First Bodybuilding Show Log from 30-weeks Out

going from 0-60 is absolutely destroying my legs lol i think splitting the elliptical and bike until my legs get used to the bike is the best choice, i’m buying a cheap stationary bike from amazon for fasted cardio but it really does kill my quads lmao
Keep going my friend! You are accomplishing something most people only dream of (especially most on this board, including myself). You are an inspiration to all. F the cliches...bring it home!
Right now I’m 30 weeks out of my first bodybuilding show. I’ve been bodybuilding for about 1.5 years. Have a coach who took me through about a 10-month off-season and now we’re ending that push, cruising for 8-weeks then doing a 22-week prep. Gonna detail my progress for those like myself who find bodybuilding interesting, or those who are curious about the mental state of a dude who used to be fat as fuck with no will-power who is now attempting to diet down to single digit bodyfat. Initial pics are from the last day of the push, going into the cruise.

Gained about 65 lb in the last 1.5 years.

Current weight: 211.6


PPL A/B 2-on, 1-off

Push A:

-5x Side Delts

-3x Shoulder Press

-3x Chest Press

-2x Pec Flies

-4x Triceps

Pull A:

-3x Lat Pull-down

-3x Upper Back Row

-3x Teres Pull-down

-4x Biceps

-3x Rear Delts

-2x Seated Ham Curl

Legs A:

-4x Calves

-3x Adductors

-3x Leg Extensions

-3x Squat Pattern (Currently Pendulum)

-2x Walking Lunges

Push B:

-5x Side Delts

-3x Upper Chest Machine

-2x Flat Chest

-2x Pec Flies

-4x Triceps

Pull B:

-3x Lat Row

-3x Upper Back Row

-3x Teres Pull-down

-4x Biceps

-2x Lying Ham curl

Legs B:

-4x Calves

-3x Adductors

-3x Leg Press

-3x Quad Extensions

-2x RDL


Low Day: 270 Direct protein, 270 Direct carbs, 72 direct fat (Averages out 3200 calories from all trace sources)

Medium Day: 270 Direct protein, 650 direct carbs, 48 direct fat (Averages out 4500 calories from all trace sources)

High Day: 240 direct protein, 790 direct carbs (without cheat meal), 0 direct fat (without cheat meal). (Can range from 5000-7000 calories from all trace sources after cheat meal at end of night)


Peak Offseason: 500 Test, 400 Primo E, 5iu GH

Currently (Cruise): 210 Test, 70 Primo E, 5iu GH
Go back and look at your first pics. Huge changes! Great job. You are almost there.

So you started at 211 pounds. What do you weigh now?
So.. unfortunately a few weeks ago a health issue happened to someone very close to me that required 3 days of last minute emergency out of state travel plus a good amount of mental focus and support (basically to not be a piece of shit). This was at the 3.5 week out mark where everything was rolling well but I knew that if I continued to prep, I had to be all in and wasn’t willing to show up on stage looking like shit. If I decided to stay all in on prep, I would be fully neglecting my partner and betraying my own ideals. Weighing the pros and cons, I realized it’s my first show, I won’t make any money from this, and it wasn’t worth continuing if it meant severely neglecting my partner of 5 years as it really was an emergency situation.

It’s unfortunate this happened during my first prep as I’m pretty confident with some other shows under my belt, I would have been able to handle this and split focus a bit better but i just didn’t have that experience yet. Right now I’m planning on growing more as I would be coming in around the high 160s and really won’t be competitive unless I came in a good 20-30lb heavier. I’ll update where I’m at with the growing process once some of this water weight gets dropped and I start looking a little tighter again lol

This was a hard decision that I wrestled with and do feel bummed about but I do think I made the right choice. My girlfriend really didn’t want me to drop the show, she is insanely supportive and wanted to see me keep going but at the same time doesn’t understand what it’d take to be all in on one thing and all in on another at the same time

I’m still planning on competing but just need to wait a little longer and will take the meantime to grow
These were the last updates before I had to pull out at about 175 here. I believe this was 1 week on 50mg anavar and a few weeks on 50mg proviron. Since then, I am currently on 650 test, 400 primo, 8iu gh. Have had an unfortunate amount of cheat meals since then (was not ready for the hunger that came once food went back up)


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So.. unfortunately a few weeks ago a health issue happened to someone very close to me that required 3 days of last minute emergency out of state travel plus a good amount of mental focus and support (basically to not be a piece of shit). This was at the 3.5 week out mark where everything was rolling well but I knew that if I continued to prep, I had to be all in and wasn’t willing to show up on stage looking like shit. If I decided to stay all in on prep, I would be fully neglecting my partner and betraying my own ideals. Weighing the pros and cons, I realized it’s my first show, I won’t make any money from this, and it wasn’t worth continuing if it meant severely neglecting my partner of 5 years as it really was an emergency situation.

It’s unfortunate this happened during my first prep as I’m pretty confident with some other shows under my belt, I would have been able to handle this and split focus a bit better but i just didn’t have that experience yet. Right now I’m planning on growing more as I would be coming in around the high 160s and really won’t be competitive unless I came in a good 20-30lb heavier. I’ll update where I’m at with the growing process once some of this water weight gets dropped and I start looking a little tighter again lol

This was a hard decision that I wrestled with and do feel bummed about but I do think I made the right choice. My girlfriend really didn’t want me to drop the show, she is insanely supportive and wanted to see me keep going but at the same time doesn’t understand what it’d take to be all in on one thing and all in on another at the same time

I’m still planning on competing but just need to wait a little longer and will take the meantime to grow
That’s unfortunate but you have to do what is best for your family.

Competing is really an endeavor that will pull out the best/worst in any individual. On to the next chapter of your journey brother, we will continue watching and cheering for you.
You did the right thing.
Often, things happen for a reason, which becomes apparent in time.
Like you said, you will have more time to get to where you want to be, with the full support of your girlfriend and family.
No stress and no rush.
I hope everyone is OK, after the emergency.
You will come out of this in a better position.
That’s unfortunate but you have to do what is best for your family.

Competing is really an endeavor that will pull out the best/worst in any individual. On to the next chapter of your journey brother, we will continue watching and cheering for you.
Definitely pulled out some bad parts of me, I’m looking forward to the next prep where I can focus on managing my mood and being able to handle myself a little better especially around those important to me. I appreciate it
These were the last updates before I had to pull out at about 175 here. I believe this was 1 week on 50mg anavar and a few weeks on 50mg proviron. Since then, I am currently on 650 test, 400 primo, 8iu gh. Have had an unfortunate amount of cheat meals since then (was not ready for the hunger that came once food went back up)
That bounce back hunger can be insane. I remember eating until my stomach was full and hurt, but I still felt ravenous and was looking for food.

Reel it in and get your diet back under control. Refeed the calories slowly.

Set a new goal, add some real off season weight without getting too fluffy. Then pick another show and come in a little heavier.

Don't get too far out on the fat, though. Stay within 10-12 weeks out. And no need to get 10 weeks out right away. Stay as lean as you can while gaining.
That bounce back hunger can be insane. I remember eating until my stomach was full and hurt, but I still felt ravenous and was looking for food.

Reel it in and get your diet back under control. Refeed the calories slowly.

Set a new goal, add some real off season weight without getting too fluffy. Then pick another show and come in a little heavier.

Don't get too far out on the fat, though. Stay within 10-12 weeks out. And no need to get 10 weeks out right away. Stay as lean as you can while gaining.
Appreciate it man, the mental control seems to be back these last 3-4 days. Implementing a high day on my pull days to try and bring the lats up, and holding my calories in place for at least this week to drop a little water. I have 10 more weeks to rebound before a trip that’s planned so hoping to put on some quality size and then may be in a good spot to do a small mini cut before heading into a longer offseason
You stopped working with your coach as well?
I did. There were some thoughts shared on his end regarding my situation that I didn’t respect, and I lost some trust and respect for him personally so am currently on my own but have been talking to another coach who I’ll work with for my offseason

He was a good coach, no doubt he would’ve been able to bring me in peeled and he definitely helped me put on size over the past year but on a personal level it wasn’t going to work out anymore
Current diet:
Low Day: 280 Protein, 220 Carb, 96 Fat. 5 Meals. Meals 1-4 are 45g direct source protein, 30g carbs, 10g added fat. Meal 5 is two tuna rolls and a specialty roll ordered from a sushi spot.

Medium Day: 300 Protein, 420 Carb, 75 Fat. 6 Meals. Meals 1,2,5,6 are 45 direct Protein, 50 Carb, 7 added fat. Meals 3&4 are pre and post workout meals which are 40 direct protein, 85 carbs, 0 added fat. 25g of carbs intra workout

High Day: On Pull days (every 4-5 days): 5 meals plus a 6th cheat meal at end of night. Meals 1,2,5 are 35 direct protein, 80 Carbs, 0 added fat. Meals 3&4 (Pre and Post workout) are 30 direct protein, 120 Carbs, 0 added fat. 50g of carbs plus EAAs in intra workout. Taking humalog 3iu with meals 1, 3, and 4 plus lantus 10iu on meal 1 on the high days. This puts me right around an 80 1-1.5 hours after my post workout meal and 70 1.5 hours after meal 1.

Currently trying to maximize back growth especially lats and have changed my training to focus heavily on the execution, control, and intensity of these movements. Have found myself connecting much better with my lats at much lower weights so am hoping that by refining my training style and pushing so many nutrients on pull days I’ll get some growth I haven’t seen before in my lats
Current diet:
Low Day: 280 Protein, 220 Carb, 96 Fat. 5 Meals. Meals 1-4 are 45g direct source protein, 30g carbs, 10g added fat. Meal 5 is two tuna rolls and a specialty roll ordered from a sushi spot.

Medium Day: 300 Protein, 420 Carb, 75 Fat. 6 Meals. Meals 1,2,5,6 are 45 direct Protein, 50 Carb, 7 added fat. Meals 3&4 are pre and post workout meals which are 40 direct protein, 85 carbs, 0 added fat. 25g of carbs intra workout

High Day: On Pull days (every 4-5 days): 5 meals plus a 6th cheat meal at end of night. Meals 1,2,5 are 35 direct protein, 80 Carbs, 0 added fat. Meals 3&4 (Pre and Post workout) are 30 direct protein, 120 Carbs, 0 added fat. 50g of carbs plus EAAs in intra workout. Taking humalog 3iu with meals 1, 3, and 4 plus lantus 10iu on meal 1 on the high days. This puts me right around an 80 1-1.5 hours after my post workout meal and 70 1.5 hours after meal 1.

Currently trying to maximize back growth especially lats and have changed my training to focus heavily on the execution, control, and intensity of these movements. Have found myself connecting much better with my lats at much lower weights so am hoping that by refining my training style and pushing so many nutrients on pull days I’ll get some growth I haven’t seen before in my lats
Already on track with Justin, cool.
What changes did he make in regards to your training and gear protocol?
Any interesting or different things you took from his approach since you started with him?

