Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

Bro just don't buy Test E and stick to cip instead, pretty much every TestE will give you pip due to the raws, not just Iron's...
That topic was covered a lot long time ago

Wasn't that thing with the raws dealt with?

I got test e from an EU source quite recently and the only times I have pip is when I fuck around with the needle because I have no mobility and I can't reach my ass.
Bro just don't buy Test E and stick to cip instead, pretty much every TestE will give you pip due to the raws, not just Iron's...
That topic was covered a lot long time ago
yeah i heard that months ago too and heard cypionate was causing less pip
I am in EU, i usually used IA. Now i have seen the forum after several months and i have no intention to buy nothing from him. Can someone suggest me a reliable source where to buy injectable and oral?
I am in EU, i usually used IA. Now i have seen the forum after several months and i have no intention to buy nothing from him. Can someone suggest me a reliable source where to buy injectable and oral?

You'll have to figure that out for yourself. There's a thread dedicated to EU sources in the underground forum. Check there first.
So, am I correct to assume that Meso has killed these dudes?

I’m cruising on their stuff now since February and have had 0 issues.
They reply to me by email, they’re my
Only GSO oil source. It will pain me to move away.
I actually checked there and it was February 11th... I thought it was significantly more recent than that.
I've got about 50 or 60iu pf Iron Anabolic HGH leftover that I was using before to heal an injury but I stopped using it and switched brand because I kept getting PIP from it and would get sort of red swollen areas at times or even even bruising but not getting it from any other HGH or peptides i took only from Iron Anabolics so was worried possibly contaminated or something.

A few days ago tho I fractured my thumb and have been thinking about taking it and just trying to deal with the PIP to help it heal faster if it's safe. Would you people say it would be safe to take or should I bin it?
I've got about 50 or 60iu pf Iron Anabolic HGH leftover that I was using before to heal an injury but I stopped using it and switched brand because I kept getting PIP from it and would get sort of red swollen areas at times or even even bruising but not getting it from any other HGH or peptides i took only from Iron Anabolics so was worried possibly contaminated or something.

A few days ago tho I fractured my thumb and have been thinking about taking it and just trying to deal with the PIP to help it heal faster if it's safe. Would you people say it would be safe to take or should I bin it?
The answer is obvious, I don't even know how to ask whether to put something that is causing you the problems that you say brother, burn it and do the world a favor
I've got about 50 or 60iu pf Iron Anabolic HGH leftover that I was using before to heal an injury but I stopped using it and switched brand because I kept getting PIP from it and would get sort of red swollen areas at times or even even bruising but not getting it from any other HGH or peptides i took only from Iron Anabolics so was worried possibly contaminated or something.

A few days ago tho I fractured my thumb and have been thinking about taking it and just trying to deal with the PIP to help it heal faster if it's safe. Would you people say it would be safe to take or should I bin it?

Probably the vial was contaminated, or if you did not always clean it with alcohol it became contaminated later, I only used hgh once and it did not give me a pip, I know it is a difficult decision because it is expensive but if you think it is not in good condition I would not use it
I can hear still good reviews on this source from Italy, others 2/3 weeks and i LL start their test e 400mg a weeks during weeks 6 of the cycle i LL do bloods and i ll post here my results, i ve ordered their TEST E in february 2021.
I can hear still good reviews on this source from Italy, others 2/3 weeks and i LL start their test e 400mg a weeks during weeks 6 of the cycle i LL do bloods and i ll post here my results, i ve ordered their TEST E in february 2021.
Personally, I’m still rocking their Test U, bought it on January this year. I’ve been cruising on 175mg a week, I have blood work results due on Wednesday.

Their biggest mistake was handling of errors. Their oils, at least were, bang on point.
As a follow up, I’ve been cruising on Iron Anabolics Test U since February, with all the vials bought just before. And here are my blood results from just a few days ago.
Current protocol is 175mg test U a week, 200iu Sub Q HCG once a week. I have not dosed any AI since bloodwork, and now I don’t think there’s any need.


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As a follow up, I’ve been cruising on Iron Anabolics Test U since February, with all the vials bought just before. And here are my blood results from just a few days ago.
Current protocol is 175mg test U a week, 200iu Sub Q HCG once a week. I have not dosed any AI since bloodwork, and now I don’t think there’s any need.
Ref range for test end E2?
My overall aim was to find a dosage to keep me at the higher end of normal. And 175mg a week puts me 10% or so over.
So test Is perfectly dosed...Is It Right? How much PIP could i receive from 1ml in my shoulder? Is It good 5/8" 25g for my shoulder/quad at 10%bf??