Monkey King Anabolic

Do AAS actually effect prolactin to a point to where its necessary to medicate? If so, is this still true when e2 is in check? Ive always been under the impression that its a myth.. i may be mistaken..

For the majority of people controlling e2 is the key To controlling prolactin.

I am personally a subscriber to control the e2 to control prolactin.

Some can argue this but to that I would challenge what medications they are on and really dive into what else they are doing to affect that loop way to bring the prolactin out of control as the main factor.
For the majority of people controlling e2 is the key To controlling prolactin.

I am personally a subscriber to control the e2 to control prolactin.

Some can argue this but to that I would challenge what medications they are on and really dive into what else they are doing to affect that loop way to bring the prolactin out of control as the main factor.

I've yet to see any bloods where someone's prolactin was out of range but their e2 was in range.
I've yet to see any bloods where someone's prolactin was out of range but their e2 was in range.

I agree. I haven’t either.

But I’ve seen people argue otherwise. If the e2 is in range and prolactin is out of range I would have to question what other prescription drug would they be taking to raise the prolactin. Hell, some prescription blood meds can raise prolactin... but most don’t think of this when taking drugs to counter side effects but rather blame the aas instead.
I agree. I haven’t either.

But I’ve seen people argue otherwise. If the e2 is in range and prolactin is out of range I would have to question what other prescription drug would they be taking to raise the prolactin. Hell, some prescription blood meds can raise prolactin... but most don’t think of this when taking drugs to counter side effects but rather blame the aas instead.
Well here’s your first view. With crashed estrogen it still runs a little high.
Well here’s your first view. With crashed estrogen it still runs a little high.
View attachment 101310

I have seen crashed E and high prolactin before. In myself actually as well. I believe crashing of the E has something to do with it.

I have not, however, seen E2 which was truly in control along with high prolactin.

I wouldn't consider what you posted as E2 which is "in control."
I have seen crashed E and high prolactin before. In myself actually as well. I believe crashing of the E has something to do with it.

I have not, however, seen E2 which was truly in control along with high prolactin.

I wouldn't consider what you posted as E2 which is "in control."
Mine prolactin dosent follow E2. Something else for sure.
No meds. I think it has to do with my igf-1. It’s only 303 cause I was on a AI in this test. Without AI on just test it’s 350-380. But the Doctor disagrees with me and thinks its the 19-Nors.

Do you blast and cruise or cycle? I'm curious as to whether your IGF is higher than reference range due to AAS or just naturally?
My baseline before PEDS was 355.

Takes way to me long to get off. I’ve taken caber before and it made it normal.

I've always said 99.999% of people don't need prami or caber when your estrogen is in check . You're part of the .001! Thanks for posting
My baseline before PEDS was 355.

Takes way to me long to get off. I’ve taken caber before and it made it normal.
Excellent info thank you for posting those labs. You’ll find some great gems around here sometimes. More likely the time il eat my words and say caber is accepted here at minimal dose. High prolactin sides can range from low libido, delayed ejack, ED, lactate and uncommonly gynomastia from the research I’ve gathered. It’s still my belief that high prolactin doesn’t cause gyno when E2 is in check. If you research men with
Prolactinomas their prolactin is extremely out of range. Upwards of
450~500ng/dL and not often you see them complain of gynomastia. There was some cases though but it’s uncommon. Your labs are only 3 points out of range which is minimal. Almost like stating E2 is 50 ng/dL and freaking out because it’s barely out of range. I suppose caber is not that bad to have on hand after all. I will still use my tamoxifen as first line of defense against lumps and growths around the breast glands.
My little package was shipped this morning, gonna strap myself in for this wait.
Shouldn't be too long and I'll update this thread with any info.
Thanks Monkey King, hope to receive this and more!