Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

A ver, 1 análisis es 1 anális, no puedo dedicarme a destripar todos. Solo diré que Hilma, Pharmacom, Balkan, PPL y alguna más todo ok. El Clem todos los análisis fallidos (Spectrum y otros 2 labs menos conocidos), aunq recientemente analizamos el de Hilma y para mi sorpresa dio ausencia de principio activo. Ahora sólo me fiaría de Balkan para el Clem.

Huye de pharmacom, mis ultimos pedidos alli el winstrol con base aceitosa vino con fugas y te daba una fiebre brutal aun habiendolo pasado a otro vial esteril filtrandolo con 22nm o como se escriba ese filtro de agujas, y la testo en viales me la mandaron caducada de hace 1 año, reclame y me volvieron a mandar testo caducada desde septiembre de 2020, yo no volveria a comprar nada de pharmacom, personalmente igual compro la proxima vez de catcafe que no vi malos resultados, te dejo la testo que me llego ayer de pharma


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Huye de pharmacom, mis ultimos pedidos alli el winstrol con base aceitosa vino con fugas y te daba una fiebre brutal aun habiendolo pasado a otro vial esteril filtrandolo con 22nm o como se escriba ese filtro de agujas, y la testo en viales me la mandaron caducada de hace 1 año, reclame y me volvieron a mandar testo caducada desde septiembre de 2020, yo no volveria a comprar nada de pharmacom, personalmente igual compro la proxima vez de catcafe que no vi malos resultados, te dejo la testo que me llego ayer de pharma
He estado viendo catcafe, y tiene lo mismo o casi igual que pharmastars, lo que pasa que este último es algo más barato incluso porque los precios los tiene en dólares y al cambio pues ganamos algo.
Yo estoy con su cipio 500mg + 40 Oxa y en dos semana ya he notado cambios.
y ya te digo tiene lo mismo, mismas cantidades y más barato. Por si queréis echarle un ojo
He estado viendo catcafe, y tiene lo mismo o casi igual que pharmastars, lo que pasa que este último es algo más barato incluso porque los precios los tiene en dólares y al cambio pues ganamos algo.
Yo estoy con su cipio 500mg + 40 Oxa y en dos semana ya he notado cambios.
y ya te digo tiene lo mismo, mismas cantidades y más barato. Por si queréis echarle un ojo
Y facilidades de pago d bank y todo para españa? Tienen pag web?
No me sorprende, el ultimo ciclo que hice con sus productos vi resultados bastante flojos para lo que era el ciclo
El problema es que no analiza
Y facilidades de pago d bank y todo para españa? Tienen pag web?
Post meso:


Los lab reports son todos bastante recientes, parecen bastante fiables. El único problemilla es que el pedido mínimo es de 150€ y no sé si hacen reshipment en caso de retención aduanera.
Sinceramente pedí exemestano para probar pero por lo que veo, lo que me mandaran seran pastillas de azúcar eso si llega,menos mal que no pedí nada mas que mal.....y ademas no responden ningun mail
Honestly this sounds like dog shit with people blasting them trying to steal customers. I've had nothing but decent gear and service from these lads... albeit my last order was in October.

I was rocking there test e for cruise and 0.6/0.7 week with bloods consistently at 1100ng/dl.
Honestly this sounds like dog shit with people blasting them trying to steal customers. I've had nothing but decent gear and service from these lads... albeit my last order was in October.

I was rocking there test e for cruise and 0.6/0.7 week with bloods consistently at 1100ng/dl.
Problems arrived by jenuary
Honestly this sounds like dog shit with people blasting them trying to steal customers. I've had nothing but decent gear and service from these lads... albeit my last order was in October.

I was rocking there test e for cruise and 0.6/0.7 week with bloods consistently at 1100ng/dl.

What about there shit being massively under dosed too?

This thread should be let to die so no one risks buying from these numptys. They haven't been seen in months too
What about there shit being massively under dosed too?

This thread should be let to die so no one risks buying from these numptys. They haven't been seen in months too
I would put an IA label on some underdosed gear and send it for testing then talk shot about them. Especially if I was a new ugl looking for customers.

I didn't read back that far tbh and I'm ordering from somewhere else so I don't really care but having said that I'd still order from these numptys and send some for testing myself. Before I call it a day.
I would put an IA label on some underdosed gear and send it for testing then talk shot about them. Especially if I was a new ugl looking for customers.

I didn't read back that far tbh and I'm ordering from somewhere else so I don't really care but having said that I'd still order from these numptys and send some for testing myself. Before I call it a day.

I feel you brother, but they haven't even been around to fight there corner.
I would put an IA label on some underdosed gear and send it for testing then talk shot about them. Especially if I was a new ugl looking for customers.

I didn't read back that far tbh and I'm ordering from somewhere else so I don't really care but having said that I'd still order from these numptys and send some for testing myself. Before I call it a day.

order some of their orals, fairly cheap. something DHT based seeing as the RAWs are hard to come by at the moment, so if something is going to be shitty dosed it will be DHTs
ironAnabolic scam may continue to steal and allow them to have a site here to attract people y tampoco entiendo porque no poneis scammers en el titulo del post para detener a esta gente
Iron Anabolics - Test E 250 mg/ml.
View attachment 150198

How much you getting paid to post these fake reports? I have replied to your emails and asked to forward me the full report with verification key but of course that would not be possible from your end.

I don't have the time to post here and bicker with fools like the one above so going forward we will not be obliged to respond to forum posts.

Existing customers already know how to get in touch.

Peace ✌️
I sincerely asked for exemestane to try but from what I see, what they will send me will be sugar pills that if it arrives, thank goodness I did not ask for anything but bad ..... and also they do not answer any mail

Best to return the so called sugar pills once they arrive for a full refund. Email me on

Plenty of other sources so you are better off going to one of them
How much you getting paid to post these fake reports? I have replied to your emails and asked to forward me the full report with verification key but of course that would not be possible from your end.

I don't have the time to post here and bicker with fools like the one above so going forward we will not be obliged to respond to forum posts.

Existing customers already know how to get in touch.

Peace ✌️
We ve done ma y research on private groups ans u are underdosed as hell.

At start you were excellent, but on these days it suck hard.