HGH Anything you wish you knew before you got started?

At first, I’d want to compare the total increase in GH/IGF-1 over 24 hrs by calculating the area under the respective curves then pick the one which produces more total GH/IGF-1

On the other hand, the body produces spikes naturally so in theory it would make sense to use something which replicates natural spikes, albeit larger spikes.

Also, supposedly MK677 has a higher potential to reduce insulin sensitivity than synthetic HGH does.
Like I said earlier, it’s up to you—if you prefer a 2-3 hour spike instead of a consistent high level that lasts 24 hours, that’s your choice. But just know, you can still use HGH alongside MK-677.

Yeah, MK-677 induces insulin resistance, but who cares? You’d be surprised how easily you can mitigate that with a GLP-1 agonist or metformin. MK-677 is super cheap and isn’t harsh on the body. It’s not meant for long-term use, but running 10-25 mg for 3-4 months during a bulk, especially with insulin, is totally worth it.
Like I said earlier, it’s up to you—if you prefer a 2-3 hour spike

Hgh’s half life is 8-10 hours lol. You are full of shit.

Yeah, MK-677 induces insulin resistance, but who cares?

And explodes cortisol and prolactin far worse than hgh will.

If you gotta lie to your poor ass self to justify being broke or too cheap to shell out for quality drugs that’s cool, but don’t bring that shit here where it can hurt people.
Hgh’s half life is 8-10 hours lol. You are full of shit.

And explodes cortisol and prolactin far worse than hgh will.

If you gotta lie to your poor ass self to justify being broke or too cheap to shell out for quality drugs that’s cool, but don’t bring that shit here where it can hurt people.

"As mentioned in the Introduction section, hGH only has a short half-life of 3.4 hours after SC injection"

But of course, that's the kind of misinformation you get when you learn from MPMD.

And yeah, it raises prolactin, but that’s already triggered by using 19-nors, so who cares? If you’re scared of prolactin like a pussy, you shouldn’t be using steroids at all—especially when you know it can be easily controlled with cabergoline.
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I wish I knew that less is more
80S Deal With It GIF
You’re literally regurgitating mpmd level stupid shit…
Haha, I like your arguments, you disagree, but you can't tell why, you just don't like MK-677 so you decided to say it, but don't know what to say about it because you don't know shit.

You're like these peoples which reacts to my comments with dislikes.
Haha, I like your arguments, you disagree, but you can't tell why, you just don't like MK-677 so you decided to say it, but don't know what to say about it because you don't know shit.

You're like these peoples which reacts to my comments with dislikes.

Honestly don’t know why I’m bothering, it’s clear you aren’t going to read it and you’re likely a broke ass child anyway.

I presume you're going to be in a caloric surplus? I'd highly disadvise using mk677 for bulking. It's one of the "dirtiest" compounds for that. Will have you hyperglycemic in no time. Besides that, it's basically ptsd in a pill form, ie. it heavily modulates the hpa axis. It really isn't worth it. You've got test and npp, do you really need mk?

Using GH for bulking is stupid as is (but at least there you can sorta time your meals around the boluses) and nobody besides people who make money off of it, should really be doing it. Mk keeps your GH elevated throughout the whole day and it also elevates your "stress" hormones which have implications in energy metabolism, fat storage, making insulin resistance even more likely.

And even if you didn't notice any anxiety or stress from it the first time, it's still not worth it as hpa axis deteriorates slowly over time. It just doesn't make sense taking anything that modulates it so drastically. Mk is the biggest offender as it has a long half life but ghrelin (GHRP's) in general is implicated in fear conditioning and thus all GHRP's should really be reconsidered for physique enhancement, especially by more anxious people.

You are low IQ

I've seen this expression come out of you on multiple occasions and I'm not sure that you realize that it's not having the desired effect. More specifically, it reflects more poorly on your intellectual capacity than that of others aside from the fact that even if it is true, it's willfully cruel.

The purpose of this forum and this community is discourse. If something or someone is not worth your time to engage, then simply don't.
Haha, I like your arguments, you disagree, but you can't tell why, you just don't like MK-677 so you decided to say it, but don't know what to say about it because you don't know shit.

The half life of HGH is 3-5 hours as you stated, which is also the point of peak serum concentration. The downstream effect of HGH is IGF-1 secretion which has a much longer half-life of somewhere around 12-20 hours, which means that the anabolic and metabolic activity persist for up to 48 hours.

As a result, a single daily injection of HGH is sufficient to yield the maximal anabolic and metabolic benefit.
Honestly don’t know why I’m bothering, it’s clear you aren’t going to read it and you’re likely a broke ass child anyway.
Haha, you're quoting a guy who talks about the HPA axis? If you're worried about that, you shouldn't be touching AAS at all. Plus, the hyperglycemic effects are easily countered with metformin, which (if you care about your health) you should already be taking year-round.

I’ve already said that, but of course, you forgot. It happens, especially when you start blasting a bunch of neurotoxic drugs to impress your college girlfriend.
The half life of HGH is 3-5 hours as you stated, which is also the point of peak serum concentration. The downstream effect of HGH is IGF-1 secretion which has a much longer half-life of somewhere around 12-20 hours, which means that the anabolic and metabolic activity persist for up to 48 hours.

As a result, a single daily injection of HGH is sufficient to yield the maximal anabolic and metabolic benefit.
But still, in what situations is it better than MK-677? Sure, IGF-1 secretion lasts 12-20 hours, but that’s still not the consistent 24-hour levels you get with MK-677. Even with HGH, you only get a 2-3 hour peak, while MK-677 keeps both GH and IGF-1 levels elevated for the full 24 hours.

I'm not saying HGH is bad—I use myself 4 IU before bed year-round. I’m just pointing out that MK-677 is also an extremely effective/cheap option. I've used it during my last few cycles, and honestly, I feel it much more than HGH when it comes to recovery and sleep
But still, in what situations is it better than MK-677? Sure, IGF-1 secretion lasts 12-20 hours, but that’s still not the consistent 24-hour levels you get with MK-677. Even with HGH, you only get a 2-3 hour peak, while MK-677 keeps both GH and IGF-1 levels elevated for the full 24 hours.

Implicit in your question is the notion that continuous GH secretion is somehow beneficial. Re-read what I wrote. The anabolic and metabolic benefits of GH are the result of IGF-1 secretion for which there is a very clear benefit to continuous exposure. I'm not going to dive into the literature, but I would speculate that continuous exposure to GH might yield negative effects with regard to glucose regulation.

That is aside from the fact that if you use them in concert it's likely pointless given that the pituitary gland is going to be shut down in the presence of exogenous HGH. Further, as a result of using MK-677 you are never going to achieve supraphysiological levels of IGF-1. With HGH that's trivial.

I feel it much more than HGH when it comes to recovery and sleep

You're basing your argument on feels which is a flaw in and of itself given the individual variability. What works for you is uncertain as a result of your personal bias and certainly isn't great advice to give to others.
Further, as a result of using MK-677 you are never going to achieve supraphysiological levels of IGF-1. With HGH that's trivial.
It depends on where your physiological levels are at. MK-677 increase serum IGF-1 levels by an average of 79% and GH levels by 82% on average. [source].

I'm not going to dive into the literature, but I would speculate that continuous exposure to GH might yield negative effects with regard to glucose regulation.
That's true, but 500 mg of metformin per 50-100g of carbs, or even a GLP or GLP-1 agonist, is more than enough to mitigate this side effect, which is also triggered by exogenous HGH, of course.

You're basing your argument on feels which is a flaw in and of itself given the individual variability.
No, I was sharing my own experience with it, but everything else I've mentioned about the drugs is backed by research. Need sources? I can provide them.
I can provide them.

You aren’t providing the information or proving what you think you are… Way to ignore the science study suggesting what you’re promoting is akimbo to giving your body ptsd for shittier gains than you would from taking good old fashioned hgh.

Why not just admit you’re too broke or still live with your parents and can’t get gh? Seems like a lot less work than trying this tortured argument to convince yourself a ghrh is going to be a fraction as impactful as gh. Are you scared to pin or something?

For others coming here and reading this: beware of people like Drug Prime peddling the mystical and magical effects of research chemicals that have been studied 1/1000 the amount of hgh. Saving a few bucks and getting a shittier drug that could have far worse and as of yet unknown long term consequences is just stupid when there is a literal sea of quality generic hgh that tests phenomenally.
Giving your body ptsd
Source? I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t think anyone give a fuck about your personal experience. Or either you being a parrot, spreading what you've read on MPMD.

Why not just admit you’re too broke or still live with your parents and can’t get gh?
Yes, I can’t get GH, which is why I mentioned taking 4 IU before bed year-round. Tren affected your brain negatively, and now SERMs affected your eyes—damn, you’re just unlucky, though it's a common side effect you should have been aware of.
I've seen this expression come out of you on multiple occasions and I'm not sure that you realize that it's not having the desired effect. More specifically, it reflects more poorly on your intellectual capacity than that of others aside from the fact that even if it is true, it's willfully cruel.

The purpose of this forum and this community is discourse. If something or someone is not worth your time to engage, then simply don't.
It absolutely has the desired effect, and I am using this descriptor very selectively. IQ disparities are as sad as they are real, and many people have delusions about their abilities.

In my opinion, it would be more cruel and harmful to affirm their delusions, rather than to confront them with the objective reality.

Think of a low-performing student who intellectually struggles in an introductory course but enthusiastically tells you about his plans to pursue a PhD. It would be way easier to affirm their delusions than to give him a reality check about their IQ. But the latter is better for the student himself and society at large (he could contribute to society as a skilled plumber or electrician).

Same idea applies to meatheads who think they are scientists or physicians.
I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t think anyone give a fuck about your personal experience.

I’m not dumb enough of poor enough to pick something as dirty and cheap as mk677 over good old fashioned hgh. That’s all you champ.

Already posted for you, and, as I said would happen, you didn’t read it kiddo.

Yes, I can’t get GH, which is why I mentioned taking 4 IU before bed year-round.

It’s just straight up pathetic if you’re doing it to save money then… Get a job instead of whatever you’re doing here.

Frankly, you’ve demonstrated yourself unworthy of any serious conversation at this point. I’ll just be around to point out your misinformation.