Forests Cycle 4 School Show. 7/7 - 9/13

Day 23
Day 7 Anavar 50mg

No injection today. I am fine with that. I have been able to sleep well the past 2 nights, last night i took the t3 6.25mcg right before bed. Worked like a charm! I am going to bump up to 12.5mcg tonight and see how that works for me. No work tomorrow so not alot at stake if i stay up all night. If i do i hope my fellow mesonites keep me company.

I was very self conscious in the gym today. To the point that it affected my work out and i did not get in the zone till the very end. I just switched gyms. I look around and stack myself up aginst other guys i think are on roids. I have never done this before. I actually felt bad for myself that i was not as jacked as them. I was thinking what more do i have to do to get that look. I was lost. I understand that its time and just cause i have been juicing for a few weeks dose not mean i will look like them. I think when i trained natty i had an excuse to be content with my progress. Now that i have joined the darkside i feel like i no longer have my old place. I am a small fish in an ocean of sharks. Its all just funny as i type it now but at the time in the gym i was struggling with my "place" so to speak. I am not going to allow myself to have these moments anymore. Its me ve me from yesterday. As long as i win that battle each day i am on the right path.

Today i hit back. then took another hour swim

Db rows
3x 12x 50lb

Lat pulldows
15x 100lb
10x 115
8x 115

seated rows
3x 12x 105lb

Hammer strength overhead pull down
12x 50lb
12x 60
12x 70

bent over rows
12x 115lb
10x 135
7x 135

Cable lat pull
3x 12x 115lb

hanging clean
3x 12x 75lb

Triceps press w/rope
3x 12x idr

Triceps press underhand grip
3x 12x idr

db over head triceps extention
10x 55lb
6x 55

Lat flys
15x 12.5lb (each cable)
2x 15x 20

Went right into an hour long swm.

Man that swim is killer. I struggled the whole hour. I know that swimming will be the key to coming in with the physique that i am aiming for. I know i will not be the biggest guy but i will be the most conditioned one out there. during hanging cleans i began to perk up and snaped out of my funk. That is why you see me go for one more back exersize before i swim. Also i did tris cause of the mirror. I though they looked bad so i hit them. I normally do abs on tuesday. This was a mistake i should have trained abs but i forgot about it. I will hit them tomorrow.
Day 24
Day 8 on Anavar 50mg

Today i was late with my test prop injection. I Noramlly take it as soon as i wake up. I was called into work and hurried out the door before i realized that i miss the the shot. It was not such a big deal. I wound up taking it once i got home from work. Injection was one ml into the right glute. It was an easy injection. I have no quarrels with injecting 4 or five days out of the week. Its easy.

I chose to help a friend of mine move some of his stuff to a new place this afternoon and i paided for my kindness with a shortened workout. Although i know that if it were me that wanted the help i would have been greatful which he was.

Regardless I worked legs abs and swam today.

I went into the gym with the mindset that i was the only one there. Also since it was late at night when i got there it was much more empty. I did much better compared to the way i felt yesterday. I took some music with me also.


15x 135lb
12x 225
10x 225

Lounges in place
3x 8 reps each leg 55lb in each hand

Hamstring curls prone
15x 85lb
12x 105
8x 115

Leg Ext
3x 15x 20lb (each leg) hold at top

Standing claf raises
3x 15x 75lb

calf press
2x 15x 60lb one set ins one set outs


Cable crunches ss ins & outs
3x 12x 100lb & 12x 100lb

Hanging leg raises
3x 15x bodyweight (hard)

Abdominal twist w/cable
2x 12(each side)x 30

My swim was only 20 miniutes today. Its a shame but i made them count.

My calves and abs were tired from the daily swimming i have been doing. I am still adjusting to the new work load that swim is a killer.

Last night i managed to fall asleep fine after taking 12.5mch t3 right before bed. I felt my heart a little bit more but it was fine. I am glad that it is working for me.
Day 25
Day 9 on Anavar 50mg

Today i shot one ml of sust into my right glute. I was supposed to shoot it into my left delt but did not want to deal with the pain that would come from that. My glutes have adapted to the constant injections and i am not sure if i will pin delts again this cycle.

The injection was a pain in the ass. The tip was dull and hurt more then normal. I did not change the neddle after i drew the oil. I did not like the way it felt or sounded as it went into my glute. I took the pin out and replaced it with a fresh one and everything was great. I must have went through a vain cause there was a nice little steam of blood after i took the pin out. Neddless to say after work i stoped by wal mart and got some 22g pins to draw with.

Today at work i was moving nonstop for 2 hours. carrying heavy things. It was great i made sure to keep a good pace and get some cardio out of it lol. I hope i get more shifts like that.

today i trained shoulders.

seated db overhead press
15x 45lb (each hand)
12x 55
10x 60

Seated military press
15x 65
12x 85
8x 105

side laterial raises
3x 15x 15lb (each hand)

Cable laterial raises
12x 7.5lb
12x 12.5

Rear delt cable pull

Db rear delt fly
3x 12x 10lb

machine rear delt fly
2x 15x 40lb

Upright Row
12x 70lb
10x 90
7x 90 Faliled

25 min swim

I once again was an asshole ang got caught on my computer after work reading meso. I had to cut out shruggs and my swim 35 miniutes short. If i come home from work and sit down its game over. I just get sucked in. I have been looking to get my hands on some good tren or make my own so i have been researching it pretty hard. Any advice on how to get some good tren or make my own i would love.

I also have a few vials of humalog slin from cvs that i am looking to trade for tren. If anyone is interested let me know.
Also during my work out my shoulders burned like hell on my presses. I had this feeling once before on my epistane cycle towards the end. I think my estrogen it low from the mjr exemastane. That dry joints feel. Anyone can weigh in on this?

I will adjust the dose to 6.25mg eod and see how it helps.
Day 26
Day 10 Anavar 50mg

Injected 1 cc test prop into my left glute. The injection was flawless. I switched the pins and it was soooo nice. I could pin everyday like that. I feel strange just throwing away an unused syringe. Do you guys save them or what?

I have the day off today so i took care of business! Woke up cooked some eggs ate shredded wheat no added flavor or sugar of course. Then hit the gym.

Worked arms some traps and got my whole hour long swim in. I know the swim is what is going to make the difference on stage. I put the shruggs in the work out to hit traps due to my time limits from yesterday.

Reverse grip cable triceps press
15x 80lb
15x 100
15x 120

Cable tricep press "A" shaped handle
15x 130lb
12x 140lb
12x 150lb

Skull crushers super set close grip bench press
3x 15x 40lb & 15x 40lb

Standing curls
2x 15(each arm) 30lb (each arm)
12x 30

Reverse cable curls
3x 12-15x 60- 80 (I dont remember exactly)

Cable rope curls
15x 50lb
12x 60 sloppy
15x 50 last to struggle

Bb shruggs
15x 135lb
15x 185lb

Shrugg machine (assuming the machine has a 45lb handle)
15x 185lb
15x 205

Hour long swim

Also took 12.5mcg t3 last night before been no problem sleeping although if i wake up to go pee i will not be able to actually fall back asleep. not a problem though. I hope that it stays like this and i am able to sleep soundly the entire cycle.
Day 27
Day 11 Anavar 50mg

Today i had no injections, I hate to say it but i like injecting. I lately have been fighting off the earge to pin more test. Tomorrow will be my last shot of prop and that will leave me with only twice a week sust. I am going to follow my plan and get bloods after the six weeks then adjust from there. I will how ever bump the var up if i dont feel like it is hitting hard. I am expecting epistane like effects and epi took a good while to kick in.

I went to the gym today and to my fucking surprise it was closed! I guess they close earily on sat. Well I hate to miss my swim but it happened. I already packed my gym bag for tomorrow i am heading to the gym as soon as i get off work.

Today at work i was really moving for a good 2.5 or 3 hours. non stop picking shit up walking it around. I made sure to keep the intensity up so that it would be like i was getting paid to work out and do some cardio. I could feel a drop of sweat fall off my arm pit lol. there is my savings grace for missing a swim.

My joints are starting to ache, i lowered my exsemstane dose and plan on keeping it this way (6.25mg eod). I am starting a legit 6 week long t3 cycle today. Now that i have expermented with the compound i will begin to ramp the dose up.

Here is my protocol:
Days 1-3...............12.5mcg/day
Days 4-6...............25mcg/day
Days 7-9...............37.5mcg/day
Days 10-33...........50mcg/day
Days 34-36............37.5mcg/day
Days 37-39............25mcg/day
Days 40-42……….12.5mcg/day

This is all subject to change based on how i look and feel.

I was able to sleep fine last night after i took 12.5mcg. The last day of t3 will be the day of the show. I am not sure if i should be ramping down at that point or not. More research is needed there and advice welcom.

I am noticing my self feeling a little more aggressvie. Specificaly while i am driving, i cut someone off on the high way and he made like a wtf hand gesture to me and i was like i fucking hope you pull some frat boy shit i will pull over for your ass. haha.
Damn fine job on the entire cycle!!!
Keep up the great work buddy!!!!
Can't wait to see some update pictures!!!!!
I will get some pics up once i take off all my body hair. This will be done sometime next week. I am a hairy ass guy.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, your support is awesome!
I'm in the same boat. I had to shave all mine as well. The wife said she was gonna knit a quilt out of it!!!!
Keep it pumping!!!
Day 28
Day 12 Anavar 50mg

Shot one cc sustanon into my right glute used 22g to draw the oil and a 25g 1" to inject with. It was a painless flawless injection. Gotta love them perfect pins. Worked my shift today and went straight to the gym.

I trained abs and swam it was a light day letting my body get ready for the next five days of hard workouts.

Cable crunches ss in and out
3x 12x 120lb & 12 x 120lb

Incline situps
3x 20x bw (body weight) These burned

Hanging leg raises
2x 15

Reverse bosu ball crunch
2x 15

Butterfly situps
75 reps in a row

Plate loaded crunch machine
3x 20x x10lb

Laying leg raises
12x 15lb
2x 12x 10

Hour swim

My body is adapting to the swimming. I am getting better at it each day. Today was the most intensity i have had during my swim so far. I am also going back to work to unload a truck at midnight. So my cardio is great today.

I was able to take the t3 and fall asleep fine again, I am on day 2 of my t3 cycle. It calls for another day at 12.5mcg. That is fine with me. My body is shaping up quickly now that i have been in the pool so much.

I have been getting more cramps recently in my feet, neck and calves. I attribute this to the var. I will shoot the prop one more time tomorrow to make it a 30 day kick start. I am sad that my run with the prop is over. Just got to follow my plan i will get back on it during my run up to pct while the sust clears for 21 days.

Also i took a mid day weight and weighted in at 177 with cloths on and having eaten a few meals. I also used the elector body fat analysis handle and the fucking thing told me I was 12.9% body fat i hate them things they are never accruate. I would say i at 9 flat at most. I will post some mid cycle pics up once i get all the body hair off. I will have a better picture of my physique then.
Day 29
Day 13 Anavar 50mg

So today I busted my ass during my work out. I hit back so hard. Fist off I shot one cc of what should be my last shot of test prop into my right glute. It was a great injection, draw with the 22g pin with the 25g. I then looked and saw that I still had 1.5 ml left in the vial and i will shot that up on day 31! After that i will be all done with my prop.

My abs are sore today i worked them good yesterday. The incline situps is what got em.

I took 12.5mcg before bed again last night no sides to speak of. I did have one very vivid dream more like a nightamare it sucked. I heard that it can have that effect. To night i will be upping my t3 to a replacment dose of 25mcg. I am hoping its an easy transition.

Back and biceps

15x 135lb
12x 225
6x 315
6x 315
8x 275
10x 225

Seated Row
2x 15x 105lb
2x 12x 120

Hammer Strenght Lat high row
15x 25lb each side (easy, never used machine before)
15x 50
15x 75

T bar Row
15x 45lb
10x 70

Cable Lat Press
3x 15x 140lb

Lat Pulldown
15x 85lb
15x 100
7x 115

Bd rows
2x 45x 15

Cable Lat Flies
12x 12.5
12x 22.5

Standing ex curl bar
12x 50lb
8x 50 drop set 4x 40

Standing cable curls arms out and up
10x 40lb
10x 30

Hammer Strenght raised curls
2x 30x 10lb

40 min swim

I gave up on the swim. I was cold, hungry, and tired. I am sure i could have come up with even more excuses if i need to. I just did not get it done. The night before I unloaded a truck for work at midnight, finished at 3am then went back into work at 10am. Its been a tiring couple days.

I think that the t3 is giving me more enegry and i am more capable of handling days like this. I suppose I am getting used to the testosterone at this point cause the feeling is starting to feel like normal. Nothing really new to report on the test but for the var i am getting slight back pumps, neck cramps and foot cramps. I am also get more vascular and pumped during my workouts.

I trained hard today with weights, sucks i did not get the whole hour swim in . I will attempt it again tomorrow.
when u use the electric bf thing make sure you put it on Athlete and not normal.

And not to be a dick but wtf are you doing with this terrible lite weight? I thought you were trying to grow but stay lean.

and Why would you eat 100g of fat a day, but keep ur protein so low.

if anything you should eat 300g protein a day, take advantage of the gear it increases your bodies ability for protein synthesis.
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when u use the electric bf thing make sure you put it on Athlete and not normal.

And not to be a dick but wtf are you doing with this terrible lite weight? I thought you were trying to grow but stay lean.

and Why would you eat 100g of fat a day, but keep ur protein so low.

if anything you should eat 300g protein a day, take advantage of the gear it increases your bodies ability for protein synthesis.

I will take your advice, i will drop fat a bit and ramp up protien to 225g, 300g is to much. When i started the cycle my goal was only to maintain my current muscle and drop to a sub 5% body fat. The stuff is not only seeing me maintain but increase my mass while i am leaning out.

I was not going on with ideas of getting bigger just maintaining what i had while i cut.
I forgot that yesterday was monday and missed my sust pin. I will shoot it today and then get back on track for thursday.
Day 30
Day 14 Anavar 50mg

Today i shot one ml sust cause i forgot to shot it yesterday. Injection was great. Finished my first vial of susanon it lasted 30days i was expecting to get 5 weeks from it but i suppose that the oil from the neddle adds up. assuming that i cant read properly and did not waste it i pinned a bit over 600mg a week. I know that i have kept a tight eye on that one ml tick mark so this 600mg a week thing is not true.

I took 25mcg t3 last night slept fine. Although when i got back from the gym to relax i noticed my heart rate was faster than normal, it has come down since then.

Today I worked chest and some tris with an hour swim.


Hammer strenght incline press
15x 90lb

Incline Bench press
15x 135lb
9x 185 (last to reps were forced reps)
idrx 165
10x 155
10x 135

Hammer strenght incline press
15x 140lb
12x 180
12x 180

Incline bd press
3x 10x 50lb (each hand)

Wide grip hammer strenght press
12x 180lb
11x 180
9x 180

Cable crossovers
3x 15x 17.5lb (each cable)

Incline db flys
10x 30lb (each hand)
2x 15x 20

Bench press 1.5 reps
one full rep is half rom then touch chest press full rom for one
5x 135lb failed could not get weight off chest no spot had to ask for help very embarrasing
5x 115 also failed but had a spot

Low Cable flys
3x 15x 12.5


Hammer strenght dip machine
3x 15x 140lb

Tricep press w/rope
9x 80lb
8x 70

Swim an hour.
I hate that pool it is so damn cold. Its hard for me to stay focused in the cold water. Its an indoor pool. I think i really pushed my chest today, i too extra time inbetween sets i suppose it was lazyness but the overall volume of the workout should make up for it. I am going to add much more protien to my diet and see how much i can really build while running on a deficite.

Building muscle and burning fat its just crazy how this is possible with test. As a natural i would be much flatter right now. I am enjoying my ride on test and var right now. Credit will be given when bloods come back but so far legen sust and var is working as i hoped but we will see.
Day 31
Day 15 Anavar 50mg

So I should have finished my prop up last shot. I shat 1.5 ml left in the vial so i saved it for today. This was my last shot of prop. I also did not pin it untill around 11pm. It was a perfect injection but 1.5 ml prop is somthing i have never done so lets hope the pip is not bad.

I am going to take 25mcg t3 tonight and slept fine yesterday on that same dose.

Today i worked legs and abs. I know i should train legs harder here is my workout for today. including an hour swim in that cold ass pool.

3x 10x 225lb

Leg press
12x 210lb
12x 250
12x 290

2x 16(8 each leg)x 50lb (db each hand)

Leg extention
2x 15x 20lb hold at the top

Calf raises
3x 15x 105lb

Calf press single leg
3x 12x 30lb


Cable crunches ss in & out
12x 100 & 12x 100
2x 12x 120 & 12x 120

Incline situps
3x 12x bw

Cable oblique twist
2x 15x 22.5

Hour swim.

Solid day kept carbs on the low end and raised protein. I am thinking of getting on an eca stack for the final 4 weeks till show time.
Day 32
Day 16 Anavar 50mg

Today i shot one cc sust into my left glute. The pin was great no blood smooth, pip is gone. I have no pip from the 1.5 ml of prop i shot yesterday. I assume that my muscles got used to it. That is good. I am only pinning twice a week now. sust 250 mon & thurs.

I slept alright last night on 25mcg t3 from mjr i took the 25mcg tonight i am just not sleepy yet, I will hopfully all asleep soon. Tomorrow i bump up to 37mcg! thats finally getting into a dose higer then supplementary or replacment. I that i am still able to build some muscle while taking it.

I am getting ready to go see Linkin Park and 30 seconds to mars tomorrow at the carnivors tour with my lover. Its going to be pretty sick. That being said i was not at my new place that i just moved into so i had to get another form of cardio in. I just ran for and hour got about 4 miles in.

I also removed a ton of my body hair. I have not shaved just taken the buzzer to the hair. I got it trimmed pretty short. I will take some pics and post them. I think i am looking good for 175 pounds espically how its a "terrible" light weight. I think i am rocking it at the moment.

Today i trained with my lover and we worked shoulders, She is entering the same show as me and is on 20mg var ed so she is fucking kick ass in the gym. We busted tail today. It was great.


Military Press Standing (of course)
15x 95lb
6x 135lb
12x 115

Seated over head db press
12x 50lb (each hand)
10x 50
8x 50

Military press burn out
30x 45lb

Front, back over head burn out.
20 front & 20 behind neck

Side laterial raises db
2x 15x 15lb

Cable laterial raises
2x 8x 10lb

Front raises cable w/rope
8x 27.5lb
12x 22

Barbell front raise
12x 40lb

rear delt fly machine
2x 12x 50lb

Cable rear delt cross pull on bosu ball
12x 12.5lb
15x 7.5

Bent over rear delt fly db
2x 12x 10lb

Upright row
8x 95lb
12x 85
12x 85

Shruggs barbell
15x 135lb
2x 15x 155lb

Run 60 mins
Waited till 9:30 at night to do my hour long run. So there was an unusual break in my workouts. My lover was beat from the gym and wanted to eat and rest before cardio.
Day 33
Day 17 Anavar 50mg

No injection today. Trained with my lover at the gym. It was an alright session. Got it in before the 3 hour drive to the concert. Hit chest back bis and tris.

Incline bench press
15x 136lb
6x 185
10x 155

Seated row
15x 105lb
2x 15x 120

Cable decline press
15x 37.5lb
2x 15x 47.5

Hanging cleans
2x 12x 95lb
12x 105

Incline db pec flys
3x 15x 20lb

Hammer strength lat pull down
3x 15x 186lb (96 each side)

Cable tricep press w/rope
2x 12x 57lb

Cable bicep curl w/rope
2x 15x 42.5lb

She was a bit moddy in the gym today but its was good we got to train before the concert. I also made it a refeed day and hammered carbs. I can feel my metabolism kicking back in. since then i have been hungry ever 2 or 3 hours. I also took 25mcg t3 and was fine. I should have upped the dosage to 37.5mcg but i forgot.