Hi. New guy to the forum. I've been using HCG as my sole TRT therapy since December of 2012.
I had all the symptoms of Low T - lowered libido, poor recovery from brief infrequent workouts, lack of energy and motivation, poor sleep, etc. I had my blood work done (12/18/12) and results were total T 552, LH 6.1, FSH 4.1, and estradiol 23.6.
I then went to my family doctor and had him check all my other hormone levels (coritsol-normal, thyroid-normal, PSA - .046, Free T-10).
After reading Shippens book and lurking around on the forum, I decided to try HCG monotherapy. I started using 200 IU a day subQ. I took a zinc supplement (15 mg zinc/1 mg copper) 2 times a day as well as 200 mg DIM 2 times a day to help keep E-2 levels down.
I had blood drawn 1 month later (1/31/13). The results were total T 634, LH 1.1, FSH 1.9, and Estradiol 21.4. I was happy to see these results as my free T went up 82 points and my E-2 actually went down 2.2 points. The lowered LH and FSH levels were to be exoected since HCG was now sending the signals to my gonads. I could notice an improvement in my frame of mind (confidence and attitude). Also libido was marginaly improved but no morning wood to speak of.
At this point I decided to try adding injectable B-complex and SuperMic to my supplement routine to try to improve energy levels, workout recovery, and sleep. I had my wife's cousin (RN) start injecting 1cc of each 2 x weekly in the glutes and delts with 25Ga 5/8" syringes. I didn't notice any improvements to speak of in my energy levels, workout recovery or sleep. However I did notice a substantial reduction in the size of my waist, especially in the obliques.
On 3/18/13 I was back to have more blood drawn. The results were Total T 586, LH 1.0, FSH 1.1, Estradiol 21.1, and Free T (Direct) 11.5.
To summarize: LH and FSH remain tanked due to the HCG. Total t down 48 points from last draw but up 34 since first initial draw. Free T up 1.5 points Estradiol down another.3 points. I upped my dosage of HCG to 300 IU daily as a result.
Back to the family doctor yesterday. Diagnosis hypogonadism. He wrote me a script for Testosterone cyponate, 200 iu per ml, 10 ml vial, 1 refill. Dosage reccomended .5 cc im every 14 days.
I think the dosage and frequency are a recipe for trouble and am going to dose more frequently. I believe lower doses more frequently keep the levels of T more stable with less spikes over time. I am still up in the air about wether IM or subQ would be better. I believe I will start with .3cc using a 1cc 29GA, 1/2" insulin syringe in my thigh on Thursday (4/4). I also have large quantities of 25 GA in both 5/8" and 1" (3cc) syringes if the 29 GA doesn't work right. However I hope the insulin syringe will work because the increments on the medicine compartment are easier to read for smaller doses. also there should be less waste due to the size and configuration or the all-in-one needle format.
I will do my next injections (same dose and protocol) on Tuesday and Saturday the following week and then Thursday the week after that. These are my workout days, so it will be easy for me to remember injection days. This frequency of workouts is all I can tolerate at present. Even with these infrequent workouts I usually have to take some time off every 8 weeks to prevent over-training. I think I'll back the HCG back down to 200 iu daily again. I plan to continue the SuperMic as it is advertised to purify the liver and the B-complex as well.
Anyway after 1 month of T injections (6 shots) I'll have my blood drawn again and post the results for you guys.
I would appreciate and advice or comments you guys have as I respect your experience and Knoweldge.