Hybrid Athlete HRT Log

I wonder why that is, more blood flow in the muscle than the sub layer?
I’m not entirely sure as to why, but IM insulin you need to know your body very well, and know what your exact bg number is before injection. Your blood sugar can drop by 100 points or more in less than 5 minutes. But my belief is if your using insulin you more than likely know what your doing, and if you don’t natural selection. SubQ is much more forgiving if you dose slightly to high.
I think Kurt or Todd have a video on it, I’ll check when I have some time and link it if I can find it.
Cool I actually like Todd over other if the new guys he seems super knowledgeable. Hes a dr right? I'm surprised hes not alot more popular than he is. Ur the first person I've heard mention him.
Cool I actually like Todd over other if the new guys he seems super knowledgeable. Hes a dr right? I'm surprised hes not alot more popular than he is. Ur the first person I've heard mention him.
Yes he’s a board certified doctor and definitely very knowledgeable. Don’t sleep on Kurt Havens PHD in biochemistry and walks the walk as well. Love both of their channels tbh
hit back for my second lift

BB row


Upright rows


Wide Grip Pullups


Good Mornings


For a fun closer I did a bunch of sets of ezbar curls with 135 to failure on every set didn’t count reps

I should be sore as hell tomorrow we’ll see
Do you feel the two a days are taxing your CNS pretty heavily?
If I’m cruising then yes, but my androgen load is so high right now that I’m recovering within 24 hours. Only running a 30 day cycle so I want to get the most out of it, back to cruising when I get back late April.

I could never train twice a day on a cruise, I’d probably just get injured
That looks like some tren in a test E bottle xD
Auctus uses Cottonseed oil it’s slightly more yellow than the other stuff I used. Most of my test is in clear MCT.

I will say after seeing so many tren threads I’m tempted to throw some in this summer, but at the same time it’s probably completely unnecessary lol I’m very scared to try any 19Nor I’ve read so much nasty shit about BP and mental sides
Auctus uses Cottonseed oil it’s slightly more yellow than the other stuff I used. Most of my test is in clear MCT.

I will say after seeing so many tren threads I’m tempted to throw some in this summer, but at the same time it’s probably completely unnecessary lol I’m very scared to try any 19Nor I’ve read so much nasty shit about BP and mental sides
Yeah I finally gave in to the tren monster. In a large calorie deficit with high protein and the fat is just melting off unlike any other compound I've run. Daily changes on ace

I don't have BP issues personally, but I also do a good bit of cardio and drink a lot of water.

The sides are a different story though. Mainly just insomnia at the moment. Maybe try a low dose on your next cycle
Auctus uses Cottonseed oil it’s slightly more yellow than the other stuff I used. Most of my test is in clear MCT.

I will say after seeing so many tren threads I’m tempted to throw some in this summer, but at the same time it’s probably completely unnecessary lol I’m very scared to try any 19Nor I’ve read so much nasty shit about BP and mental sides
I think you would love tren. You're young yet, prob won't get many sides. Keep it lower and use ace, and it won't affect cardio too much.
I think you would love tren. You're young yet, prob won't get many sides. Keep it lower and use ace, and it won't affect cardio too much.
I get real paranoid with new compounds it took me forever to get my AI dialed just thinking about needing more ancillaries is stressful. I might try maybe 150mgs this summer short term just to get an idea. My cardio already goes to shit on cycle, does Tren really make it that bad?
I get real paranoid with new compounds it took me forever to get my AI dialed just thinking about needing more ancillaries is stressful. I might try maybe 150mgs this summer short term just to get an idea. My cardio already goes to shit on cycle, does Tren really make it that bad?
It does unfortunately. My running has taken a pretty large hit honestly, find myself a lot more winded and doing slightly less distance now.

Stairmaster also feels exponentially harder.