Floaters in gear, what are they? What CAN they be? Ways to deal with them?

Most obviously, someone with a greater mastery of the language than you have.
We might not all be as highly educated as you are, but why the need to point this out?
Hes got some kind of complex.

I could never be freinds with someone who speaks like that " greater mastery of the english language" lmfao

I'm a little dyslexic,I know my spelling and punctuation is not great and it dosent need to be I'm a construction forman math and physical prowess are my things.
We might not all be as highly educated as you are, but why the need to point this out?

It's quite likely that most of you are more highly educated than I am, at least in the traditional sense. Mr. @laclark89 referred to me as a clown among his many incoherent ramblings and asked point blank who I was, and so I thought I might point out the obvious.

That doesn't make me superior in any way, but in this context of a forum where language is used to communicate ideas and concepts, a greater mastery of the language might come in handy.

QSC et al aren’t special

You and others make this assertion pretty frequently. Vendors are a dime a dozen, they aren't special, the next one will pop up any moment, but it appears that the QSC thread is pulling more traffic than the entire rest of this forum. That being the case, how is it that you can assert they are not special? Clearly, there's something different.

If it's filter material, doesn't that indicate a likely ineffective filter

No. It's quite feasible for a vacuum filtration setup to pull filter fibers off the sterile low pressure side of a filter while still trapping any contaminants on the high pressure side where they would tend to be compressed and trapped. Of course, I'm speculating quite a bit on their process and presuming that the setup is reasonably correct, which if it is, then it is not likely to be ineffective.

I'm a little dyslexic

In that case, I'll restrain my judgement.
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I'm a little dyslexic,I know my spelling and punctuation is not great
I don't mind it, I make spelling mistakes and typos all the time.
Everyone here understands what you sare saying/writing
math and physical prowess are my things.
Maths, i was a total retard at school. Omg, the nervous breakdowns...
It's awesome you are good at it. One needs it a lot, in life.

How was the barbecue?
Hope you and your wife are on the mend
You and others make this assertion pretty frequently. Vendors are a dime a dozen, they aren't special, the next one will pop up any moment, but it appears that the QSC thread is pulling more traffic than the entire rest of this forum. That being the case, how is it that you can assert they are not special? Clearly, there's something different.
They are the most vocal of the Chinese vendors because their rep can communicate better in English plus they have established their foot hold on the forums earlier than most of the vendors.

They are nothing special to some of us who have the knowledge and know how in navigating price or availability amongst the different vendors all over the world.

Their meso thread is the most popular not because it’s full of information regarding the business but for the cesspool of random things neing discussed or argued about.

To explain further, for my needs, I don’t use qsc exclusively, I get raws from someone else because they don’t charge insurance so I save money that way, but if QSC offers free shipping then I opt in. There are already vendors who price match his sales if you check the tracker as well as those who provide better quality oils, be it packaging or the vials or clean without floaters.

End of the day, nobody, none of these suppliers aren’t special. One change in political/military atmosphere and they’re going to be out of business, some other country will take their place just like the others before them.
They are nothing special to some of us who have the knowledge and know how in navigating price or availability amongst the different vendors all over the world.

There's the distinction. To you, subjectively, they may not be particularly special, but their success objectively says otherwise. Asserting that they aren't seems like indulging in wishful thinking.

"Special" is a bit of a loaded term that can have different implications, so let's just say they're different. From there, we can begin the real argument, which is distinguishing how they are different.

For your use case, acquiring raws, I'd agree they aren't inherently the best vendor for that. If I were ordering raws, likely I'd pick a vendor with good pricing, order a test batch, have that validated by a lab, and then follow that with a much larger order, again having that validated with a lab. With those two transactions done, likely I'd be set for that particular compound for years, but that's not what I'm looking for, which is a variety of compounds, reasonably well tested, and produced in volume.

For a variety of things, QSC moves the most volume. They've proven a willingness to adapt to the needs of the market. They are the most tested that I can tell, and have the largest target on their back if anything goes awry.

Tracy's attitude with idiots is fucking hilarious but he doesn't seem to be inclined to willingly fuck over his customers that aren't ethnically Chinese. I don't know how to describe this particular characteristic any more articulately, but I've seen it in other industries where oddball Chinese vendors have exceptional success in western markets.
There's the distinction. To you, subjectively, they may not be particularly special, but their success objectively says otherwise. Asserting that they aren't seems like indulging in wishful thinking.

"Special" is a bit of a loaded term that can have different implications, so let's just say they're different. From there, we can begin the real argument, which is distinguishing how they are different.

For your use case, acquiring raws, I'd agree they aren't inherently the best vendor for that. If I were ordering raws, likely I'd pick a vendor with good pricing, order a test batch, have that validated by a lab, and then follow that with a much larger order, again having that validated with a lab. With those two transactions done, likely I'd be set for that particular compound for years, but that's not what I'm looking for, which is a variety of compounds, reasonably well tested, and produced in volume.

For a variety of things, QSC moves the most volume. They've proven a willingness to adapt to the needs of the market. They are the most tested that I can tell, and have the largest target on their back if anything goes awry.

Tracy's attitude with idiots is fucking hilarious but he doesn't seem to be inclined to willingly fuck over his customers that aren't ethnically Chinese. I don't know how to describe this particular characteristic any more articulately, but I've seen it in other industries where oddball Chinese vendors have exceptional success in western markets.
I wouldn’t care less how they are all classified, special, the best , the worst or whatever. They are just vendors to me. If people have their favorite source good for them, in the end of the day people should remember these are your drug dealers not your friends.
people should remember these are your drug dealers not your friends.

I don't do business with friends. For the people that I do business with, I evaluate whether they are properly incentivized to meet my needs. You seem to advocate that others be discerning when choosing a vendor, and yet, to you they are all the same. Does that seem rational?
What are u even talking about? No one even likes u here. U always have some catty ass little bitch shit to say to people , nothing good or positive Ur one of those dudes who's feels tough behind a key board, its pitiful.

I'm the nicest guy in the world untill I'm not.
You would never talk to me like that in person.
Get your facts straight before you go cherping legal laws about Jano etc.

I would most def tell you exactly what I said in person bubba
What are u even talking about? No one even likes u here. U always have some catty ass little bitch shit to say to people , nothing good or positive Ur one of those dudes who's feels tough behind a key board, its pitiful.

100% the case.
This is all he does. Hasn't had a say in any conversation then appears to just get people down.
Negative, mean, toxic, bully. All he has to say is always bad stuff.
You say nobody likes him here and I bet it's the same in real life.
100% the case.
This is all he does. Hasn't had a say in any conversation then appears to just get people down.
Negative, mean, toxic, bully. All he has to say is always bad stuff.
You say nobody likes him here and I bet it's the same in real life.
Still waiting to see if you workout @iris ?

Or just here to have convos unrelated to working out and PED’s ?
I don't do business with friends. For the people that I do business with, I evaluate whether they are properly incentivized to meet my needs. You seem to advocate that others be discerning when choosing a vendor, and yet, to you they are all the same. Does that seem rational?
Buy your drugs from any vendor here then move on is what I’m saying, choose whichever gives you the best deal for your needs. What’s complicated with what I’m saying?

When I say they’re all the same, I mean they’re all business men and drug dealers, you are just a bunch of customers to them, their aim is your dollars nothing more. Whether its rational to you, who cares buy your drugs and move on to the next one offering better deals.
Buy your drugs from any vendor here then move on is what I’m saying, choose whichever gives you the best deal for your needs. What’s complicated with what I’m saying?

When I say they’re all the same, I mean they’re all business men and drug dealers, you are just a bunch of customers to them, their aim is your dollars nothing more. Whether its rational to you, who cares buy your drugs and move on to the next one offering better deals.

B-but I always make sure to laugh at Tracy’s posts and he always makes sure I get the “good stuff”. our relationship goes beyond that
B-but I always make sure to laugh at Tracy’s posts and he always makes sure I get the “good stuff”. our relationship goes beyond that
At least Tracy isn’t giving out mugs to complete the reach around circle like Jet’s used to lol.

Man, people forget shit so easily nowadays, CAT CAFE built a following too, he built relationships with his customer base here and other boards, some guys loved him because of his ability to work with them and bamm the law got in the way.

Sure, have your own favorite drug dealer but that they really care about their customers bullshit out of the way. Treat it the way it is, a drug deal, nothing else.
Man, people forget shit so easily nowadays, CAT CAFE built a following too, he built relationships with his customer base here and other boards, some guys loved him because of his ability to work with them and bamm the law got in the way.

The kind of relationship you have with the car dealership. If you bought something you were “part of the family “. He wasn’t good at hiding his motives
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Get your facts straight before you go cherping legal laws about Jano etc.

I would most def tell you exactly what I said in person bubba
If you talked to me like that in person that means ur masochistic, and u derive sexual gratification from your own pain and humiliation.

In that case I cant oblige u.
Still waiting to see if you workout @iris ?

Or just here to have convos unrelated to working out and PED’s ?
Not everyone is here for just the drugs, and to ask people about work out plans like u. I think most of us know what drugs an splits work for us. I did before joining meso. Some of us are here for the comerodery also. Somthing u know nothing about.
If you talked to me like that in person that means ur masochistic, and u derive sexual gratification from your own pain and humiliation.

In that case I cant oblige u.

Not everyone is here for just the drugs, and to ask people about work out plans like u. I think most of us know what drugs an splits work for us. I did before joining meso. Some of us are here for the comerodery also. Somthing u know nothing about.
@laclark89 @phenominal34 yooo, chill tf out bros. We are in this together. The system sucks, but we are here to get our shit done. Let the androgens do it's job where it counts - gym, diet, bedroom. Not to fight on forums. Let's keep it cool. You two are cool, been here for a while and nobody is taking anything away from you. I like you both, there were some good discussions and advice from both of you. Besides @phenominal34 you used to be the peacemaker as I remember it, the dude who doesn't tolerate bs and a man of few words. @laclark89 you always been positive and helped newbies, hell I remember when you came here and asked for some advice. Just keep up those good vibes.