Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

Just received my order

All in good order

Ai with 30 tabs

All the needles and injectable

10ml test e (no floaters)

Just taken my ai will be using test e soon will report back

Top marks to IA rn at the moment

We will see how it goes with bloods

Thanks @IronAnabolics

From my experience so far I think the previous floaters and Var underdosing and bad bloods MAY be coincidental but time will tell

So far got to give credit where it is due
why do you start your AI before you pin? shouldnt your bloodwork tell you if AI is necessary or not?
i rather have my estro on the higher side than crashing it with "guesswork"..
i thought you have not even pinned yet and just received your test?!
can you finally stop with the bullshit talk and give facts?
Did you just pop some ai for the fuck of it? How's it treating you? And have you seriously been sucking IA's dick for some of his ugl ai that you don't need and 10ml of test e?


Top marks to IA, huh? And all this negative shit coming out in his thread is just coincidental, eh?

I also gotta give credit where it's due.

You sir, are a grade A dip shit. Conor the Retard doesn't have anything on you...
No I'm giving an unbiased opinion on what has happened so far if he has underdosed his roids then I will inform the thread when my bloods are done
i thought you have not even pinned yet and just received your test?!
can you finally stop with the bullshit talk and give facts?
Like I said since my E2 is already in the higher side of average I have taken my ai before pinning

I will inform the thread later when I pin how smooth and if in any pip in the next 12-36 hrs

I'm just commenting on my deliver, by no means am I saying that IA is out the woods

He has yet to respond to the Var accusation
No I'm giving an unbiased opinion on what has happened so far if he has underdosed his roids then I will inform the thread when my bloods are done
If you really want to know if he has underdosed his "roids", then wouldn't it make more sense to send off some of his product to be tested than to pull bloods, which are subjective?

When do you plan to pull bloods and what numbers would let you know that his "roids" are underdosed?

How long are you planning on spreading those 10 ml out?
If you really want to know if he has underdosed his "roids", then wouldn't it make more sense to send off some of his product to be tested than to pull bloods, which are subjective?

When do you plan to pull bloods and what numbers would let you know that his "roids" are underdosed?

How long are you planning on spreading those 10 ml out?
I'm going cruise dose of 250 bi weekly

Blast at 500ng

I'm starting at cruise dose today
And IA did respond to the anavar accusation...he wanted photographic proof that it was even his pill that was tested. Basically, calling the guy who paid to have it tested a liar.
Did you just pop some ai for the fuck of it? How's it treating you? And have you seriously been sucking IA's dick for some of his ugl ai that you don't need and 10ml of test e?


Top marks to IA, huh? And all this negative shit coming out in his thread is just coincidental, eh?

I also gotta give credit where it's due.

You sir, are a grade A dip shit. Conor the Retard doesn't have anything on you...
That guy was anxious bashing the source even in Dragon thread just because shipping took like 4 days to have an update, he has been bashing the whole thread like a kid and then he posted that, he is another guy whos head is not ready to run gear or even get out of his house.
And IA did respond to the anavar accusation...he wanted photographic proof that it was even his pill that was tested. Basically, calling the guy who paid to have it tested a liar.

Picture taken from Jano


For users that need to be looped into the current events please follow this thread.

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I almost wanted to give this source a try but now i will wait for clarification on this.

I would prefer to see the 2nd tab also underdosed at 5.5mg because then it could be the raws. But this seems like poor mixing with a 50% difference in potency
@IronAnabolics you got some explaining to do. U
I almost wanted to give this source a try but now i will wait for clarification on this.

I would prefer to see the 2nd tab also underdosed at 5.5mg because then it could be the raws. But this seems like poor mixing with a 50% difference in potency
How hard up are people for gear? All these junior members saying they are waiting clarification, they ordered hoping for the best, their order will be different than the bad orders...

3 reports of floaters, underdosed gear, denials from rep, and lack of communication.... run away as fast as you can