Masteron - severe negative side affects at low dose long term ?

150 mg mast weekly along with 150 mgs test trt dose weekly long term…

Realistically, with Masteron, is there extreme negatives or just the basic watch cholesterol, pull bloods, etc. My hair is fine and that materialistic stuff doesn’t matter to me. I’m talking like real health hazards ?

Preach away fellas …. Positives / negatives, do’s / dont’s.
Good post, I’ve wondered the same thing, I’ve tried reading some and watching some you tube videos but my lazy and uneducated approach hasn’t got me much.

From what I understand is they don’t have a ton of long term information on side effect ect, compared to like test and decca even though mast has been around since like the 60’s and was prescribed for breast cancer treatment for years?

Like u said hair is one of the first things that comes to mind. Mast prostate also? Of course a lot of it is gana be individual tolerance and response.

But I feel like I could run that for a whole year without any problems, especially eating cleanish and doing cardio.
What do you think Mast at 150 and Test at 150 is going to do More for you then 300 test? AI’s are cheap and dialing them in is just a matter of a little bloodwork. If using Mast to control Estrogen is the goal then you would still need same bloodwork to confirm what the Mast was doing. Just an expensive and maby unnecessary compound to add to TRT in my opinion.
What do you think Mast at 150 and Test at 150 is going to do More for you then 300 test? AI’s are cheap and dialing them in is just a matter of a little bloodwork. If using Mast to control Estrogen is the goal then you would still need same bloodwork to confirm what the Mast was doing. Just an expensive and maby unnecessary compound to add to TRT in my opinion.
Feel good feeling, sex drive, reduced water, doesn’t control estrogen it controls estrogen related sides in breast tissue if needed, vascularity, I can get 13 weeks outta mast for $40, I don’t need an Ai at 150 test, extra androgen in a dry compound …

But I appreciate your opinion, that’s why I created the thread.
What do you think Mast at 150 and Test at 150 is going to do More for you then 300 test? AI’s are cheap and dialing them in is just a matter of a little bloodwork. If using Mast to control Estrogen is the goal then you would still need same bloodwork to confirm what the Mast was doing. Just an expensive and maby unnecessary compound to add to TRT in my opinion.
All depends on the individuals goals. For the most part I am not looking for hypertrophy and much of the year don't want the added weight that increasing test provides. I love mast added to TRT. Dryness, strength boost, aesthetics, and recovery boost. It fits my needs much better than more test depending on what phase I'm in. Also helps negate added water from GH which is a big bonus for me. If you are not looking for size or hypertrophy mast can be the perfect addition. At 150mg my health markers are not affected and I get noticeable benefits and aesthetic improvement.
Hairline and enlarged prostate are two things to watch.

If you don't have the balding gene you'll be fine. If you do it'll accelerate the process.

Overall it doesn't skew the bloodwork too bad and the dose OP is proposing wouldn't cause much inflammation of the prostate I would think.
All sounds good on paper. Just like every Engineer tells every assembler, till it’s actually done in real life. Im at a little loss anymore with PED’s in general. The Science guys and the Bro reports. Got one guy saying anything besides Test and Tren is just a way of using less Tren in a cycle (Bill Roberts) then comes into play every fucking Instagram doctor who is the new authority on PED’s. An atom here, a carbon ring there, exc. on paper isn’t Dbol the same as Boldenone? Obviously two completely different compounds in the real world. What works for one will probably be different for the next guy I guess. But WtF do I know. Not much anymore I guess.
All sounds good on paper. Just like every Engineer tells every assembler, till it’s actually done in real life. Im at a little loss anymore with PED’s in general. The Science guys and the Bro reports. Got one guy saying anything besides Test and Tren is just a way of using less Tren in a cycle (Bill Roberts) then comes into play every fucking Instagram doctor who is the new authority on PED’s. An atom here, a carbon ring there, exc. on paper isn’t Dbol the same as Boldenone? Obviously two completely different compounds in the real world. What works for one will probably be different for the next guy I guess. But WtF do I know. Not much anymore I guess.
A paradox of knowledge... The more we learn, the more we realize how much we still don't know.
All sounds good on paper. Just like every Engineer tells every assembler, till it’s actually done in real life. Im at a little loss anymore with PED’s in general. The Science guys and the Bro reports. Got one guy saying anything besides Test and Tren is just a way of using less Tren in a cycle (Bill Roberts) then comes into play every fucking Instagram doctor who is the new authority on PED’s. An atom here, a carbon ring there, exc. on paper isn’t Dbol the same as Boldenone? Obviously two completely different compounds in the real world. What works for one will probably be different for the next guy I guess. But WtF do I know. Not much anymore I guess.
All depends on goals, risk vs reward, and individual response to a compound. One guy might take 300 tests and be dry and feel amazing while another might be watery and a bit slower and heavier than they like. I just prefer trt with mast over over equal milligram of added test. There's not really a right or wrong. It's very individual.
Besides the stuff you already addressed, the biggest downside I see to extended mast use is just the possible downturn of libido or loss of the mood boost when you stop. I notice it much more with pulling out mast entirely rather than just lowering test, and the melancholy seems to stick around a little longer. But if you don't stop, I guess it won't be an issue. I'm trying out 200t 150m for the next couple months while pushing gh up a bit to see if I can heal an injury a little quicker. Mast is just there to take water off from high gh while cardio is reduced. Normally I only run test and a precise ai dose, if I didn't do so much damn cardio to take off the water I would probably do what you are doing.
I'm using about 1g of mast + TRT test. Doesn't seem to affect my blood work at all.

Primo raises liver values and hits HDL a bit harder. My LDL+HDL is in the 30s using just ezitmibe.

I hold less water weight than if I was on 1g of test. But then again maybe 1g of test is way more anabolic.
Sorry for being off topic in your thread but this is the 1000th post i see about mast and how everyone loves it, how it boosts mood and libido, etc. For me thats shits does nothing good and kills my libido. How i wish mast would work for me like it does for most people.

And to add something i cruise on test and dhb which i think is "harsher" than mast and my blood and ultrasounds and everything is perfect. So i really dont think 150mg mast is going to do any harm. But this shit, ped usage is so individual, i guess you have to see it for yourself. Do that and check your bloods, heart, etc after 6-12 months and see it for yourself if its sustainable for you.
Sorry for being off topic in your thread but this is the 1000th post i see about mast and how everyone loves it, how it boosts mood and libido, etc. For me thats shits does nothing good and kills my libido. How i wish mast would work for me like it does for most people.

And to add something i cruise on test and dhb which i think is "harsher" than mast and my blood and ultrasounds and everything is perfect. So i really dont think 150mg mast is going to do any harm. But this shit, ped usage is so individual, i guess you have to see it for yourself. Do that and check your bloods, heart, etc after 6-12 months and see it for yourself if its sustainable for you.
You’re on topic, just doesn’t give you the same results as others. Have you tried different sources?
Sorry for being off topic in your thread but this is the 1000th post i see about mast and how everyone loves it, how it boosts mood and libido, etc. For me thats shits does nothing good and kills my libido. How i wish mast would work for me like it does for most people.

And to add something i cruise on test and dhb which i think is "harsher" than mast and my blood and ultrasounds and everything is perfect. So i really dont think 150mg mast is going to do any harm. But this shit, ped usage is so individual, i guess you have to see it for yourself. Do that and check your bloods, heart, etc after 6-12 months and see it for yourself if its sustainable for you.
To be fair mast has never really been a potent Mass builder. You've never heard anyone say they blew up off a high masteron cycle.

What it does it provide is the aforementioned mood effects, increases in libido, reduction in water weight and bloat, increased vascularity, hardness, a cosmetic look, reduced capacity for estrogen to bind to the receptors, and yes probably some mass and some strength.

But people don't really run mast as the primary driver of any cycle. It's run because it's very synergistic with other compounds, provides quality of life improvements, is side free for most part.

As long as your expectations are in-lign with the actuality of masterons function you'll enjoy it. If you think you're going to add 20lbs of mass and +40lbs on your lifts from it you'll definitely be disappointed
150 mg mast weekly along with 150 mgs test trt dose weekly long term…

Realistically, with Masteron, is there extreme negatives or just the basic watch cholesterol, pull bloods, etc. My hair is fine and that materialistic stuff doesn’t matter to me. I’m talking like real health hazards ?

Preach away fellas …. Positives / negatives, do’s / dont’s.

I heard prostate engagement could cause issues. I'm unsure if taking cialis eod like most of us do, would lesson or offset it. But regardless, for me I've been on 700 mast p all this year. I have zero issues peeing
Hairline and enlarged prostate are two things to watch.

If you don't have the balding gene you'll be fine. If you do it'll accelerate the process.

Overall it doesn't skew the bloodwork too bad and the dose OP is proposing wouldn't cause much inflammation of the prostate I would think.
I already shave my head but I definitely noticed mast or high test (idk which) made my hairloss more. Which isn't bad for me, less to shave. But yeah dhts will rape your hairline if you're prone to mpb