Monkey King Anabolic

Guess I’m first to report. Just got my package. TD was 21 days since I placed the order. Stealth was top notch. Reminds me of someone else o_O all I’m going to say about that.
View attachment 101211
Top is primo bottom is anavar. Anavar looks like grains of salt. Which is how it’s suppose to look. So far so good.
Great makes me feel better! I completed payment today and got a small order of TrenA, TestP, some dbol and Prami. Just some stuff to try for a cut planned in like 2 months and dbols always good to have around the house:)
Great makes me feel better! I completed payment today and got a small order of TrenA, TestP, some dbol and Prami. Just some stuff to try for a cut planned in like 2 months and dbols always good to have around the house:)
Hope you don’t plan on using the prami and are just going to have it on hand.
Hope you don’t plan on using the prami and are just going to have it on hand.
My biggest concern is how to take it, i read i can make an aqueous solution with 80% solubility so probably pout 0.5g in half a litere (which in actually will be lower then what i think it is, which is good for caution).
**I never ran Tren before** it will be my first time and goal is recomp/cut. Im gonna start 200mg/200mg test/tren a week. I already have a good amount of TestP made and never had pip from it. Most what I read is to start prami with like 0.125mg and work up to max 0.5mg, I read the sides can be really hard(nausea, restless legs) and if not needed avoid it. I control e2 with Letro usually and have alot of it as well as adex and tamox.
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My biggest concern is how to take it, i read i can make an aqueous solution with 80% solubility so probably pout 0.5g in a L and then titrate to lower concentration (which in actually will be lower then what i think it is, which is good for caution).
**I never ran Tren before** it will be my first time and goal is recomp/cut. Im gonna start 200mg/200mg test/tren a week. I already have a good amount of TestP made and never had pip from it. Most what I read is to start prami with like 0.125mg and work up to max 0.5mg, I read the sides can be really hard(nausea, restless legs) and if not needed avoid it. I control e2 with Letro usually and have alot of it as well as adex and tamox.
What’s your cycle history? Letro on 200mg of test is unnecessary, use adex. .25mg adex twice a week would be a good place to start and then get bloodwork to determine wether you need to raise or lower the dose. You won’t ever have to use prami if you keep your e2 in check. Tamox is another one that should only be used if needed. Sounds like you’ve spent too much time browsing evo
What’s your cycle history? Letro on 200mg of test is unnecessary, use adex. .25mg adex twice a week would be a good place to start and then get bloodwork to determine wether you need to raise or lower the dose. You won’t ever have to use prami if you keep your e2 in check. Tamox is another one that should only be used if needed. Sounds like you’ve spent too much time browsing evo
Winner winner anabolic chicken dinner!
What’s your cycle history? Letro on 200mg of test is unnecessary, use adex. .25mg adex twice a week would be a good place to start and then get bloodwork to determine wether you need to raise or lower the dose. You won’t ever have to use prami if you keep your e2 in check. Tamox is another one that should only be used if needed. Sounds like you’ve spent too much time browsing evo
Your right when im on 500mg+/- test I take 7-12 drops of a 2.5mg/ml letro solution I made, twice a week. Best to go on the lower side, some people say to avoid AIs and use just Tamox, but that freaks me out. I have pharma adex i got from Greece last time on vacation there if i need it, i just felt that it wasnt enough for me in the past and i was more gyno prone from being fat at puberty. Ive brewed Testp100mg, Test C250mg, Test e@250 and 300, Dold Cyp at 200mg, suspension of Winstrol, anadrol, tamox, letro. Ran all those in the past as well as masteron EQ a long time ago.
I will start super low a couple drops twice a week of Letro if i have symptoms only, i want to do all to keep e2 in check.
What’s your cycle history? Letro on 200mg of test is unnecessary, use adex. .25mg adex twice a week would be a good place to start and then get bloodwork to determine wether you need to raise or lower the dose. You won’t ever have to use prami if you keep your e2 in check. Tamox is another one that should only be used if needed. Sounds like you’ve spent too much time browsing evo

Yeah the "norm" starting doses for AI's are outrageous. And the whole "letro for gyno symptoms" is a good way to fuck up your body.
Your right when im on 500mg+/- test I take 7-12 drops of a 2.5mg/ml letro solution I made, twice a week. Best to go on the lower side, some people say to avoid AIs and use just Tamox, but that freaks me out. I have pharma adex i got from Greece last time on vacation there if i need it, i just felt that it wasnt enough for me in the past and i was more gyno prone from being fat at puberty. Ive brewed Testp100mg, Test C250mg, Test e@250 and 300, Dold Cyp at 200mg, suspension of Winstrol, anadrol, tamox, letro. Ran all those in the past as well as masteron EQ a long time ago.
I will start super low a couple drops twice a week of Letro should be ok, i want to do all to keep e2 in check.
Start measuring out what you’re taking so you know and can make proper adjustments instead of going by drops. I’m going to assume you’ve never had blood work done since you didn’t mention it. As for not using an ai there becomes a certain amount of estrogen where it would be more healthy to use a Ai and lower it rather than not use one. Feeling like your gyno prone is not being gyno prone. If you ever have a flare up simply take Nolva until things get back to normal. Get bloods done this next cycle so you’re not shooting in the dark with your hormones.
Yeah the "norm" starting doses for AI's are outrageous. And the whole "letro for gyno symptoms" is a good way to fuck up your body.
At some point it is an individual thing but people do over use, I wont use the same amount on 200mg as 500mg+ especially since Tren doesnt aromatize.
Start measuring out what you’re taking so you know and can make proper adjustments instead of going by drops. I’m going to assume you’ve never had blood work done since you didn’t mention it. As for not using an ai there becomes a certain amount of estrogen where it would be more healthy to use a Ai and lower it rather than not use one. Feeling like your gyno prone is not being gyno prone. If you ever have a flare up simply take Nolva until things get back to normal. Get bloods done this next cycle so you’re not shooting in the dark with your hormones.
I wish but unfortunately I live in a country with a public health care system and to order tests without a reason would be a big production having to explain it, I cant even pay out of my pocket.
All the years ive been on forums and theres always two schools of thought. One says high estrogen is OK if your test is also high, its the ratio that counts. Other says dont even try, take AI when you start your cyle or even before. Middle ground is probably correct and yeah i should keep it untill necessary.
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Your right when im on 500mg+/- test I take 7-12 drops of a 2.5mg/ml letro solution I made, twice a week. Best to go on the lower side, some people say to avoid AIs and use just Tamox, but that freaks me out. I have pharma adex i got from Greece last time on vacation there if i need it, i just felt that it wasnt enough for me in the past and i was more gyno prone from being fat at puberty. Ive brewed Testp100mg, Test C250mg, Test e@250 and 300, Dold Cyp at 200mg, suspension of Winstrol, anadrol, tamox, letro. Ran all those in the past as well as masteron EQ a long time ago.
I will start super low a couple drops twice a week of Letro if i have symptoms only, i want to do all to keep e2 in check.
What did you feel that indicated it wasn’t enough in regards to adex? Legit anastrozole is quite effective in controlling E2. Usually .5mg 3 times a week for upwards of 600~700mg of Test is sufficient. Somtimes less. Going straight to letro is the far end of the other spectrum where it’s the harshest AI available. We’re talking using grams of oils and then letro comes into play. Not sure if you know what 1.25mg legit letro feels like at night on the bones but that shit hurts. You feel dry and achy as fuk. Priam/caber well that shit is usless keep you E2 down and you can trash those 2. If you feel lumps attack with tamoxifen or ralox. Along with adex or in your case letro but be careful shit is potent.
What did you feel that indicated it wasn’t enough in regards to adex? Legit anastrozole is quite effective in controlling E2. Usually .5mg 3 times a week for upwards of 600~700mg of Test is sufficient. Somtimes less. Going straight to letro is the far end of the other spectrum where it’s the harshest AI available. We’re talking using grams of oils and then letro comes into play. Not sure if you know what 1.25mg legit letro feels like at night on the bones but that shit hurts. You feel dry and achy as fuk. Priam/caber well that shit is usless keep you E2 down and you can trash those 2. If you feel lumps attack with tamoxifen or ralox. Along with adex or in your case letro but be careful shit is potent.
A couple cycles back I felt like o was having lumps and then i would attack with 20mgtamox twice a day for 3 days and it would dissipate I would raise Adex from 0.25eod to 0.5 and it would still happen. I moved to Aromasin 25mg a day then said fuck it ill go for Letro since it will be way cheaper and will last a while taking only a couple drops a week. I calculated it out and on average 3 drops gives me 0.24mg+/- of Letro so even 7 drops twice a week is a reasonable amount. I never feel really achy, only once when i over did winstrol a couple years ago. Im starting with the most reasonable dose also 200mgtest/200mgtre a week, Tren i dont think I would bring above 300mg/wk first try.
PS wtf fully hijacked this thread, dint mean to especially since im a junior, I wanna hear more about these new raws.
I dint get a confirmation email after my order on MokeyKings site but on the page said my "payment was received" and the order is closed. I dont have anything showing in "Order History" now. I sent an email as soon as I made the payment like 8 hours ago and havent received a message back. My previous private supplier would always be in contact around 5am my time, its 1am here now so well see.
Did other people get confirmation emails?
PS wtf fully hijacked this thread, dint mean to especially since im a junior, I wanna hear more about these new raws.
Lol bro we all go way off the path. At least it's about AAS. You're good. Ive learned more reading side convos over the last few years than anything.
A couple cycles back I felt like o was having lumps and then i would attack with 20mgtamox twice a day for 3 days and it would dissipate I would raise Adex from 0.25eod to 0.5 and it would still happen. I moved to Aromasin 25mg a day then said fuck it ill go for Letro since it will be way cheaper and will last a while taking only a couple drops a week. I calculated it out and on average 3 drops gives me 0.24mg+/- of Letro so even 7 drops twice a week is a reasonable amount. I never feel really achy, only once when i over did winstrol a couple years ago. Im starting with the most reasonable dose also 200mgtest/200mgtre a week, Tren i dont think I would bring above 300mg/wk first try.
PS wtf fully hijacked this thread, dint mean to especially since im a junior, I wanna hear more about these new raws.
Don’t worry about monkey or hijacking he pays no dues here. He doesn’t own this thread. Tell me the compounds you used when you experienced lumps and were using letro. I’m curios.

I emailed monkey last night curious about something. Communication sucks. Just sayin
I dint get a confirmation email after my order on MokeyKings site but on the page said my "payment was received" and the order is closed. I dont have anything showing in "Order History" now. I sent an email as soon as I made the payment like 8 hours ago and havent received a message back. My previous private supplier would always be in contact around 5am my time, its 1am here now so well see.
Did other people get confirmation emails?
I didn’t receive a confirmation email. Status says preparing package.