ExpressPCT- US and international generic pharma

Yeah thats been up a few days though, doesnt seem like theres an update

We are having some problems with the coupon code, we want to do 40% site-wide and 10% if you use Monero but we have not found a way to discount if you use Monero. If anyone does pay with Monero we will manually refund them 10%.

More products will be added over the weekend for all warehouses.

Below is our 40% sale code for the website, it excludes US Domestic, HGH, Insulin & any Deus Medical products (Deus Medical do not allow selling below retail price).


We are having some problems with the coupon code, we want to do 40% site-wide and 10% if you use Monero but we have not found a way to discount if you use Monero. If anyone does pay with Monero we will manually refund them 10%.

More products will be added over the weekend for all warehouses.

Below is our 40% sale code for the website, it excludes US Domestic, HGH, Insulin & any Deus Medical products (Deus Medical do not allow selling below retail price).


Are all UK packages coming from India? Or is there UK Warehouse?
Are all UK packages coming from India? Or is there UK Warehouse?

We have a UK warehouse but product stock is not updated currently.

If you order from the "international" or "European Pharmaceuticals" warehouse they will ship from India & Turkey respectively. India to UK averages 2 weeks while Turkey averages 4 days.

We have a UK warehouse but product stock is not updated currently.

If you order from the "international" or "European Pharmaceuticals" warehouse they will ship from India & Turkey respectively. India to UK averages 2 weeks while Turkey averages 4 days.

Great, will get an order in.

Thanks for that
Is Montreal Canada's version of Chicago?

My pack cleared customs, but is sitting in Canada Post custody for 15 days now with no movement..

