Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

Da abbastanza,
ero fiducioso riguardo Iron Anabolics ma dopo gli ultimi fatti, farei attenzione tutto qui.
Ho appena fatto un bonifico istantaneo a uno dei loro iban.. sperando che arrivi qualcosa entro due settimane..tu di solito dove compri?Sto cercando anche diuretici
Ormai questa UGL è andata sono stato fortunato ad acquistare Due vials di tren Ena e 2 di testo Ena e funzionavano alla grande splendidi risultati. Poi è andato tutto a male e hanno cominciato a non spedire e fare batch sottodosati e con pip assurdi
By now this UGL is gone I was lucky to buy two vials of tren Ena and 2 of testo Ena and they worked great splendid results. Then everything went wrong and they started not sending and making batches underdosed and with absurd pips

when did they stop sending? i picked up some mk677 from them last week, arrived in 2days domestic.
from what I understand .. they have stopped communicating with the "community" because many people have complained that their products were underdosed .. this does not mean that they do not ship anymore ..
when did they stop sending? i picked up some mk677 from them last week, arrived in 2days domestic.

Jesus Fucking Christ, can't people in this thread read?

He didn't stop sending, we stopped buying because some of his gear was underdosed and some had floaters in them and when we confronted him about it he started blaming us.

He also doesn't delete his customers' information, which is flat out dangerous for everyone.

But by all means, if someone wants to pin God knows what in their butt, its their choice, but Meso was created to help users to avoid cunts like Iron Anabolics.
Fuck off you fucking shill..still buying from a cunt like him. You must be a retard or a shill no other choices
Are you the owner of the forum? you decide what we can buy and what not? Like me, many others who have posted here come because they have recommended this laboratory to us, shut up and learn to respect the opinions of others, I made an order to iron because in the past I bought it and it went well, to I care that what I buy works, nothing else, I bought winstrol from dragonordenance that also had floaters but they are underground laboratories, if I could go to the pharmacy and buy steroids I would not be here, what matters to me is to be able to obtain the things of my cycle, in pharmalabs I bought things in the past, today they have almost nothing in stock, in dragonordenance the orders took me more than a month and if they stopped me at customs they were not responsible, tell me a page that things arrive in Europe fast and at a good price and I will be happy to buy elsewhere, but for now I buy where my source has recommended me as well as many Spaniards here
I am from Spain and there are more than 5 reliable sources that send from Europe with good quality. Here no one is going to feed him with a spoon, look for your conclusions and you will find a good source. Iron did a lot of shit and on top of that he did not recognize the problem, for me he can eat a good floating shit from his infected vials that I will not give a fucking cent, whoever wants to get infected and play Russian roulette ahead, it will not be because they have not been warned
Maybe someone here knows where I can find good HGH cheap in ready-made pens

i doubt anyone is going to spoon feed you a source. You might get lucky, but that isn't typically how it works here. Cutting and pasting your request into multiple threads definitely won't help.
Are you the owner of the forum? you decide what we can buy and what not? Like me, many others who have posted here come because they have recommended this laboratory to us, shut up and learn to respect the opinions of others, I made an order to iron because in the past I bought it and it went well, to I care that what I buy works, nothing else, I bought winstrol from dragonordenance that also had floaters but they are underground laboratories, if I could go to the pharmacy and buy steroids I would not be here, what matters to me is to be able to obtain the things of my cycle, in pharmalabs I bought things in the past, today they have almost nothing in stock, in dragonordenance the orders took me more than a month and if they stopped me at customs they were not responsible, tell me a page that things arrive in Europe fast and at a good price and I will be happy to buy elsewhere, but for now I buy where my source has recommended me as well as many Spaniards here
Fuck off fucking shill. There are plenty of good sources in Europe. You want to be spoonfed? You get the shit you deserved.

Go keep buying from this shit face of a source. Some ppl deserve to get fucked in the ass and maybe even get a nice a nice abscess.

Damn it you are really a bunch of mongoloids
Fuck off fucking shill. There are plenty of good sources in Europe. You want to be spoonfed? You get the shit you deserved.

Go keep buying from this shit face of a source. Some ppl deserve to get fucked in the ass and maybe even get a nice a nice abscess.

Damn it you are really a bunch of mongoloids
First of all, start talking to me well, I don't know who you think you are, this is a forum and that I know you are not a god, if I ask about this distributor it is because I already had the things bought and then I came to the forum, I simply I bought because more than a year ago I used his things and they went well, and in another place where I bought as it was Pharmalabs I could not have my clomid, tamoxifen or hcg for my post cycle, I have read the whole thread and I have spoken with some users of those who had problems, instead of saying anything useful you only dedicate yourself to insult, your contribution to the forum is quite scarce, if I have already seen that a user reported floaters and that the anavar was underdosed, I know, but before finding These websites many times sold me fakes in the gym, so while I can't find a more reliable site, you will understand that I prefer an underdose than just a fake, I have read some threads and there are some more labs that have underdoses, the problem is n iron is that he did not show his face, I understand it, but you understand that I already tried it more than a year ago and it worked well, my boats do not have floats, the only strange thing is that the DHB is as crystallized when I checked them yesterday While other substances were not, but I do not know if it is normal, so if you answer me again, try to contribute something useful instead of looking for discussions, I am only here to learn