Hybrid Athlete HRT Log

Awesome progress so far. Stoked to see what you can do on your cycle
30 days left it’s a mini blast but I’m pushing everything pretty high. Want to fill out significantly we will see what happens. I’ll post a physique update on Sunday see if there’s any major changes
Nice man! You feeling the SR9001? Been thinking about trying it
I take it year round for cardiovascular health. Usually just in the mornings for fasted cardio. To properly cycle it, 3-4 injections per day is optimal, 3 hour half life. I just do 15-30mg in the morning 4-5 a.m and it wears off by noon just for fasted cardio endurance purposes. It works well I enjoy it.
3cc!!!!!SB Labs!!!! A little pricey but their products are A plus!!
I like them. I use 3-4 different labs and I’ve been happy with the quality so I almost don’t try new sources anymore. Also for the gear pics I’m not advertising for or affiliated with any lab, I just love some gear porn haha
Numbers probably won’t be to crazy on tonight’s lift, really just doing some pump work and focusing on getting a deep upper chest stretch.