Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

@janoshik - are you able to do an HLPC separation/quantification of Dimethylnandrolone Undecanoate? It has a number of stereocenters and I'd be interested in specific enantiomeric purity.
It's a rare compound, I don't have a standard of that, so HPLC, which is used more for routine samples would be rather useless.

Mass spec or NMR is what I'd use. MS would be sufficient to determine purity in raw material, molecular mass and even wildly guess the molecular structure. Unfortunately mass spec can't determine isomers all that well, so if you're interested in enantiomeric purity you'd have to opt for NMR as well. My choice would be MS + NMR, but it gets much more expensive than routine testing quickly.

So, it is not a problem, but it'll cost more than regular routine testing.
For anyone shipping to jano I am passing along some shipping insight that may help turnaround times. I used shipnerd.com for my label which I have used numerous times in the past for my shipping and got a DHL label for $38 bucks and it was 2 day shipping to Jano from the east coast USA.
Jano turned samples around in ~36 hours so ideally you could have this all done in a week or so.
For anyone shipping to jano I am passing along some shipping insight that may help turnaround times. I used shipnerd.com for my label which I have used numerous times in the past for my shipping and got a DHL label for $38 bucks and it was 2 day shipping to Jano from the east coast USA.
Jano turned samples around in ~36 hours so ideally you could have this all done in a week or so.
Did you have to fill out custom decleration form on the site? What did you write on there?
Have to leave janoshik a good review - he blind tested two samples for me and correctly identified the compounds as oxandrolone and metenolone enanthate, which I was happy to hear that I wasn't getting scammed on. Super fast email replies considering the time difference and good T/A once he had the samples. All in all a positive and professional experience and will be using his services again in the future. I read through the thread a bit and it seems that some people have an axe to grind against him - but I can only comment my experience and it was great.

Well worth the money to know what you have is what it purports to be. Honestly the most expensive thing was the shipping, lol.
Have to leave janoshik a good review - he blind tested two samples for me and correctly identified the compounds as oxandrolone and metenolone enanthate, which I was happy to hear that I wasn't getting scammed on. Super fast email replies considering the time difference and good T/A once he had the samples. All in all a positive and professional experience and will be using his services again in the future. I read through the thread a bit and it seems that some people have an axe to grind against him - but I can only comment my experience and it was great.

Well worth the money to know what you have is what it purports to be. Honestly the most expensive thing was the shipping, lol.
Great to hear your good experience with him. I just sent out a few samples that will be tested by him. I will be updating my experience with him as well.
Guys, I'm currently a little slower to reply non-essential emails and there will be some changes to ordering.

We are processing roughly 500 samples monthly now and in order to provide top notch service to all our clients and keep up with the demand there will be some changes to the service. Mostly to streamline the orders, but also to penalize clients ignoring instructions, or providing incorrect information more severely.
Guys, if you feel like I'm not replying to you, check your spam folders.

Apparently some providers decided to start flagging me around Friday.
PSA: There have been raw vendors shipping out oxandrolone labelled as proviron and letrozole as anastrozole.

Be warned. Very widespread issue.
Guys, we're having martial law with army checkpoints at roads etc. due to COVID.

I don't expect any major inconveniences, but there might be holdups and delays that I am unable to affect. Our customs are already brutally slow with held packages.

So again, I don't expect any major trouble, but I feel I should keep you informed.
You do all AAS?

test, tren, npp,deca, EQ,DHB, Primo, halo,dbol, anadrol,mast,winny... can you do these all? Can they all be blind? Can they be raws?
@janoshik help me with something if you please
If the active ingredient of a drug let´s take for example Minoxidil, is soluble in alcohol/ethanol and i dissolve a 10 mg pill in ethanol for the sole purpose of microdosing it, like 1 mg every day, i´d mix 10 mg pill in 5 ml of ethanol and take 0.5 ml which would be 1 mg.
The question is:
how stable is this solution once made, i mean how long can it last without losing the efficacy of the drug and while on the fridge? , 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month??
I have been searching but not definitive answer, i´d just like to know if the drug loses efficacy or not, thanks