Genghis Pharm - US Domestic

One of these sources ought to keep it real on their next rebrand. Might I suggest, Maine Coon Labs or Shih Tzu Pharma?
Barrack Obama, Donald Trump, a good looking lady and a less attractive lady were all riding together on a train. While going through a tunnel in the dark, a slap is heard. Once out of the tunnel, Obama has a red hand print across his face. The attractive women thinks to herself, he must have tried to grab me in the dark and instead grabbed the less attractive women and she slapped him. The less attractive women assumes Obama must have grabbed the attractive women and got slapped. Obama thinks to himself, Trump must have grabbed one of those women and I got slapped by mistake. Trump thinks to himself, I can't wait to go through another tunnel so I can slap Obama again.
Obama thought it was the girls because of Trump's chubby little baby hands.
With that kind of money, you can have whatever or whoever you want. No clue why he chooses his daughters.
Haha. The wise 21 year old shares his wisdom. The Globe was meant for outhouse paper or fireplace starter material. Sorry to bust your bubble but not everything you read is true:D
Put their wives side by side and tell me hands matter. Lol
Trumps Wife = Paid for goldigger and plastic surgery, no indication of mental strength, may be intelligent but doesn’t use her brain would rather mooch off a rich man

Obama’s Wife = been with him since he was a college kid playing basketball bad grades and was going no where, strong intelligent, doesn't need to rely on looks and has more monetary value and social and political influence than just about every man on this site combined Amazon with a naturally big ass and beautiful face

Get back to me when Obama threatens schools about releasing his grade transcripts.
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