New Member
Thank jim I guess! Arrogance? I look at like others that know and call an unstopable will to never quit! A little more medical history on me! In the order they came 2 broken arms and wrist all were compound fractures and 3 quarters of my scalp torn off and reattached in a car wreck I was a passenger in that 4 people died in our car! Almost lost left hand! Broken elbow arm wrestling shattered it hung in traction for a month! Broken shoulder in a car I flipped! Broken neck in a diving accident! About was paralyzed and had the halo thing on with 4 bolts in my head! 2 neck fusions and 3 back fusions from being a construction superintendent with that same arrogance that in his mind had to outwork everyone every day! Never took 1 sick day ever! Complete right elbow tendon and muscle rupture and then pec tear when weight came down on chest! And finally left elbow complete rupture cause yes I kept benching thru pain and it blew! Im 53 years old and cause of my history have a very very high pain tolerance and no off switch! Forgot about biking myself into the dirt and got dehydrated and kidneys started shutting down and got bells palsy thru that deal! You might call it arrogance I call it an unstoppable will! Thats why I have all these guys in their 20s and 30s wanting to train with me! Cause I push! No matter what I feel like! But seriously thanks jim!