Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

If you had read the last pages you'd already know that this guy is a scamming piece of shit with underdosed gear with floaters.

Scamming? Certainly not
I have personally either refunded people who's packages got seized or reshipped numerous times.

Underdosed gear?
We have I believe close to 20 lab reports available on our website for various products which show that our products are accurately dosed.

One report of a foreign object in the vial, asked customer to send it to me so I can investigate and make sure it doesn't happen again. Customer did not want to sent it to me. It was a case of popping it in a prepaid envelope and into a postbox.

I do not have the time to sit here and bicker with every single person so my visits to this forum are sporadic and brief.
Save this shit for some other board, numb nuts. What made you decide to come back here after not saying anything in over a month? You should catch up on your own thread...if you did, you would know that you are no longer welcome here.

Hi, Lets do this, you send a sample to a lab of your choice and I will reimburse all costs with Bitcoin as soon as they receive the sample.

You are free to pick the product you would like to test.

I stand behind my products, every single test report apart from one has shown that we sell accurately dosed products.

Nothing has fallen apart, there was one report of Anavar being underdosed.

Every other test report has shown that each product is accurately dosed. I have sent in samples for lab analysis of the Anavar 10mg and waiting for them to arrive at the lab.
At page 41 you can find a pic i ve posted of the vials. They had no batch number. Just worn off- shitty stickers.

I can send you some new labels if you wish.

We had an issue with our label supplier back in November and had to print them off ourselves. They were fine when dispatched but a few days of wrapped in bubble wrap causes the ink to rub against the wrap.
Save this shit for some other board, numb nuts. What made you decide to come back here after not saying anything in over a month? You should catch up on your own thread...if you did, you would know that you are no longer welcome here.

Are you a customer of Iron Anabolics?
His last attempt to collect whatever money his name could pull by coming back.


You have been warned.

I logged in two answer some claims people have been making on this forum. Not trying to sell anyone anything. Orders have been getting shipped as normal (brexit caused a few issues but we seem to have figured that hurdle out).

Perfect, I have no reason to reply to you then sir.
Good day!
I don’t think this source has been purposely under dosing products as some people claim but this shitshow could have been prevented if you guys were more attentive to what was being posted on here and also your email inbox. You could have the best products in the world but it doesn’t matter if the customer service is non-existent or only active once a month...
I logged in two answer some claims people have been making on this forum. Not trying to sell anyone anything. Orders have been getting shipped as normal (brexit caused a few issues but we seem to have figured that hurdle out).

Perfect, I have no reason to reply to you then sir.
Good day!
are you gonna address the issues of people (like myself) getting extreme pip, intense swelling, redness and hotness at the site from injecting your test enanthate? I've emailed you twice and you never replied
Get the fuck out of here @IronAnabolics

You are done. You managed every fucking situation in the worse possible way.


Nothing has fallen apart, there was one report of Anavar being underdosed.

Every other test report has shown that each product is accurately dosed. I have sent in samples for lab analysis of the Anavar 10mg and waiting for them to arrive at the lab.

TBH a bit disappointed by this response.

If you re-read my post I never actually mentioned anything about the underdose issue, so I don’t see the relevance of that comment.
You will also note that at I was quite supportive in your early days but yiu seem to have missed that as well

That said it’s surprising that you don’t recognise you own shortcomings and part played in this shit show.

Had you said from day one - “I will only be available one day a week” - that would have managed the comms issue almost everyone is complaining about

Had you batched, labelled accurately and tested each batch - you would be in a much better position to deal with the anvar issue

Had you come on and simply said “hey guys - we are new - trying really hard to get it right - made a few mistakes- stick with us because we will stick with you “ you might have retrieved this situation

.... instead ... wrong and strong....
I wouldn't suggest this source to anyone now, cause they didn't answer to the accusations and simply dissappeared.
However, i bought from them a lot of stuff on black friday, right before the problems started and kept using them. I got the vials with the worn off labels, that someone reported that is underdosed. I ' ve had no PIP, no floaters and felt normal the whole time.
I ' ve been using 200mg/ week. And one pill of their aromasin every day. Last shot was around 36 hours before bloods and last aromasin pill ~ 10 hours before.
I don't have uncapped bloodword, but it seems that it isn't underdosed.

And again: Don't buy from this source.

If you’re dosing 200 mg/week and popping 12.5 mg of aromasin each day, then based on your bloodwork that aromasin you are taking is crap.

Do yourself a favor, get pharmaceutical grade aromasin, NOT UGL. You’ll remove some guesswork. That will save confusion for all future cycles too.

The itchy nipples aren’t always estrogen related. It’s winter, it’s dry, my nipples get itchy all winter whether I’m running something or not.
I logged in two answer some claims people have been making on this forum. Not trying to sell anyone anything. Orders have been getting shipped as normal (brexit caused a few issues but we seem to have figured that hurdle out).

You were MISSING ever since the anavar results.

And did you you answer those claims?
If you’re dosing 200 mg/week and popping 12.5 mg of aromasin each day, then based on your bloodwork that aromasin you are taking is crap.

Do yourself a favor, get pharmaceutical grade aromasin, NOT UGL. You’ll remove some guesswork. That will save confusion for all future cycles too.

The itchy nipples aren’t always estrogen related. It’s winter, it’s dry, my nipples get itchy all winter whether I’m running something or not.

How you come to the conclusion that is crap?
Bloodwork doesnt show below the limit and my E2 is below that. So definetely was doing smth. Now if it is accurately dosed it is another thing.

Still trying to figure out how much AI should i take though. Need a couple more bloodworks probably to figure that out. Switching to farma aromasin would definetely help
How you come to the conclusion that is crap?
Bloodwork doesnt show below the limit and my E2 is below that. So definetely was doing smth. Now if it is accurately dosed it is another thing.

Still trying to figure out how much AI should i take though. Need a couple more bloodworks probably to figure that out. Switching to farma aromasin would definetely help

Crap as in not dosed accurately. 12.5 mg/day is a lot for 200 mg/week of testosterone. Everyone is different but most guys don’t need it for that weekly dose and a lot of guys will only need aromasin at 12.5/ week. Very few need it at 25/week. You’re taking it like candy. Something is off.
Please, let's stop bumping this thread.

I got an email that seemed forwarded to his past contacts.
So, along with all of the bullshit he did, he also doesn't delete his buyers' information.

This guy is dangerous.

The only reason he even posted here again was because he runs a sale or some shit like that and he hopes that he'll rip off as many people as he can.
If you’re dosing 200 mg/week and popping 12.5 mg of aromasin each day, then based on your bloodwork that aromasin you are taking is crap.

Do yourself a favor, get pharmaceutical grade aromasin, NOT UGL. You’ll remove some guesswork. That will save confusion for all future cycles too.

The itchy nipples aren’t always estrogen related. It’s winter, it’s dry, my nipples get itchy all winter whether I’m running something or not.
I was taking Iron Anabolics Exemestane, every other day a pill of 12.5

Did a bw before and saw that my estradiol was high, decided to use their Exemestane and after a couple of weeks I did another BW.

Guess what?

Estradiol was even higher.

Its pure garbage.

One more thing I ll add, testosterone was bad dosed... They said it was 250mg ml and the test came out of 330mg ml.

I was getting INSANE pip and then after a while decided to test the vial.

Ok, I have read the last pages, I need someone to clarify impartially what is the problem with iron anabolic if the customer service system or that the products are counterfeit, last year I did a cycle and some of the compounds I used were iron anabolic and Now I was going to make another one with vials that I still have of trenbolone, masteron and dhb and testosterone, before I start I want to know who has used it, if something underdosed comes I can assume it, because they are not pharmacy products but if they are counterfeits I would have to throw away my whole cycle