I thought Jano was all fancy with his new testing technology and shit.

2021 meditrope testing has been a joke

Perhaps his new more accurate testing methods have shown meditrope to be worse than previously thought. Hence no test results coming out since Jano has improved his testing
You motherfuckers are crazy, no fear of organ, jaw growth etc

Also insane you don't get sides. I do 4 iu split twice daily, never had insulin issues, but headache, lethargy, heavy breathing and blood pressure? Oh yes
they will regret jumping on that dose very soon xD
ive switched from a chinese "wannebe pharma" (it tested good etc) to mauves and ive dropped from 7iu to 5,5iu when switching cause i knew that there might be issues. Holy hell i did pull water my feet looked like elephant feet and i was out of breath going 10 steps upstairs xD
dropped down to 3iu mauves now and its much better. But still, the body has to acclimate to the new HGH
You motherfuckers are crazy, no fear of organ, jaw growth etc

Also insane you don't get sides. I do 4 iu split twice daily, never had insulin issues, but headache, lethargy, heavy breathing and blood pressure? Oh yes
Any sides on just 2-2.5 iu a day? That's my plan with hgh
I mean, from an IGF 1 perspective they absolutely work, but I suppose there's always the concern of contamination etc with generics
Any sides on just 2-2.5 iu a day? That's my plan with hgh

I started with 3 iu once daily and had massive lethargy.

However, it takes months for your own production to shut down, so technically your own typical 2 iu of growth is added, so I was doing closer to 5 iu daily.

Therefor i suppose 2 iu is a good starting point
I started with 3 iu once daily and had massive lethargy.

However, it takes months for your own production to shut down, so technically your own typical 2 iu of growth is added, so I was doing closer to 5 iu daily.

Therefor i suppose 2 iu is a good starting point
that's completely wrong, own production is suppressed as soon as you inject exogenus HGH and it stays suppressed for 24hr.
that's completely wrong, own production is suppressed as soon as you inject exogenus HGH and it stays suppressed for 24hr.

You're right that it becomes suppressed, but from my understanding it does not completly shut down right away, this takes months, which is also why we see scores of 400 from 2 iu, just when people jump on HGH in the beginning, your own pituitary is still somewhat working
You're right that it becomes suppressed, but from my understanding it does not completly shut down right away, this takes months, which is also why we see scores of 400 from 2 iu, just when people jump on HGH in the beginning, your own pituitary is still somewhat working
never seen 2iu giving 400 igf, if it's suppressed IT'S SUPPRESSED. there aren't middle terms or fancy half suppressed lol

Suppressed = not working = not pulsing.
what you are saying doesn't make any sense.
Seeing is believing

I have been running Serostim Phamacy hgh for serveral years. I have taken Small breaks but I have noticed my igf1 values are garbage now. I used to run 2iu and have 350-400. I have experimented with doses all the way to 10iu/day. I was just running 2iu for a couple months did blood work. IGF-1 220. I have gone off it again. Any ideas why this is? longer break ? I am not using anything that decreases igf. I am on test / primo at the moment.

I have never stored my hgh that’s not reconstructed in the fridge. I have multiple test (around 15-20 igf test) that show no degrading of the hormone. My last test was from a kit that I kept in my safe for prob 4-6 months and still pulled 343 igf on 2iu a day
never seen 2iu giving 400 igf, if it's suppressed IT'S SUPPRESSED. there aren't middle terms or fancy half suppressed lol

Suppressed = not working = not pulsing.
what you are saying doesn't make any sense.

You have seen it now.

Amazing how this forum is filled with endocronologist experts
You have seen it now.

Amazing how this forum is filled with endocronologist experts
Yeah sure great example of hard facts, give me a break, I'm no expert but at least I don't spew around broscience based on nothing.