Even if it was a scam at one point, being he is the only testing service, dont you think its better for the community.Contribute??? You mean like your false made up results given to Mands for his GH??? You mean contribute like that?
Fuck outta here scammer. You provide false information for the purpose of disinforming the board at your will to control the flow of things. It's a shame that others can't see it.
especially since he has been tested time and time again, with fake samples, and blind ones. Which he got write. And was double tested against weight and measures, and lab4tox.
so even though he did or may have scammed once or twice, hes not anymore.
look at all the sources that did this too, they just rebrand.
Its better that jano stays under the same name then rebranding also.
have you ever stole anything, in your life?
Edit- imagine the amount of people that would get scammed by sources if these services were not around. He is keeping these sources accountable.
Roidtest and labmax was shit. Dont want to go back to that again.