Favorite Testosterone only dosage

Favorite Testosterone weekly dose

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Been running 250mg of Test and 200 of Primo for +8 Months now and cant even think of lowering it, it makes me feel amazing and i started loving working out

Afraid that this drive and mental clarity goes away once i lower doses
lol. The answer is absolutely no, cannot run a g no AI.

Theres no point to run a G of test. Use 200-300 as a base and stack a compound or two to reach your goals.

History has shown great results for those who use test as a base, meaning higher than everything else. Mass monsters were running 3-5 grams of test + other anabolics..i very much doubt they'd have the same outcome with 250 test and 3 grams of masteron or primo. Personally i don't have enough experience with PEDs yet but i'll always look to titrate up test first, then the others. Saying there's no point to run test as a base and better be used as a secondary compound just sounds wrong to me, unless you're like 250 lean and you don't wanna pack more size.

Oh, and there are some guys who can run 1 gram with no AI and nothing else and not experience side effects.
Use 200-300 as a base and stack a compound or two to reach your goals.
What if I respond best to T only? See, this doesn't apply to everyone. You can't say this for me. I have tried possibly every single steroid there is for the record, many different stacks. Other steroids make me feel weird, cause problems or health issues (blood work).

I have returned to Testosterone at 250-400mg/week with nothing else added. In my opinion feeling good and staying healthy is more important than anything else. This is where I can feel strong, look good and sustain it without too much of a sacrifice.
What if I respond best to T only? See, this doesn't apply to everyone. You can't say this for me. I have tried possibly every single steroid there is for the record, many different stacks. Other steroids make me feel weird, cause problems or health issues (blood work).

I have returned to Testosterone at 250-400mg/week with nothing else added. In my opinion feeling good and staying healthy is more important than anything else. This is where I can feel strong, look good and sustain it without too much of a sacrifice.
Well that’s easy, just use test
120mg Test Undecanoate, 1k - 1.5k HCG, and 2 - 2.5iu gh Is when I'm feeling absolute best. My libido is strong, body feels good, I am calm but motivated in life. Any more milligrams of AAS above that and I get an initial couple weeks of euphoria and feeling amazing, but overall I tend to be more aggravated and short-tempered and I don't really like that. My "blasts" are shorter and less mg's than bodybuilders and honestly after 4 weeks into it I look forward to it being over. Blasts are 250 mg test max and primo/mast/var/GH in some combination.
My favorite Testosterone dosage is 400mg weekly of either cypionate, undecanoate or enanthate ester. It gives me everything I need and want - size, strength, feeling on steroids, sex drive, motivation, muscle fullness, aesthetics without too much bloat or water retention like higher dosages or other steroids. I love it.

P.S. this is just for fun thread, to see what dose most people like. It doesn't have to be the most optimal or best or healthiest. Just most fun for you.
I thought you hated the way your face looks on 400 test. I remember you saying you looked best at 150mg.
Since we’re on topic and I’m taking a shit. Any significant difference between test cypionate and enanthate?
I thought you hated the way your face looks on 400 test. I remember you saying you looked best at 150mg.
Because unlike you, I'm not obsessed about my face. Like I told you it looks much better on 125-250mg compared to 400 and upwards it only gets worse in terms of bloat, it's just I don't mind it so much.

Hell I'm kinobody or mpmd to talk about chiseled jawline and how pussy only gets wet when you're 6% body fat. In fact I have never been there so what do I know. Besides I don't like anorexic girls either.

This is not to hurt your feelings or something, it's just to say what I think about it. Do what you love man, stop caring about what others do. Live your life, I live mine.
I find 500 to be my sweet spot personally.

250 feels kind of like a cruise/trt for me, good for maintaining gains, still able to make progress although a bit slower

375 feels nice. Good for maintaining, cutting and preserving muscle, or even bulking in a smaller surplus to limit fat gain. Noticeable strength gains, no sides

500 is my sweet spot and favorite dose. All benefits previously mentioned, big strength gainz, no negative sides

750 gains obviously continue to increase, very sizeable strength gains, but I start getting sides even with low bf%. Face and abdominem area start holding more water (it's not that bad, but my body dismorphia hates water bloat of any kind). Also start having to lean on the AI more heavily as the aromitization gets a bit annoying

1g - solid gains, strong as all hell, but now the sides are unfavorable. Blood pressure starts getting uncomfortable, the aromitization is horrible and annoying (especially with pre existing gymo) so I'm constantly slamming AI, jaw line looks less defined and face starts to look more round (classic test moonface)

Haven't gone over 1g, nor do I want or plan to. 500mg works best for me, and if I want more, I'll just add supportive, synergistic compounds to the stack like EQ, masteron, maybe superdrol or winstrol, or if I'm feeling extra frisky tren
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I find 500 to be my sweet spot personally.

250 feels kind of like a cruise/trt for me, good for maintaining gains, still able to make progress although a bit slower

375 feels nice. Good for maintaining, cutting and preserving muscle, or even bulking in a smaller surplus to limit fat gain. Noticeable strength gains, no sides

500 is my sweet spot and favorite dose. All benefits previously mentioned, big strength gainz, no negative sides

750 gains obviously continue to increase, very sizeable strength gains, but I start getting sides even with low bf%. Face and abdominem area start holding more water (it's not that bad, but my body dismorphia hates water bloat of any kind). Also start having to lean on the AI more heavily as the aromitization gets a bit annoying

1g - solid gains, strong as all hell, but now the sides are unfavorable. Blood pressure starts getting uncomfortable, the aromitization is horrible and annoying (especially with pre existing gymo) so I'm constantly slamming AI, jaw line looks less defined and face starts to look more round (classic test moonface)

Haven't gone over 1g, nor do I want or plan to. 500mg works best for me, and if I want more, I'll just add supportive, synergistic compounds to the stack like EQ, masteron, maybe superdrol or winstrol, or if I'm feeling extra frisky tren
Good description.

I find 200-250mg/week to be boring and like you said pure cruise. I don't lose out much on trt at 150mg compared. So I either jack up the dose to 325-350 and high cruise or cut back down to a true trt.