse to sell ampules international to the USA because "it is to high of a risk for the seller and buyer" and the likelihood of it passing customs is virtually non existent.

I do not understand how not even a few weeks ago with my inquiry about my package not arriving in a timely fashion due to USA customs being strict and asking for some form of compensation I was brushed off and told it was completely normal, and that the USA is NOT a strict country when it comes to customs. Now conveniently the USA is considered such a high risk of selling ampules to it that you guys simply refuse to even attempt to do it anymore. Sounds like pretty strict customs to me if you guys will not even attempt to sell to this country anymore.

But apparently it wasn't high risk when I asked about it a few days ago. Go figure.

So now I am out hundreds of dollars with literally nothing to show for it due to the fact that there was no warning or I was failed to be informed that the likelihood of getting ampules through Chicago is slim to none? I never would have placed this order had I been aware of the fact that customs would hold my package for months and most likely the time they look through it, it will be thrown out as now all of a sudden the country that was not strict with customs. (even though you can go back 10-15 pages and you will see I am far from alone in this issue, the majority of people who bought ampules that went through customs never received their package) has became strict with it apparently overnight.
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I made quite a large order from you guys in March and when my package got seized (which was supposed to be less than a 1% chance but lucky me I guess) I was given a reshipment around June.

People are complaining about 4 weeks of waiting? Its been 4 months since my package has been shipped and it has not moved from customs (6 months if you count the original package).

Now I come back and look at the forums, and now you guys refuse to sell ampules international to the USA because "it is to high of a risk for the seller and buyer" and the likelihood of it passing customs is virtually non existent.

I do not understand how not even a few weeks ago with my inquiry about my package not arriving in a timely fashion due to USA customs being strict and asking for some form of compensation I was brushed off and told it was completely normal, and that the USA is NOT a strict country when it comes to customs. Now conveniently the USA is considered such a high risk of selling ampules to it that you guys simply refuse to even attempt to do it anymore. Sounds like pretty strict customs to me if you guys will not even attempt to sell to this country anymore.

But apparently it wasn't high risk when I asked about it a few days ago. Go figure.

So now I am out hundreds of dollars with literally nothing to show for it due to the fact that there was no warning or I was failed to be informed that the likelihood of getting ampules through Chicago is slim to none? I never would have placed this order had I been aware of the fact that customs would hold my package for months and most likely the time they look through it, it will be thrown out as now all of a sudden the country that was not strict with customs. (even though you can go back 10-15 pages and you will see I am far from alone in this issue, the majority of people who bought ampules that went through customs never received their package) has became strict with it apparently overnight.
Sorry I do not really know your exact case so I will not try to explain it but customs becoming more strict over night is what happens. They learn the stealth and learn how to detect it.

I believe you may have ordered from the Deus Medical warehouse but it only offers one reshipment. It is Deus Medical's policy and we inherit it. When customers order they do accept the risk and they accept the policy, the policy is never hidden.

The US is now high risk for ampules, only Chicago ISC is else all of our hCG would be seized too. hCG generally passes through NYC ISC.

I made quite a large order from you guys in March and when my package got seized (which was supposed to be less than a 1% chance but lucky me I guess) I was given a reshipment around June.

People are complaining about 4 weeks of waiting? Its been 4 months since my package has been shipped and it has not moved from customs (6 months if you count the original package).

Now I come back and look at the forums, and now you guys refuse to sell ampules international to the USA because "it is to high of a risk for the seller and buyer" and the likelihood of it passing customs is virtually non existent.

I do not understand how not even a few weeks ago with my inquiry about my package not arriving in a timely fashion due to USA customs being strict and asking for some form of compensation I was brushed off and told it was completely normal, and that the USA is NOT a strict country when it comes to customs. Now conveniently the USA is considered such a high risk of selling ampules to it that you guys simply refuse to even attempt to do it anymore. Sounds like pretty strict customs to me if you guys will not even attempt to sell to this country anymore.

But apparently it wasn't high risk when I asked about it a few days ago. Go figure.

So now I am out hundreds of dollars with literally nothing to show for it due to the fact that there was no warning or I was failed to be informed that the likelihood of getting ampules through Chicago is slim to none? I never would have placed this order had I been aware of the fact that customs would hold my package for months and most likely the time they look through it, it will be thrown out as now all of a sudden the country that was not strict with customs. (even though you can go back 10-15 pages and you will see I am far from alone in this issue, the majority of people who bought ampules that went through customs never received their package) has became strict with it apparently overnight.

The same thing happened to me a few months back, it was a "freak accident" that my amps got seized when the forum was littered was posts complaining about the same thing. I had to reship to family in another state and it went through but they stopped shipping amps soon after.
Touché. In fact it is i that did not take note of the post date. Show's you how often i come in here. Sorry @SkankHunt
@MisterSuperGod , you are my hero

jesus GIF
How is TA from US domestic warehouse? Is it domestic in that there is stock on hand or is it a “reboxing” operation ?

seeing all kinds of TA complaints and I’m just trying to understand.
How is TA from US domestic warehouse? Is it domestic in that there is stock on hand or is it a “reboxing” operation ?

seeing all kinds of TA complaints and I’m just trying to understand.

It is around 6 business days and it is domestic.

I don't see any TA complaints, there are posts in regards to international but we publicly advertise that as 4+ weeks.
So does HCG get seized in NY ISC? since it comes with bac water ampules

It does not, NYC ISC does not really seize any products and as far as I am aware, hCG is still not a controlled substance. AAS is seized as it is a controlled substance and Deus Medical ampules are very easy to detect.