Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

Ok, I have read the last pages, I need someone to clarify impartially what is the problem with iron anabolic if the customer service system or that the products are counterfeit, last year I did a cycle and some of the compounds I used were iron anabolic and Now I was going to make another one with vials that I still have of trenbolone, masteron and dhb and testosterone, before I start I want to know who has used it, if something underdosed comes I can assume it, because they are not pharmacy products but if they are counterfeits I would have to throw away my whole cycle

Some of his gear had floaters in it and instead of making it right he started blaming the members and picking fights.

I don't know if I'd throw away my gear if I was you, it seems like he was good for some time but he started slipping near the end, but I'd definitely wouldn't buy again from him.
THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE, most of what I have from iron anabolic I bought it between April and June 2020, in fact the labels of my products are totally different from the last photos I saw, they are more "homemade" I could say, I already used A year ago some products and I had no problems, the other way around, to be fair in one of the orders I made I asked for trenbolone enanthate I think I remember and he sent me acetate, and when I told him he sent me the two vials of the correct trenbolone for free, but Since June of last year I did not buy anything else and now I bought dhb and masteron that I wanted to use with what I had left over from the previous cycle and reading the forum I had doubts, at first I trusted this laboratory because I recommended it a youtuber in his patreon and the previous shipments were fast, others I did for example in dragonordenance I think I remember the name but not being European it took a long time ... to see if someone has recently used your products and can advise me, thanks partner
THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE, most of what I have from iron anabolic I bought it between April and June 2020, in fact the labels of my products are totally different from the last photos I saw, they are more "homemade" I could say, I already used A year ago some products and I had no problems, the other way around, to be fair in one of the orders I made I asked for trenbolone enanthate I think I remember and he sent me acetate, and when I told him he sent me the two vials of the correct trenbolone for free, but Since June of last year I did not buy anything else and now I bought dhb and masteron that I wanted to use with what I had left over from the previous cycle and reading the forum I had doubts, at first I trusted this laboratory because I recommended it a youtuber in his patreon and the previous shipments were fast, others I did for example in dragonordenance I think I remember the name but not being European it took a long time ... to see if someone has recently used your products and can advise me, thanks partner

Just a friendly pointer about the YouTuber thing. Do you own research before buying gear, you never know who might be affiliated with a lab and they're trying to push it for that reason.
yeah I'd also like to know what's going on with iron, despite the floaters, are there any other problems?
I've had good results with it so far and I would like to know the current situation.
I also read someone blaming Iron for shity products because he had pip with some test E...
If he had just read 90% of threads on this forum he would already know that test E had problems with the raw itself coming from china, so every Test E from whatever UGL you chose would give you pip...
Just a friendly pointer about the YouTuber thing. Do you own research before buying gear, you never know who might be affiliated with a lab and they're trying to push it for that reason.
Yes, friend, I take into account that youtubers may be working for a laboratory, but in the case that I tell you, it was a well-known Spanish youtuber who in his patreon talked about this forum and several brands of laboratories, such as dragonordenance, purplepandalabs, etc, I also recommend reading opinions from all the labs here, so I think I recommend it impartially, because I talk about many labs, I only chose iron because when the products are sent within Europe they take a short time, and until a year I did not know any internet lab and bought the vials from the gym salesman who sold you pure shit and expensive, I have never been able to use pharmaceutical quality, so what worries me is only that it is a substance that says, that this something underdosed it I can assume, but knowing that for example the dhb that I bought recently is really dhb and not another product as happens with counterfeits, I do not know if I understand the problem
Yes, friend, I take into account that youtubers may be working for a laboratory, but in the case that I tell you, it was a well-known Spanish youtuber who in his patreon talked about this forum and several brands of laboratories, such as dragonordenance, purplepandalabs, etc, I also recommend reading opinions from all the labs here, so I think I recommend it impartially, because I talk about many labs, I only chose iron because when the products are sent within Europe they take a short time, and until a year I did not know any internet lab and bought the vials from the gym salesman who sold you pure shit and expensive, I have never been able to use pharmaceutical quality, so what worries me is only that it is a substance that says, that this something underdosed it I can assume, but knowing that for example the dhb that I bought recently is really dhb and not another product as happens with counterfeits, I do not know if I understand the problem
What a Villano you are:cool:
Yes, friend, I take into account that youtubers may be working for a laboratory, but in the case that I tell you, it was a well-known Spanish youtuber who in his patreon talked about this forum and several brands of laboratories, such as dragonordenance, purplepandalabs, etc, I also recommend reading opinions from all the labs here, so I think I recommend it impartially, because I talk about many labs, I only chose iron because when the products are sent within Europe they take a short time, and until a year I did not know any internet lab and bought the vials from the gym salesman who sold you pure shit and expensive, I have never been able to use pharmaceutical quality, so what worries me is only that it is a substance that says, that this something underdosed it I can assume, but knowing that for example the dhb that I bought recently is really dhb and not another product as happens with counterfeits, I do not know if I understand the problem
Spanish youtuber? Maybe Jgor Montalbano? Can be?
i was curius,and i serched him on yt..seem a bear,but i found his video about trt and blast and cruise interesting,seemed well opinion..
Strictly returning to the topic, I just received the order I made today, the delivery without problems, the labels have changed since the last time I bought, and I will try your hcg for the first time, in a month I will start my cycle, when I see results I will count What's up


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Seeing this supplier is trash can't the mods lock this thread and leave a banner labelling all the things he has done wrong.

Its pretty clear he is waiting for the heat to die off to re-emerge, like a weed.

Good job this forum keeps stamping him out.
Strictly returning to the topic, I just received the order I made today, the delivery without problems, the labels have changed since the last time I bought, and I will try your hcg for the first time, in a month I will start my cycle, when I see results I will count What's up
Fuck off you fucking shill..still buying from a cunt like him. You must be a retard or a shill no other choices

ragazzi, il ferro mi è stato consigliato da un mio amico che vive in colombia..dicendo che i prodotti erano questo forum vedo prendo oxandrolone e clomid..pensi che siano sottodosati o falsi ?
ragazzi, il ferro mi è stato consigliato da un mio amico che vive in colombia..dicendo che i prodotti erano questo forum vedo prendo oxandrolone e clomid..pensi che siano sottodosati o falsi ?
Fake probably not, but underdosed and nasty gear yes
ragazzi, il ferro mi è stato consigliato da un mio amico che vive in colombia..dicendo che i prodotti erano questo forum vedo prendo oxandrolone e clomid..pensi che siano sottodosati o falsi ?
Steroidi a vita I suppose... meh