Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

First of all, start talking to me well, I don't know who you think you are, this is a forum and that I know you are not a god, if I ask about this distributor it is because I already had the things bought and then I came to the forum, I simply I bought because more than a year ago I used his things and they went well, and in another place where I bought as it was Pharmalabs I could not have my clomid, tamoxifen or hcg for my post cycle, I have read the whole thread and I have spoken with some users of those who had problems, instead of saying anything useful you only dedicate yourself to insult, your contribution to the forum is quite scarce, if I have already seen that a user reported floaters and that the anavar was underdosed, I know, but before finding These websites many times sold me fakes in the gym, so while I can't find a more reliable site, you will understand that I prefer an underdose than just a fake, I have read some threads and there are some more labs that have underdoses, the problem is n iron is that he did not show his face, I understand it, but you understand that I already tried it more than a year ago and it worked well, my boats do not have floats, the only strange thing is that the DHB is as crystallized when I checked them yesterday While other substances were not, but I do not know if it is normal, so if you answer me again, try to contribute something useful instead of looking for discussions, I am only here to learn
TL;DR. But imma copy this text and use to threads i want to spam
many others who have posted here come because they have recommended this laboratory to us, shut up and learn to respect the opinions of others, I made an order to iron because in the past I bought it and it went well

Vete a comerle la polla a iron a otro lado. Se nota que no te has parado a leer ni 5 min este hilo, Iron ha demostrado que lo último que le importa son sus clientes. Si quieres seguir usándolo simplemente porque te lo han recomendado allá tú.
Vete a comerle la polla a iron a otro lado. Se nota que no te has parado a leer ni 5 min este hilo, Iron ha demostrado que lo último que le importa son sus clientes. Si quieres seguir usándolo simplemente porque te lo han recomendado allá tú.
me he parado a leer todos los post de este hilo y me he tomado la molestia de hablarle a muchos de los que comentaron, entre ellos a ti por privado para que me recomendases algo, pero no se que clase de problema mental tienen algunos que en vez de ayudar a la gente se dedican a criticar, compre las cosas antes de ver las ultimas 20 páginas, y por eso decidi preguntar, que quieres que te diga, hace un año lo use, hice la compra antes de entrar aqui, he leido tanto lo de los flotadores como el anavar subdosificado, pero si ya tengo las cosas compradas que voy a hacer? tengo en cuenta lo que han comentado para futuras compras pero teniendolo todo comprado y sin yo personalmente haber tenido malas experiencias pues no voy a tirar lo que tengo y lo probaré, creo que es bastante facil hacer buen clima y ayudar a los demas en vez de faltar al respeto pero se ve que aquí eso no se lleva
me he parado a leer todos los post de este hilo y me he tomado la molestia de hablarle a muchos de los que comentaron, entre ellos a ti por privado para que me recomendases algo, pero no se que clase de problema mental tienen algunos que en vez de ayudar a la gente se dedican a criticar, compre las cosas antes de ver las ultimas 20 páginas, y por eso decidi preguntar, que quieres que te diga, hace un año lo use, hice la compra antes de entrar aqui, he leido tanto lo de los flotadores como el anavar subdosificado, pero si ya tengo las cosas compradas que voy a hacer? tengo en cuenta lo que han comentado para futuras compras pero teniendolo todo comprado y sin yo personalmente haber tenido malas experiencias pues no voy a tirar lo que tengo y lo probaré, creo que es bastante facil hacer buen clima y ayudar a los demas en vez de faltar al respeto pero se ve que aquí eso no se lleva
El problema es que no te das cuenta que te estamos faltando al respeto porque estás incentivando a que otra gente con poca idea pueda acabar comprando esta mierda inyectable. Te recomiendo que tires lo que has comprado, pero hayá tú. Suerte
Ok, dejaré el tema aqui pero nunca he querido incentivar a nadie simplemente estaba preguntando para mi información ya que como hacia casi un año que no compraba ni me moleste en leer el foro antes de comprar di por supuesto que no habia cambiado nada
last few things @descnext
Remember that sources are as good as their last batch, if this source worked for you a year ago means nothing now.
Meso is like this there's no mods, so the members vet the sources. Next time be more prepared if you want to defend a shit source.
Just dropping in again - I bought tbol off this source towards the end of 2020, just got around to using it now.

Pretty sure it's dbol instead, my face ballooned up within just a couple of weeks. Never had this as a side effect off other sources' tbol.

I know the source is already dead, just wanted to add on to further emphasise that. Not even worth paying for lab analysis, I'm just going to toss the rest.
First of all, start talking to me well, I don't know who you think you are, this is a forum and that I know you are not a god, if I ask about this distributor it is because I already had the things bought and then I came to the forum, I simply I bought because more than a year ago I used his things and they went well, and in another place where I bought as it was Pharmalabs I could not have my clomid, tamoxifen or hcg for my post cycle, I have read the whole thread and I have spoken with some users of those who had problems, instead of saying anything useful you only dedicate yourself to insult, your contribution to the forum is quite scarce, if I have already seen that a user reported floaters and that the anavar was underdosed, I know, but before finding These websites many times sold me fakes in the gym, so while I can't find a more reliable site, you will understand that I prefer an underdose than just a fake, I have read some threads and there are some more labs that have underdoses, the problem is n iron is that he did not show his face, I understand it, but you understand that I already tried it more than a year ago and it worked well, my boats do not have floats, the only strange thing is that the DHB is as crystallized when I checked them yesterday While other substances were not, but I do not know if it is normal, so if you answer me again, try to contribute something useful instead of looking for discussions, I am only here to learn
I've got the same problem like you with DHB, it seems to be crystalized, you all can see at the bottom of the vial. I've read from some users that you can introduce the vial on warm watter, but obviously, I'm not going to do that and throw it far far far away from me. And of course, and just as I expected, no one answer my emails at IronAnabolics. I will use other substances I bought and they seems to be in good condiction, but never more will use this lab.

He tenido el mismo problema que tú con la DHB, parece que está cristalizada como podéis ver en el fondo del bote. He leido en otros hilos que puedes introducir el vial en agua caliente para que se disuelva, pero obviamente, ni por asomo voy a usar el vial y lo voy a tirar directamente a la basura. Y por supuesto, tal y como esperaba, nadie contesta a los correos en IronAnabolics. Utilizaré los demás productos que compré que parecen estar bien, pero es la última vez que compraré en este laboratorio.


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I've got the same problem like you with DHB, it seems to be crystalized, you all can see at the bottom of the vial. I've read from some users that you can introduce the vial on warm watter, but obviously, I'm not going to do that and throw it far far far away from me. And of course, and just as I expected, no one answer my emails at IronAnabolics. I will use other substances I bought and they seems to be in good condiction, but never more will use this lab.

He tenido el mismo problema que tú con la DHB, parece que está cristalizada como podéis ver en el fondo del bote. He leido en otros hilos que puedes introducir el vial en agua caliente para que se disuelva, pero obviamente, ni por asomo voy a usar el vial y lo voy a tirar directamente a la basura. Y por supuesto, tal y como esperaba, nadie contesta a los correos en IronAnabolics. Utilizaré los demás productos que compré que parecen estar bien, pero es la última vez que compraré en este laboratorio.

DHB seems prone to crashing easily.
Not that that's a guarantee that what you have is DHB, but it's a good sign, for lack of a better description.

Heating it up would fix it, though it may crash again afterwards. Regardless, it's still usable.
I've got the same problem like you with DHB, it seems to be crystalized, you all can see at the bottom of the vial. I've read from some users that you can introduce the vial on warm watter, but obviously, I'm not going to do that and throw it far far far away from me. And of course, and just as I expected, no one answer my emails at IronAnabolics. I will use other substances I bought and they seems to be in good condiction, but never more will use this lab.

He tenido el mismo problema que tú con la DHB, parece que está cristalizada como podéis ver en el fondo del bote. He leido en otros hilos que puedes introducir el vial en agua caliente para que se disuelva, pero obviamente, ni por asomo voy a usar el vial y lo voy a tirar directamente a la basura. Y por supuesto, tal y como esperaba, nadie contesta a los correos en IronAnabolics. Utilizaré los demás productos que compré que parecen estar bien, pero es la última vez que compraré en este laboratorio.
the dhb is quite sensitive to cold and they tend to fail, warming it up a bit returns to its normal state
the dhb is quite sensitive to cold and they tend to fail, warming it up a bit returns to its normal state
Thanks for your answer, and for @MisterSuperGod's too, but I'm quite suspicious. You know, I bought four vials, and the other three seem to be in good conditions, only that shown on pics is the bad one. I prefear not to use it, you can call me alarmist, but honestly, I prefear lose 30 euro and not to get an abscess o_O

Gracias por tu respuesta, y a también a la de @MisterSuperGod, pero soy un poco desconfiado. Mira, compré cuatro viales, y tres de llos parecen estar bien, sólamente el que se muestra en las fotos está mal. Prefiero no usarlo, podéis llamarme alarmista, pero sinceramente, prefiero perder 30 euros y no tener un absceso o_O
Hey IA I bought a few bottles of test e a few months ago the pip is unbearable and creating lumps at try doses. Can you please contact me. Have tried you on two different emails.
Hey IA I bought a few bottles of test e a few months ago the pip is unbearable and creating lumps at try doses. Can you please contact me. Have tried you on two different emails.

Sorry mate but that ain't going to happen.

Iron Anabolics shitted the bed around Christmas with gear that was underdosed and had floaters in them.

I hope you aren't hoping for a refund or something, the dude was an a grade scumbag.
Hey IA I bought a few bottles of test e a few months ago the pip is unbearable and creating lumps at try doses. Can you please contact me. Have tried you on two different emails.
Bro just don't buy Test E and stick to cip instead, pretty much every TestE will give you pip due to the raws, not just Iron's...
That topic was covered a lot long time ago