Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

Wrong, look back st the screenshots I posted or go to AB board. Blind samples did not match samples sent to an accredited lab. So yes there are big discrepancies.

I saw your screenshots now. the discrepancies are on the mg of concentration, not on the active substance. however this is the only case where obvious variations have been reported. It is known that this type of test is not accurate to the mg, with 80/90 euros you can not expect the maximum precision. however all the other cases in which the discrepancies were minimal, or absent. these cases, which are the majority, have their importance.

and it must also be said that chemtox is not considered a top laboratory, they want to know what the sample contains, they never accepted blind samples. Furthermore Chemtox can’t test all molecules aas, and can’t test hgh, peptides, sarm... for example can not even test the masteron.
Sorry for my step here but :
- they accept blind samples = 275,- Eur
- they can test Masteron ( drostanolone )

275 eur it is more than double of the base price... however I did not know that they would accept blind samples, with increased price.

Regarding masteron, I remember that when anabolic lab tested some sample at Chemtox they told that they did not have reference samples for masteron, and other aas. For this reason anabolic lab no longer sent samples to chemtox.
evidently, they now have updated, and have obtained all the reference samples, which were missing
275 eur it is more than double of the base price... however I did not know that they would accept blind samples, with increased price.

Regarding masteron, I remember that when anabolic lab tested some sample at Chemtox they told that they did not have reference samples for masteron, and other aas. For this reason anabolic lab no longer sent samples to chemtox.
evidently, they now have updated, and have obtained all the reference samples, which were missing

In past they did not test AI ( letro, exemestane for example ) , raloxifen etc. But I made there more like 50 tests and Chemtox bought a standards for all AI because of it.
In past they did not test AI ( letro, exemestane for example ) , raloxifen etc. But I made there more like 50 tests and Chemtox bought a standards for all AI because of it.
And yet you still dont have your test results posted for your test e. So i call bullshit on your 50 tests
And yet you still dont have your test results posted for your test e. So i call bullshit on your 50 tests

All last batches tested, results posted. Actual batch was received in Chemtox.
Sorry that Chemtox have 3 weeks for processing. So I call your post bullshit.
posted 11th October page 777 MOFO

sorry Janoshik for making mess here , but like you see, these cunts are everywhere.
And you'll see, he didn't post them in his price list. Didn't bring them back up when he got accused of selling underdosed gear, and his test cyp numbers from the tests dont match whats on his price list. Sounds like more of this sources lies and bullshit
I saw your screenshots now. the discrepancies are on the mg of concentration, not on the active substance. however this is the only case where obvious variations have been reported. It is known that this type of test is not accurate to the mg, with 80/90 euros you can not expect the maximum precision. however all the other cases in which the discrepancies were minimal, or absent. these cases, which are the majority, have their importance.

and it must also be said that chemtox is not considered a top laboratory, they want to know what the sample contains, they never accepted blind samples. Furthermore Chemtox can’t test all molecules aas, and can’t test hgh, peptides, sarm... for example can not even test the masteron.
And either can @janoshik
275 eur it is more than double of the base price... however I did not know that they would accept blind samples, with increased price.

Regarding masteron, I remember that when anabolic lab tested some sample at Chemtox they told that they did not have reference samples for masteron, and other aas. For this reason anabolic lab no longer sent samples to chemtox.
evidently, they now have updated, and have obtained all the reference samples, which were missing

Why are you defending @janoshik? When you start defending sources/vendors that suggests you have a vested interest.

The AB screencaps show a difference in concentration (low) by a factor of
1.5 - 2. That’s not a concern? You don’t mind if the results are that far off?

Again, he may have run actual tests. For the sake of argument, let’s say 95 of 100 tests are +/- 10%. The other 5, he was “too busy” and just made shit up. Like he did (and admitted he did, because he was “too busy”) with @mands gh test. You cannot know, only independent verification with an accredited lab will tell you. Like the AB story above.

In sum, his results cannot be trusted. You keep sticking your head in the sand though.

Good luck.
Why are you defending @janoshik? When you start defending sources/vendors that suggests you have a vested interest.

The AB screencaps show a difference in concentration (low) by a factor of
1.5 - 2. That’s not a concern? You don’t mind if the results are that far off?

Again, he may have run actual tests. For the sake of argument, let’s say 95 of 100 tests are +/- 10%. The other 5, he was “too busy” and just made shit up. Like he did (and admitted he did, because he was “too busy”) with @mands gh test. You cannot know, only independent verification with an accredited lab will tell you. Like the AB story above.

In sum, his results cannot be trusted. You keep sticking your head in the sand though.

Good luck.
Ohh, the classic 'I don't like what you are saying so you must be a shill.'

There are dozens if not hundreds of examples when independent verification was 100%.

So for the sake of argument let's say that I don't make mistakes any more often (or rather much less than other labs focused on this line of business) than other labs and you can suck your bullcrap fabulations and lies back where they came from.

How's the Grindr game going, cowboy?
unfortunately, you do not have any evidence to show at the forum. no one can believe you, if you do not show evidence to support what you say. The one thing we all know about is what happened to mands. but after bad experience of mands, jano has been tested many times, by serious users of this forum. blind samples were sent, often the same samples were tested by jano and then by another laboratory. no discrepancies were found in the test results.

so your words are completely rubbish, dear master.on

Wrong, look back st the screenshots I posted or go to AB board. Blind samples did not match samples sent to an accredited lab. So yes there are big discrepancies.
Correct @movingiron88

@Den84 Jano has never properly "tested" anything on his own. There are ALWAYS previous tests by other labs, usually Lab4Tox then Jano makes up a similar number.
Jano has NEVER properly "tested" anything on his own.

I saw your screenshots now. the discrepancies are on the mg of concentration, not on the active substance. however this is the only case where obvious variations have been reported. It is known that this type of test is not accurate to the mg, with 80/90 euros you can not expect the maximum precision. however all the other cases in which the discrepancies were minimal, or absent. these cases, which are the majority, have their importance.

and it must also be said that chemtox is not considered a top laboratory, they want to know what the sample contains, they never accepted blind samples. Furthermore Chemtox can’t test all molecules aas, and can’t test hgh, peptides, sarm... for example can not even test the masteron.
Even if cheap, Jano +-50% error margin ain't acceptable.
80 Euros? Hell why? dice are cheap.

Sorry for my step here but :
- they accept blind samples = 275,- Eur
- they can test Masteron ( drostanolone )

275 eur it is more than double of the base price... however I did not know that they would accept blind samples, with increased price.

Regarding masteron, I remember that when anabolic lab tested some sample at Chemtox they told that they did not have reference samples for masteron, and other aas. For this reason anabolic lab no longer sent samples to chemtox.
evidently, they now have updated, and have obtained all the reference samples, which were missing

In past they did not test AI ( letro, exemestane for example ) , raloxifen etc. But I made there more like 50 tests and Chemtox bought a standards for all AI because of it.
This is yet another Jano red flag
He claims to have all reference standards to test every single steroid and ester ever made. That's bullshit because not even real, and accredited labs like Lab4Tox or Simec have all the reference standards.

And yet you still dont have your test results posted for your test e. So i call bullshit on your 50 tests

The results weren't posted dipshit.

And you'll see, he didn't post them in his price list. Didn't bring them back up when he got accused of selling underdosed gear, and his test cyp numbers from the tests dont match whats on his price list. Sounds like more of this sources lies and bullshit

Why are you defending @janoshik? When you start defending sources/vendors that suggests you have a vested interest.

The AB screencaps show a difference in concentration (low) by a factor of
1.5 - 2. That’s not a concern? You don’t mind if the results are that far off?

Again, he may have run actual tests. For the sake of argument, let’s say 95 of 100 tests are +/- 10%. The other 5, he was “too busy” and just made shit up. Like he did (and admitted he did, because he was “too busy”) with @mands gh test. You cannot know, only independent verification with an accredited lab will tell you. Like the AB story above.

In sum, his results cannot be trusted. You keep sticking your head in the sand though.

Good luck.
Of course sources have a vested interest in getting "99% pure" results, even if faked by Jano.

When was the last time you saw a source say
Dear customers
Reports show our gear is only 70% pure
but don't worry, we'll offer y'all a 30% discount

Don't use Janoshik "testing services"
He doesn't own any lab equipment and he only makes up results.
Ohh, the classic 'I don't like what you are saying so you must be a shill.'

There are dozens if not hundreds of examples when independent verification was 100%.

So for the sake of argument let's say that I don't make mistakes any more often (or rather much less than other labs focused on this line of business) than other labs and you can suck your bullcrap fabulations and lies back where they came from.

How's the Grindr game going, cowboy?
Now how do you know about Grindr from where you are? Bet you've taken a look at that site and found your true love there ;)

Come on your comebacks are getting lame.
Between then and now I received massive amounts of samples and the issue never presented again. So however unfortunate it is, it was an isolated incident indeed.


On the other hand @mands and jim still refuse to openly admit the fact that all their testing was a fuck up, even though mands hesitantly points to knowing it was so. But he's still not a man enough to simply state it like a man. JIM is straight out lying for years babbling about 'gold standard ' with mands still refusing to call him out being a fraud and not a doctor at all.
And what other issues have not been caught because of samples that were sent to you were also sent to SIMIC or CHEMTOX to verify your mistakes?

So who's the fraud here? @Dr JIM and I never lied about results or tried to cover up when they were caught doing so. We presented the results that the lab sent us and the data to back up their findings.
What's funny, I probably would be gone by now if I didn't see how much I'm pissing Mands by doing my job well and making my customers satisfied, so I thoroughly enjoy that.

It's like getting the compensation for my services twice.

Don't you see how he didn't mind me for over a year at all, until people started using me? He started fuming right then.
This is how delusional you are. I had no idea you were back on MESO and that @Millard Baker let you back. When I did see you were back and obviously hiding in threads, posting my name without tagging me and posting your babble. I contacted Millard. He can vouch for that and he told me that he assumed I knew. So, there you go with your assumptions and lies.

You don't piss me off Jano. You're just a bad person with many issues and internal demons, I actually feel sorry for you.
An insult on my intelligence coming from a guy like you... :)

Maybe you could try asking Mands.
He should be able to answer a simple yes/no question.

Hey @mands is Jim a real doctor or has he been lying and bullshitting everybody here for years?
Yes he is real.
Even your friend @mands is not defending you anymore, he's just keeping quiet, deflecting and disassociating himself from you because you are not only a fraud, you are too stupid to achieve anything.

You are a joke to anybody, but the most naive, even though you spend half you waking time parroting random repetitive bits of knowledge you learned over the years and stuff you googled over here on this forum.

Just like you are a joke to anybody in real life.
What do you mean not defending. Why do I need to defend @Dr JIM he's a big boy and take care of himself.

And how do you know what I'm doing? I thought I was on ignore? Oh wait did you already unblock me? Wow, I guess I was spot on on my post in another thread... smh. You are such a predictable and habitual liar.

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And what other issues have not been caught because of samples that were sent to you were also sent to SIMIC or CHEMTOX to verify your mistakes?

So who's the fraud here? @Dr JIM and I never lied about results or tried to cover up when they were caught doing so. We presented the results that the lab sent us and the data to back up their findings.

This is how delusional you are. I had no idea you were back on MESO and that @Millard Baker let you back. When I did see you were back and obviously hiding in threads, posting my name without tagging me and posting your babble. I contacted Millard. He can vouch for that and he told me that he assumed I knew. So, there you go with your assumptions and lies.

You don't piss me off Jano. You're just a bad person with many issues and internal demons, I actually feel sorry for you.

Yes he is real.
What do you mean not defending. Why do I need to defend @Dr JIM he's a big boy and take care of himself.

And how do you know what I'm doing? I thought I was on ignore? Oh wait did you already unblock me? Wow, I guess I was spot on on my post in another thread... smh. You are such a predictable and habitual liar.

The worst part is some people still trust him. Fucking crazy!