From a raw supplier themselves. The downfall continues

All I have heard from people on this forum is “it’s only DHT steroids” or “You don’t know what you’re talking about because I’m old and been doing this for 15 years” a bunch of BS. Dbol is testosterone derived. But it’s only DHT steroids that we are running out of???? Wrong. Sooner rather than later, we will be put into the position where we won’t even be able to get simple things like testosterone or nandrolone powder. No, the raws won’t “run out” they just won’t be easily accessible. Raws will be brewed for Pharma grade products. To even purchase them, you might even have to have proof of a medical license to buy them. It actually does fucking suck. Screw China and all of the other countries that continue to change their laws to stop the making and distribution of anabolic steroids. This “industry” we part take in is dying. It pisses me off, which is why I continuously bring it to light. Ban steroid distribution; but we can smoke ourselves to lung cancer or drink until we have liver failure. But when it comes to steroids “oh no how dare someone choose what they put in their body” it’s ridiculous
I just can't do this again with you. You do you Connor. I will leave you with a link from 2015 that WADA was teaming up with China to get rid of all steroid raw producers. Again this was 2015 so 6 years ago. How has that worked out? You have a screenshot from some unknown raw supplier explaining why they don't have certain compounds. Nothing says the basics will be gone.

Here is an excerpt from the article that shows they mean business in 2015 :eek:

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the General Administration of Sport of China (GASC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will help track and eliminate the illegal manufacture and supply of Performance-Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) and raw materials for the production of PEDs in China.

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All I have heard from people on this forum is “it’s only DHT steroids” or “You don’t know what you’re talking about because I’m old and been doing this for 15 years” a bunch of BS. Dbol is testosterone derived. But it’s only DHT steroids that we are running out of???? Wrong. Sooner rather than later, we will be put into the position where we won’t even be able to get simple things like testosterone or nandrolone powder. No, the raws won’t “run out” they just won’t be easily accessible. Raws will be brewed for Pharma grade products. To even purchase them, you might even have to have proof of a medical license to buy them. It actually does fucking suck. Screw China and all of the other countries that continue to change their laws to stop the making and distribution of anabolic steroids. This “industry” we part take in is dying. It pisses me off, which is why I continuously bring it to light. Ban steroid distribution; but we can smoke ourselves to lung cancer or drink until we have liver failure. But when it comes to steroids “oh no how dare someone choose what they put in their body” it’s ridiculous

**inner voice** “don’t argue with the retard today”

you’re right Connor you knew it all along I mean because a fucking new raws supplier who no one has ever heard of or used shows up with a website and has a warning about it it must be True right and proves you right. you might as well stop Juicing now and start playing ping pong. SMH.
**inner voice** “don’t argue with the retard today”

you’re right Connor you knew it all along I mean because a fucking new raws supplier who no one has ever heard of or used shows up with a website and has a warning about it it must be True right and proves you right. you might as well stop Juicing now and start playing ping pong. SMH.
I’ve actually considered just getting back into track and field now that all this continues to go downhill. It’s not just this new source. It goes deeper than that. Every source that supplies raws and oils has spoke on this issue many times in the last 1 and 1/2 months
Every source that supplies raws and oils has spoke on this issue many times in the last 1 and 1/2 months
When did ANY of them say that raws are going away or quality is going to get worse? They all have said the same thing about DHT derivatives not being produced due to environmental laws.

Live look into connors mind with the raw wars coming-
When did ANY of them say that raws are going away or quality is going to get worse? They all have said the same thing about DHT derivatives not being produced due to environmental laws.

Live look into connors mind with the raw wars coming-
Not all sources are saying it’s the end game. However, most of the ones that are saying everything is fine are just trying to keep us at ease and not worry so we will buy their products. Again, I really don’t care if you believe me or not. The facts speak for themselves. The trajectory shows what’s going on and now we have a raws source themselves telling us that steroid raws are stopping. Opinions are different. However, I am using data, evidence and looking at the trajectory when I give my opinion. As I said, it pisses me off that steroid supply is dying because of this BS. That’s why I bring it to the attention of everyone. Nonetheless, when it DOES happen, one of the vets that are denying it will be one of the ones to step up and say “I knew it. I tried to warn you”
Why don't you just order a kg of test (or whatever amount you need) to last you for the rest of your life? That way you don't have to worry about this.
Why don't you just order a kg of test (or whatever amount you need) to last you for the rest of your life? That way you don't have to worry about this.
Not a bad idea. Frankly, I just don’t have a desire to do home brewing. I’ve done it before. I just like the convince of pre mades. Regardless, it blows and it’s upsetting to see the steroid supply die like this
will survive only real producers with all gov licence etc... other labs who produce his products in a dark basement and write they from swiss india etc.. die. not good for sure. price for the raw upped few times yet and chineese not harry up to send you something.
Not a bad idea. Frankly, I just don’t have a desire to do home brewing. I’ve done it before. I just like the convince of pre mades. Regardless, it blows and it’s upsetting to see the steroid supply die like this

Connor if you want premade oils, go with a brand like Sp Laboratories and is manufactured by Balkan which is a GMP laboratory.

They are licensed in Moldova and distribute all over the eastern EU....

Yes, there is a raw shortage, are we worried? NOOOOOO..... Again, this isn't anything new. This has been happening on and off for years! Not just China either but other parts in the world.

AAS are not going anywhere.

Please stop believing everything you see online. I condemn that source being truthful then make a sneezy dollar switching compounds, but all other sources I spoke to, both UGL brewers and vendors in China and other parts of the world told me and I am sure others its because of Environmental laws at the moment and because of the Olympics.

You are 24, you are young, and you have ALOT to learn man.

Stop just posting stuff you really have no idea about.

Btw, screenshot what Dave tells you on Testosterone only cycles. Some of my best cycles were just testosterone alone.

And BTW, India sells Zydus Cadila (Organon) Nandrolone (Real prescription Deca) and other items such as Abbott Test Suspension and the list continues...

Mexico sells Pfizer Equipoise 50mg/50ml vials (Incredibly strong)

I used all this stuff in my past when I was big into bodybuilding. Mostly before I touched UGLs because years ago they were horrendous. Now again with ability to test everything the game had changed soo much over the years.

Plenty of items out there that are pharma brands from their respected countries small example (NOT UGLS) Bayer Testovirons/Rimobolans, Pfizer Equipoise, BodyResearch Testolics (Pharma Test prop from Thailand), BD Androlics/Azolol (Pharma Anadrol/Stanozolol), Zydus Cadila (Organon) Nandrolone Decanoate/NPP and the list continues....

Shall I add more?

Don't message me asking where to get these either.... This is just to open your eyes. You go against me and others and have been doing this when you were in Elementary or before you were born.

AAS are not going ANYWHERE.

I know this is an old thread and I am saying this one last time....

Give it a break man
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