HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

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After ordering from this guy for the 5th or 6th time I'd like to review him and the products I've tried so far.

Shipping (inside of the EU)
Shipping usually takes about 3 days after the payment confirmation which also takes about 3 days when paying via bank transfer.

The seller answers really fast and also helped me a lot when there was a problem with one of my payments. He really puts an emphasis on customer satisfaction.


Tren A:
Was really strong at only 200-250mg/week. Changed my appearance quickly and gave me a very full look + some insomnia and heartburn lol

Very strong at 10-20mg/day. Nice cosmetic changes and added strength. Only problem was that it gave me really bad heartburn and elevated my BP and HR.
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Test E:
Does what it's supposed to. Gave me some light pip once or twice but that's about it. Would love to try the current batch and see how it goes.

Mast E:
Made me a little bit drier looking and upped my aggression. Solid product.

Nice gains. Helped with joint pain and recovery. Also enhanced my vascularity and strength.

Only noticed some slightly improved pumps and some „mental clarity“.

Made me feel really good and happy when I took it pre workout. Also increased strength but gave me some acne due to it's half life and my stupidity.

Crazy pump after taking 30-50mg pre workout. After one OHP warmup set with a barbell only my whole upper body felt I've been working out for like 30mins.

GSO Deca:
No pip at all but had to stop taking it after 5 weeks because of a gyno flare up due to stupid cycle design. Therefore I can't really comment on any further benefits.

Helped me with my previously mentioned gyno flare up and made me and my joints dry af. Definitely works.

I took 0.25mg e2d while cruising on 250mg of Test E/week. E2 was on the lower end of the range so it seems to work.
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I think that's it so far. Still have to try the Boldenone and Winstrol. Currently running 350 Test E, 350 Mast E and 200 NPP. The gains are really clean so far. Will definitely order again from this guy.
@hleur @hlsupport
Why are you still selling the fake/replica HCG and T3 unipharma? Wonder what is inside them, ever send them or had a customer send them to Janoshik?
As already mentioned by Den84, Test EC 400 is still being sold and produced. Please have a look at post #1,752. Test results can be found at:

Inject DBOL or DHB planned?

And maybe Telmisartan and nebivolol would sell very good guys:)
There is not that big demand for injectable orals. Most people already pin a lot of volume and that just adds even more. Telmisartan and Nebivolol are great suggestions and might be considered someday.

i would add my favs peptides too: IGF-1DES/LR3, Glutation, and sarm Ibutamoren mk-677/Cardarine GW-501516 , but even though HL doing great progress with adding new products, gotta love it! really one-stop shop
MK-677 and Cardarine are planned.

@hleur @hlsupport
Why are you still selling the fake/replica HCG and T3 unipharma? Wonder what is inside them, ever send them or had a customer send them to Janoshik?
We do not put these products in the Price list on Meso. We always recommend to purchase products made and produced by us as these are tested. We offer other products too simply because there is a demand for them.
i read: Bacteriostatic water (2%, 10ml)
mhhh are you sure about 2%? i've always seen 0.9% benzyl alcohol. why so much alcohol?
looks like Human labs is a legit Pharmacy company which is registered at the stock market ,which doesnt see it as necssary to answer mails at the weekend hmm
Couple of lab tests have arrived - specifically NANDRO D 500 and TESTO E 500. Results are in the attachments below.

i read: Bacteriostatic water (2%, 10ml)
mhhh are you sure about 2%? i've always seen 0.9% benzyl alcohol. why so much alcohol?
Yes, it is correct. Simply because we have decided to use this concentration.

Inject DBOL or DHB planned?

And maybe Telmisartan and nebivolol would sell very good guys:)
I forgot to mention that if you are interested in Injectable Orals you should give a try to Sublingual administration. Our tablets dissolve very well in water and saline. I do not know your specific reasons for using Injectable over Oral but there are several advantages using Sublingual so have a look into that and it might possibly give you the results you are after.


  • Nandro-500.png
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  • Testo-500.png
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Couple of lab tests have arrived - specifically NANDRO D 500 and TESTO E 500. Results are in the attachments below.

Yes, it is correct. Simply because we have decided to use this concentration.

I forgot to mention that if you are interested in Injectable Orals you should give a try to Sublingual administration. Our tablets dissolve very well in water and saline. I do not know your specific reasons for using Injectable over Oral but there are several advantages using Sublingual so have a look into that and it might possibly give you the results you are after.
Do you have humatropin in stock? Last time I asked I got told it was out of stock.
Is the promo still running for new 500 products?
looks like Human labs is a legit Pharmacy company which is registered at the stock market ,which doesnt see it as necssary to answer mails at the weekend hmm
Your modus operandi is to submit an order and do nothing after receiving payment instructions. I remember minimum of 3 times from top of my head.

This time we deliberately decided to not answer your email to avoid unnecessary overhead. Thank you for your understanding.
PIP feedback Test EC 400... For those curious to what it feels like, I had zero pip when mixed in a syringe with other gear. When injected on its own, 0.5ml in a short cruise, I can slightly feel it. Not painful at all, rather it feels like a tiny lump in the butt. When sitting down, it feels like having a wallet with some coins in the back pocket, like "something is there". I haven't tried more than 0.5ml on its own. Well done to HL for keeping the pip down on such concentration.
Your modus operandi is to submit an order and do nothing after receiving payment instructions. I remember minimum of 3 times from top of my head.

This time we deliberately decided to not answer your email to avoid unnecessary overhead. Thank you for your understanding.
yeah i think you dont know how this works,

when i place an order and i dont get a answer (at least payment information so i can send the money) within a day i simply use another source, dont blame me this is how it works

if i enter a store without employees ,do i wait a eternity for someone to show up when there are 10 other shops at the same street ? obviously not, i simply leave and use another shop. this is how it works in real life

if you think its okay to make customer wait 1-2 days to answer then dont blame me for not sending money because i did but just to another source