Hybrid Athlete HRT Log

It does unfortunately. My running has taken a pretty large hit honestly, find myself a lot more winded and doing slightly less distance now.

Stairmaster also feels exponentially harder.
Ahhh that really sucks. I have so many questions now what about your resting heart rate? Is it noticeably much higher?
Ahhh that really sucks. I have so many questions now what about your resting heart rate? Is it noticeably much higher?
That's actually a great question. I haven't been tracking it. Probably should get a fitness watch to monitor this.

My guess is yes,
Ahhh that really sucks. I have so many questions now what about your resting heart rate? Is it noticeably much higher?
I only use tren during the summer and only go up to 150mg a week with lower test. My RHR is probably 10 points higher so in the mid 70s. What really hits me is the sleep issues. Honestly dude your pretty shredded already, can't imagine if you added a splash of tren in there.
I only use tren during the summer and only go up to 150mg a week with lower test. My RHR is probably 10 points higher so in the mid 70s. What really hits me is the sleep issues. Honestly dude you’re pretty shredded already, can't imagine if you added a splash of tren in there.
So it’s settled, my June blast I’ll run 150 tren. I’ve never ran a cycle with low test I always run it pretty high, maybe I’ll keep the test around 300 high mast sprinkle of tren and try to recomp
So it’s settled, my June blast I’ll run 150 tren. I’ve never ran a cycle with low test I always run it pretty high, maybe I’ll keep the test around 300 high mast sprinkle of tren and try to recomp
It's one of those things in life you have to try at least once. Can't go wrong with the good ole TMT stack.
@Sector remember when you asked me about CNS fatigue and I said I’m just recovering so fast? Yea it caught up with me. Every muscle in my body is sore and I’m exhausted lol
@Sector remember when you asked me about CNS fatigue and I said I’m just recovering so fast? Yea it caught up with me. Every muscle in my body is sore and I’m exhausted lol
Yeah two-a-days can definitely do that, but it's good, it mean you're motivated, and soreness is oddly satisfying for some reason.

I find the workouts after a rest day are always the best too, when the central nervous system feels fresh.

Keep up the good work though man, I respect the grind
Yeah two-a-days can definitely do that, but it's good, it mean you're motivated, and soreness is oddly satisfying for some reason.

I find the workouts after a rest day are always the best too, when the central nervous system feels fresh.

Keep up the good work though man, I respect the grind
Shit comments like this are we keep me motivated I do appreciate the kind words bro. I’ve already hit 6x400 calorie meals today I might have a 700 calorie meal before bed and see if it makes a difference. Depending on how I feel tomorrow I might try to just focus on food and stretching and get a late night run in, back to hypertrophy work Sunday.
Much needed rest day. Fuck man I’m torn up. I did get some new running shoes I’m pretty stoked about @demon im coming for you tomorrow
What kind of shoes you get bro? I will be watching for ya tomorrow. Gonna try and get some miles in myself. I wish it was warmer, can’t wait for spring to get here!
What kind of shoes you get bro? I will be watching for ya tomorrow. Gonna try and get some miles in myself. I wish it was warmer, can’t wait for spring to get here!
I’ll have to double check some Nikes discounted from 140 to 80$ I got 2 pairs. Super thick soles! I agree I can’t wait until the 60 degree 4 am runs
I’ll have to double check some Nikes discounted from 140 to 80$ I got 2 pairs. Super thick soles! I agree I can’t wait until the 60 degree 4 am runs
I hear ya. Nothing better than those outside morning runs. I’ve got a new pair of old man new balance coming myself.
I hear ya. Nothing better than those outside morning runs. I’ve got a new pair of old man new balance coming myself.
The soles are so thick I. My usual running shoes, Nike renew 2. Feels like you’re running in a cloud, but they burn out after 250ish miles. Super cheap too, I finally decided to try something new just because I went to the outlet mall
My current favorite is Brooks Adrenaline. I browse the runningwarehouse online store to buy last years model at steep discount once the new model is out. Buy 2 pair at once and that will last a year or so. I easily get 500+ miles out of each. I never wear them unless I’m running.

Some bigger guys love Hokas for the cushioning but they don’t work for my feet.

If you like Nike. The Pegasus are great. I have a pair I use for races. They are lighter than my Brooks.
My current favorite is Brooks Adrenaline. I browse the runningwarehouse online store to buy last years model at steep discount once the new model is out. Buy 2 pair at once and that will last a year or so. I easily get 500+ miles out of each. I never wear them unless I’m running.

Some bigger guys love Hokas for the cushioning but they don’t work for my feet.

If you like Nike. The Pegasus are great. I have a pair I use for races. They are lighter than my Brooks.
I’ll have to check out Brooks Adrenaline. I usually start getting knee pain around 300 miles on the Renew 2’s. Also going to check out Pegasus trying to get up to 10 miles this summer with my heavy ass. @Dayzee is matching my 10 if I hit it by August.

Probably worth the money to get a really nice pair instead of the cheaper ones I’ve been getting, but for me having a few pairs at a time has been working. Roughly how many miles per week are you doing currently?
I’ll have to check out Brooks Adrenaline. I usually start getting knee pain around 300 miles on the Renew 2’s. Also going to check out Pegasus trying to get up to 10 miles this summer with my heavy ass. @Dayzee is matching my 10 if I hit it by August.

Probably worth the money to get a really nice pair instead of the cheaper ones I’ve been getting, but for me having a few pairs at a time has been working. Roughly how many miles per week are you doing currently?
I have a really strong running background so what works for me may not work for others. I run 2 days a week right now. 5 miles every Wednesday morning with a running group. This is about 8 minute pace, last mile I run 7:15-7:30. And then either Saturday or Sunday my girl and I will run a long run 10-13 miles. Mentally I view it as 10 1-mile runs. If I need to stop, I stop. I get time in my feet and I cover the distance. We run with a running group so they have water stations every 1.5 miles. The running time average is around 9 minutes per mile.

The rest of the week I get on the treadmill every day for 30-60 minutes and walk on a steep incline. If the treadmills are full, I’ll jump on the bike instead. I just constantly move.

And then I lift 6-7 days a week. Age is catching up to me. I used to rock climb, mountain bike, run and lift.
Here’s my total testosterone and free testosterone from 600 test 10 days into the blast. Sustanon is definitely doing its job, the test e in mct definitely metabolizes pretty quick, probably why I’m getting constant erections already lmao

Here’s my total testosterone and free testosterone from 600 test 10 days into the blast. Sustanon is definitely doing its job, the test e in mct definitely metabolizes pretty quick, probably why I’m getting constant erections already lmao

View attachment 278802
Nice man! I see a lot of guys that like sust combined with test-e. What’s the even fit you’re finding from it?