what’s going on guys!
I’ve been a long time lurker for about two years now. Have been lifting for about 15 years on and off. And seriously lifting for about 7. I’m 6’2 195 dehydrated, 200 average walking weight. After getting back, I’ve recomp’d down to 12% from 185 at over 15% bf. My heaviest prior was 215 around 13%.
My goal is to continue my recomp up to 205 around 10%, which is roughly 15lbs of lean mass and drop a little fat for my first cycle. My body likes to stay lean. When I did my dirty bulk up to 215, my body felt heavy and weighed down by the dirty bulk.
Best lifts right now are Bench 205x3, Squat 285x3, straight leg deadlifts 345x6. Though I lift more for size than strength but I do mix it up.(I know bench is weak)
I’ll be turning 25 shortly and decided to take a precycle blood test resulting in 380 Test score.
Average day of food is
- Milk, protein shake
- 6 eggs
- protein shake
-Cup of rice or sweet potatoes
- 8-16oz of chicken/steak depending on lifts
- Cup of vegetable medley
- protein shake
- 8-16oz of steak/chicken
- cup of rice or sweet potatoes
- cup of vegetable medley
I do cheat with burgers, PBnJ, and California burritos from time to time but always keep everything within 3500-3700 calories and my macros on point through this recomp.
If you have any history questions please feel free, all veteran advice will be appreciated.
I’ve been researching and planning my first cycle for about a year now. Here’s what I’ve come up with
Week 1 to 11: Testosterone enanthate M/F

Blood test attached for review.
I’ve been a long time lurker for about two years now. Have been lifting for about 15 years on and off. And seriously lifting for about 7. I’m 6’2 195 dehydrated, 200 average walking weight. After getting back, I’ve recomp’d down to 12% from 185 at over 15% bf. My heaviest prior was 215 around 13%.
My goal is to continue my recomp up to 205 around 10%, which is roughly 15lbs of lean mass and drop a little fat for my first cycle. My body likes to stay lean. When I did my dirty bulk up to 215, my body felt heavy and weighed down by the dirty bulk.
Best lifts right now are Bench 205x3, Squat 285x3, straight leg deadlifts 345x6. Though I lift more for size than strength but I do mix it up.(I know bench is weak)
I’ll be turning 25 shortly and decided to take a precycle blood test resulting in 380 Test score.
Average day of food is
- Milk, protein shake
- 6 eggs
- protein shake
-Cup of rice or sweet potatoes
- 8-16oz of chicken/steak depending on lifts
- Cup of vegetable medley
- protein shake
- 8-16oz of steak/chicken
- cup of rice or sweet potatoes
- cup of vegetable medley
I do cheat with burgers, PBnJ, and California burritos from time to time but always keep everything within 3500-3700 calories and my macros on point through this recomp.
If you have any history questions please feel free, all veteran advice will be appreciated.
I’ve been researching and planning my first cycle for about a year now. Here’s what I’ve come up with
Week 1 to 11: Testosterone enanthate M/F
- @ 250mg every 3.5 days (500mg/week)
- @ 50mg every other day
- @ 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week)
- @ 12.5mg every 3.5 days (25mg/week)
- @25mg twice daily (350mg/week)
- @50/50/25/25 mg per day / week
- @40/40/20/20 mg per day / week

Blood test attached for review.