Meso Powerlifting Corner

Strongman training is kicking my ass.

Logs and stones are fucking brutal. I've only accomplished a single lift of a 255 mock stone thus far. If I come in under 231, the fucking comp stone is 310lbs for reps in 60sec.

I may have to dial it down, I feel like the same weights are getting heavier week to week.

Bitch rant over.
Are you doing really heavy farmers? It might be that your CNS isn't getting chance to recover from those? Stones are supposed to be a nightmare - I'm awaiting my first try, still.
Are you doing really heavy farmers? It might be that your CNS isn't getting chance to recover from those? Stones are supposed to be a nightmare - I'm awaiting my first try, still.

We've been doing farmers with 125 dumbbells, but supersetted with big tire flips for 100 feet. So flip the tire 100 ft to the 125 db and then walk the 125 db back.

I don't think the dbs are heavy enough to be the culprit, honestly.

I think I'm just trying to go to hard, too fast. This is a new sport to me and I have to approach it with more respect to that, as opposed to my attitude of "I'll just cross over and dominate".
We've been doing farmers with 125 dumbbells, but supersetted with big tire flips for 100 feet. So flip the tire 100 ft to the 125 db and then walk the 125 db back.

I don't think the dbs are heavy enough to be the culprit, honestly.

I think I'm just trying to go to hard, too fast. This is a new sport to me and I have to approach it with more respect to that, as opposed to my attitude of "I'll just cross over and dominate".

if my memory serves me correctly, youre like 5'10?
id imagine arm length would play a crucial role in stones.
Are you training with guys who have competed before?
if my memory serves me correctly, youre like 5'10?
id imagine arm length would play a crucial role in stones.
Are you training with guys who have competed before?

Yea I'm right around that height. My arms are fairly long though. It's been a while back but I think my wing span was closer to 6' and some change. I feel like shorter arms would be beneficial for keeping the stone closer to the torso at the initial pull, while maintaining straightest arm possible. If you've ever lifted a stone before you know you wanna keep your biceps as uninvolved as possible.

And no, as many good powerlifters and bodybuilders as I know, Ive never met anyone personally that has competed in strongman. Me and my training partner for this are both going in completely blind.

It's going to be a learning experience and hopefully it'll introduce me to any somewhat local scene around the sport. If there is one it's apparently very underground. As is our training. We're in a small private gym and are building most of our own equipment.

A Google search for strongman and my state doesn't really turn up anything.
If you want, PM me some videos and ill have my buddy who does my body tempering take a look at your technique. He competed in strongman on a national level for many years. we have basically have everything you could need for a strongman comp at my gym. i have yet to play with anything else but the Yoke and Farmers Carries handles.

not sure how competitve this pricing is. but we have a few things of theirs. quality stuff
@Dw725 being able to fab your own equipment is huge plus. My friend that does strongman here his dad runs a metalworking shop. They've made everything he has. I could see about putting you in touch with him if you want. He's a super nice dude and he'd probably be willing to help out with some specs on building some stuff or at least some advice. He's been doing it for years.
If you want, PM me some videos and ill have my buddy who does my body tempering take a look at your technique. He competed in strongman on a national level for many years. we have basically have everything you could need for a strongman comp at my gym. i have yet to play with anything else but the Yoke and Farmers Carries handles.

not sure how competitve this pricing is. but we have a few things of theirs. quality stuff

I'll try to get some footage next week of the stones. Won't be training them again till Tuesday. We've got molds coming too so hopefully moving away from this mock stone rig will help. It's basically like lifting stacked rubber plates, so more keg like than stone as u get heavier. Just making due until we get stones poured and set.
@Dw725 being able to fab your own equipment is huge plus. My friend that does strongman here his dad runs a metalworking shop. They've made everything he has. I could see about putting you in touch with him if you want. He's a super nice dude and he'd probably be willing to help out with some specs on building some stuff or at least some advice. He's been doing it for years.

Only steel item we have left to fab is the yoke.

We've just been stealing all of rogue's designs haha. You can damn near get the design prints with a little Google searching and looking at their site.
Only steel item we have left to fab is the yoke.

We've just been stealing all of rogue's designs haha. You can damn near get the design prints with a little Google searching and looking at their site.

Yeah, I'm sure they post dimensions and metal isn't hard to cut, bend and weld if you know what you're doing.
Today got me feeling much better. Finished the yoke.

It's 270lbs unloaded. Started with that for 100', then added 100 lb plates for 470 @ 100', then 560 for a 100.

Finally we got 650. By that point I was only good for about 30'. That's hopefully gonna be my weight for comp so I didn't push it. Gonna work on it the next 7 weeks and I think coming in fresh I'll be good for the hundred.

My biggest competition I'm positive is gonna be my buddy. He smoked that shit first time with freaky speed too.

His overhead blows tho, and I typically have a stronger deadlift. It's gonna be a battle in October.
I'm pumped!!!Screenshot_20170907-193916.png
Fuck yeah, my little fat weeny ass picked up the 100lb dumbbells and did flat bench for reps after already doing 8 heavy burn out sets of chest. I love anadrol. I can't wait to be strong.
Did some volunteering at a competition today, was spotting and one of the other spotters just so happened to be in the top 5 of all time for WILKs so that was cool talking to a man smaller then all of us but lifts more then all of us in the IPF
Fucking IPF is a legit fed. I know they are strict but that's how it should be. That's awesome bro.

I'm probably going to volunteer to help out the guys from the team that are competing at the Lee Haney Expo at the end of October.
Feel free to let me know if I should stop flooding the PL thread with my strongman nonsense, but I feel like they do have a fair amount of crossover.

Anyways , stones are out of the molds. Only 5 -1/2 weeks out but better late than never. 18" & 20" , supposed to be 240 lbs and 335 lbs respectively. Screenshot_20170920-114506.png
Feel free to let me know if I should stop flooding the PL thread with my strongman nonsense, but I feel like they do have a fair amount of crossover.

Anyways , stones are out of the molds. Only 5 -1/2 weeks out but better late than never. 18" & 20" , supposed to be 240 lbs and 335 lbs respectively. View attachment 76216
Nice. Keep flooding us with strongman stuff. There is a fair amount of carryover.
Nice. Keep flooding us with strongman stuff. There is a fair amount of carryover.

I'm confident the stones are gonna improve my deadlift strength, the log press my bench, and yokes my squat.

Still doing a lot of barbell training during all this of course. If my body permits , there's a small unsanctioned PL meet at a gym near me the weekend after the strongman comp. I'll get to test what all this training has done for my big three.

So far I definitely feel stronger under the bar, but won't be testing any max obviously.
I need some help picking out a team name for my new powerlifting club. Something clever preferably I don't want to be taken too seriously. Any suggestions?
Maybe something Canadian that portrays strength. Maybe if you have a catchy first middle or last name you can add to that.

Or maybe use some mythical God. Something involving Atlas. I like Atlas and the story behind this mythical God.

Or since you are into rock climbing, maybe something having to do with grip that you can mix in to the team name.