Perrin Aybara
I figured I'd ask this question on the powerlifting thread as i'm sure this is where I'd get the best advice. I've been strength training and all my lifts are going up (Strict OP, Bench, DL) except my squat. I've been squatting twice a week, but even when it feels like I'm getting stronger, I can never surpass my 1rm. Any suggestions on break it? I am thinking of squatting three times a week
Are you running any specific program? Going to 3x/week made a huge difference for me, but I was also dialing in my form at that time. I'd recommend reading the squat chapter in Starting Strength and filming yourself often so you can evaluate and perfect your form. 3x/weekly squatting is awesome and will only give you more practice though, so I do recommend that as well.