Homebrew effectiveness?


Well-known Member
AnabolicLab.com Supporter
Well been questioning just brewing my own for a while now and for a few friends and acquaintances. With the price of oils these days from a few vendors is it cost effective ba just buying them and refitting the finished oils already. Or is it just a hobby to most you all now and do it for the process experience and fun. Really want to pull the gun on brewing small 500-1000ml batches just to have on hand for us but the cheap price of all finished products these days have kind of turned me away thus far. I think it would be an enjoyable process plus the fact you know what’s in every bottle for sure. What would you say it is costing to make a bottle of test, sus, deca, tren, mast and so on including the raws, sterile bottles plunger, and caps(everything excluding the decent equipment). Thanks for any input.