So you can't even spend your own money to test it, you just wait for TP testing. AHAHAHAHAH you are one shit of a source.
You keep selling your HGH UNTESTED to everyone because you can't afford 350 euro test.

What a fucking joke
Up in case you can't read clown @Meditrope
Well shame on the ppl that keep.buying untested HGH and don't even PRETEND the source to TEST the product it sells.

Fucking hell Meso is going downhill lately!
Hope somebody will do bloods.
yeah because bloods are so accurate are you joking?
You buying untested hgh from this shit source?
Have fun guessing how many UI in the vial and enjoy your edema
yeah because bloods are so accurate are you joking?

Mind you, I'm not advocating for anybody here. But just for debates sake, in regards to potency, yes, bloods for GH are reliable. It's like doing bloods for TT to see how properly dosed is test. You can't do bloods like that for other gear. Only GH and test have that luxury. Off course all of this doesn't take into account purity and contamination, but I don't see tests for contamination anyway, only purity is done and even that not always.

Again, just debating. I agree that sources should test their gear and no excuses should be made for that.
@Jin23 it will be 3x125+15 shipping. Regarding bloodtest on batch #87: @JohnDoeDoDoe did a bloodtest on this batch which you can find somewhere in the beginning of this thread. We still have some #87 left.

I don't think this guy gives a shit, he's just enjoying the money selling untested overpriced GH based on TP's reputation.
Hello sir. We admit that this is not the way it should be. We are waiting on the result for a long time too. There were some issues with getting the samples to the lab. So now we helped TP and we have shipped it for him to the lab.

Everyone is free to choose their hgh source. We dont force anyone to buy from us.

But keep in mind that Meditrope is the most tested hgh worldwide. Also the most transparant one, with the actual batchnumber printed on every single vial. While others probaply just print a lot of boxes with a batch number but COULD have a lot of different batches on the same batch number. Who knows?

There are other brands who test a batch which come back good and then keep referring to that same labtest while they actually have produced and sold like who knows? 5-10 other batches inbetween?

Anyway we apologize for not having results yet. If we would have known that it would take such a long time to get the results then we would have obviously sent the samples by ourselves months ago.
@Jin23 it will be 3x125+15 shipping. Regarding bloodtest on batch #87: @JohnDoeDoDoe did a bloodtest on this batch which you can find somewhere in the beginning of this thread. We still have some #87 left.

Hello sir. We admit that this is not the way it should be. We are waiting on the result for a long time too. There were some issues with getting the samples to the lab. So now we helped TP and we have shipped it for him to the lab.

Everyone is free to choose their hgh source. We dont force anyone to buy from us.

But keep in mind that Meditrope is the most tested hgh worldwide. Also the most transparant one, with the actual batchnumber printed on every single vial. While others probaply just print a lot of boxes with a batch number but COULD have a lot of different batches on the same batch number. Who knows?

There are other brands who test a batch which come back good and then keep referring to that same labtest while they actually have produced and sold like who knows? 5-10 other batches inbetween?

Anyway we apologize for not having results yet. If we would have known that it would take such a long time to get the results then we would have obviously sent the samples by ourselves months ago.
This is actually a good reply. I appreciate sources that don't let their ego get in the way when doing business and instead try to find a solution for the problem. Thank you @Meditrope
has anyone received their order yet ? kinda scared to order from a very new source. Not in terms of underdosed but in terms to get scammed in general.

Got the order, TA 7 days. It's #87.
As above, would like to commend on the communication and the whole process. Keep it up bro's.
Because he like any other guy here is looking for a good EU domestic..? Also interested to see tests.
If you read his posts in here they are mainly abusing the source, name calling, saying their prices are shit etc, I highly doubt he has any intention of placing an order with them
Why do you want to know so badly?
Because I fucking care for source to be upheld to a good quality standard as we are used here in Meso.

If you don't understand this, you are a shill or a retard So fuck off
Hello, I have been using meditrope uk since 2019. I wrote here in 2019 to say that meditrope uk is solid
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