I don't know that I've heard of an entire deload block. Generally my deload week I'll do the same sets and reps except with 50-70% of the weight I normally use.
I will make another recommendation though. I was beat to hell after my last cycle and meet and I ran the Sheiko four day split (10 week routine) while cutting 20lbs on a cruise dose of test and I was really surprised with how well my strength levels maintained. Not only that, but the nagging aches and pains went away. The volume is highish, but the intensity is rather low. You get a lot of clean reps that feel easy a lot of the time. It seems very effective and I'm impressed. At first I tried to add stuff, but about a month in I just followed the routine exactly and just added my cardio.
Here's the link to where I got the spreadsheet. Have a look if you're interested. You just plug in your recent maxes and go.
I think this could got fit your needs nicely. Take a deload week first, run this for ten weeks, deload again and start your next cycle. Perfect fit in my opinion and you'll be surprised how well it works. I wasn't a believer at first at all.
Try to run it exactly as written. Seems like I remember you were training 6-7 days a week before and working with very high percentages of your mac regularly. I understand the thought process and I was the same way at first, but the more advanced you get the worse is going to be. I haven't trained more than four days a week in a couple years, just three days a week near a meet. Attempt maxes three, maybe four times a year. Using 60-80% 1RM for a majority of your training is ideal. RPE ranges 8-9 max. Very few grinders and try to never miss reps in training. Seems counterproductive, but trust me it's not only effective, but better for longevity and injury prevention. Gotta get out of the going to failure bodybuilding mindset to be serious in powerlifting. This will reduce a lot of the beat up feeling. If you need something else to do on those other day do light cardio, stretchIng or whatever.
Anyway, if you don't like that recommendation I could try to explain some basic programming you could implement yourself. Just let me know. Hope this helps.