Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

Any update
51.80 nmol coverts to just under 1500 ng/dl , I've read the average in a man is 300ng/dl so 5x multiplier? So seems correctly dosed. Bloods took on a Wednesday evening after pinning the first 5th week jab on a Monday.


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I wouldn't suggest this source to anyone now, cause they didn't answer to the accusations and simply dissappeared.
However, i bought from them a lot of stuff on black friday, right before the problems started and kept using them. I got the vials with the worn off labels, that someone reported that is underdosed. I ' ve had no PIP, no floaters and felt normal the whole time.
I ' ve been using 200mg/ week. And one pill of their aromasin every day. Last shot was around 36 hours before bloods and last aromasin pill ~ 10 hours before.
I don't have uncapped bloodword, but it seems that it isn't underdosed.

And again: Don't buy from this source.


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    729.2 KB · Views: 67
I wouldn't suggest this source to anyone now, cause they didn't answer to the accusations and simply dissappeared.
However, i bought from them a lot of stuff on black friday, right before the problems started and kept using them. I got the vials with the worn off labels, that someone reported that is underdosed. I ' ve had no PIP, no floaters and felt normal the whole time.
I ' ve been using 200mg/ week. And one pill of their aromasin every day. Last shot was around 36 hours before bloods and last aromasin pill ~ 10 hours before.
I don't have uncapped bloodword, but it seems that it isn't underdosed.

And again: Don't buy from this source.
200mg a week and you're using 12.5mg aromasin a day? Mate you're tanking your E2 into the ground for no reason.

Also just to add since I binned the Var I bought but kept the cialis since I've tried theirs before and it's either completely bunk or severely underdosed. Had their 10mg tabs before and could take half and feel it, tried multiple of these 20mg pills and they've done nothing.
200mg a week and you're using 12.5mg aromasin a day? Mate you're tanking your E2 into the ground for no reason.

Also just to add since I binned the Var I bought but kept the cialis since I've tried theirs before and it's either completely bunk or severely underdosed. Had their 10mg tabs before and could take half and feel it, tried multiple of these 20mg pills and they've done nothing.
I m having itchy nips if i dont take one pill every day. I thought it would be cause of high E2. But now i that i have the bloods , i have no idea what it could be.
I m having itchy nips if i dont take one pill every day. I thought it would be cause of high E2. But now i that i have the bloods , i have no idea what it could be.
Might just be in your head mate, but nearly 90mg of aromasin a week even for grams of test is overkill, might wanna cut that down.
I wouldn't suggest this source to anyone now, cause they didn't answer to the accusations and simply dissappeared.
However, i bought from them a lot of stuff on black friday, right before the problems started and kept using them. I got the vials with the worn off labels, that someone reported that is underdosed. I ' ve had no PIP, no floaters and felt normal the whole time.
I ' ve been using 200mg/ week. And one pill of their aromasin every day. Last shot was around 36 hours before bloods and last aromasin pill ~ 10 hours before.
I don't have uncapped bloodword, but it seems that it isn't underdosed.

And again: Don't buy from this source.
What batch number?
Might just be in your head mate, but nearly 90mg of aromasin a week even for grams of test is overkill, might wanna cut that down.
Aromasin(exemestane) is not as strong as you thinking mate. I'm using 12.5mg ed, always together witch meal included fat to 525 test e/ week and my E2 is just below high normal level
Everybody is different, everybody has different metabolism, body fat etc
Aromasin(exemestane) is not as strong as you thinking mate. I'm using 12.5mg ed, always together witch meal included fat to 525 test e/ week and my E2 is just below high normal level
Everybody is different, everybody has different metabolism, body fat etc
That is true that everyone is different and that different factors determine how much you aromatise. But the dude's E2 was in the toilet and really didn't need that much if any at all. 12.5mg ED on a 500mg blast isn't that uncommon, but I don't know anyone personally who needs 12.5mg ED for only 200mg of test.
That is true that everyone is different and that different factors determine how much you aromatise. But the dude's E2 was in the toilet and really didn't need that much if any at all. 12.5mg ED on a 500mg blast isn't that uncommon, but I don't know anyone personally who needs 12.5mg ED for only 200mg of test.
May bad, didnt see his bloodwork before, totally agreed witch you.
51.80 nmol coverts to just under 1500 ng/dl , I've read the average in a man is 300ng/dl so 5x multiplier? So seems correctly dosed. Bloods took on a Wednesday evening after pinning the first 5th week jab on a Monday.
Thanks brother I appreciate it
Aromasin(exemestane) is not as strong as you thinking mate. I'm using 12.5mg ed, always together witch meal included fat to 525 test e/ week and my E2 is just below high normal level
Everybody is different, everybody has different metabolism, body fat etc
Why people think that the normal male estradiol range applied to them when they’re on over 5x the amount of androgens the average male produced is beyond me, the minute you start using anything that puts you in the supraphysiological range is when that reference range becomes pointless.
Why people think that the normal male estradiol range applied to them when they’re on over 5x the amount of androgens the average male produced is beyond me, the minute you start using anything that puts you in the supraphysiological range is when that reference range becomes pointless.
Can you explain why is pointless? Why should we keeping high estradiol level, what kind of advantages you can take from this?
Can you explain why is pointless? Why should we keeping high estradiol level, what kind of advantages you can take from this?
Google is your friend for this but just the top of my head; insulin sensitivity, anabolism, cardioprotection, neuroprotection, hepatoprotection, renalprotection and neurotrophism to name a few. As long as it isn’t causing negative side effects such as gynecomastia or hypertension, we shouldn’t need to use an AI. The range is also meaningless if you’re someone using supraphysiological dosages.
Ok, but how many people do you know whos doesnt has negative sides effects from high E2 lvl? Personally, im very sensitive to it, and on case of avoid using AI, the first side is water retention, which cause back pumps whats really make exercise impossible to as hard, as I want. Following to it is high blood pressure, I musnt explain how dangerous is this, for cardiovascular system, kidney or just for well-being. Some people (including me) witch high estradiol has problem witch acne or even sex drive.
What benefit you can take from high anabolism, a bit higher IGF if you can not train properly and your body doesnt doesnt work as could...
Its absolutely no offence, is just my point of view, and my way to maintain my body, i know guys whos loves high e2, this retention, they are bigger, stronger but they doesnt mind how they harm themselves...
I also would apologise for my horrible English, have hope you will understand what i would like to say;)
Ok, but how many people do you know whos doesnt has negative sides effects from high E2 lvl? Personally, im very sensitive to it, and on case of avoid using AI, the first side is water retention, which cause back pumps whats really make exercise impossible to as hard, as I want. Following to it is high blood pressure, I musnt explain how dangerous is this, for cardiovascular system, kidney or just for well-being. Some people (including me) witch high estradiol has problem witch acne or even sex drive.
What benefit you can take from high anabolism, a bit higher IGF if you can not train properly and your body doesnt doesnt work as could...
Its absolutely no offence, is just my point of view, and my way to maintain my body, i know guys whos loves high e2, this retention, they are bigger, stronger but they doesnt mind how they harm themselves...
I also would apologise for my horrible English, have hope you will understand what i would like to say;)
If you aren't experiencing bad side effects from higher than normal e2, there isn't a need to control it. When you begin to have negative side effects, that is when it can become problematic and makes sense to lower it. Many guys feel great with higher e2 levels. It varies from person to person whether or not higher e2 levels are tolerable.
I'm still waiting for you to help me and solve the 3 times that I have bought 3 x30 - dianabol 3x 30 turinabol 3 x 30 anadrol It was all shit and you know what your answer was? Drugs dont make you bigger? You repair this shit like this? Mdfkr

Hi, Lets do this, you send a sample to a lab of your choice and I will reimburse all costs with Bitcoin as soon as they receive the sample.

You are free to pick the product you would like to test.

I stand behind my products, every single test report apart from one has shown that we sell accurately dosed products.
This is very disappointing outcome.

This source started very well but it all just seemed to fall apart.

Initially price , dispatch, delivery and quality all seem good.

Comms always seemed a bit hit and miss but not that bad .

For whatever reason it all seems to have fallen apart.

TBH it doesn’t feel like a scam - there are better ways to scam.

Following this source from day one ( and having four successful deliveries ) there was always something going on in the background (maybe domestic).

In any event it feels like this is a busted flush for whatever reason. My lasting impression is that it was probably somebody trying to do a good thing but something in the background (life) probably overtook them - they probably really hard to make it work - but couldn’t.

A scam - probably not , a busted flush - certainly

Nothing has fallen apart, there was one report of Anavar being underdosed.

Every other test report has shown that each product is accurately dosed. I have sent in samples for lab analysis of the Anavar 10mg and waiting for them to arrive at the lab.