Monkey King Anabolic

Pack landed today. Cannot comment on ANYTHING because the postal carrier left it on my front porch and some crack head now has a few hundred grams of hormones. FML... 20 days from order paid till touchdown (pack stolen). PPL int. Can still do it in around 14 days..... I won't be ordering again. If you think a 20 day TA is long, try ordering int. In December... 30+ TA like every year. Fuck int. Suck a fucking hassle.
Pack landed today. Cannot comment on ANYTHING because the postal carrier left it on my front porch and some crack head now has a few hundred grams of hormones. FML... 20 days from order paid till touchdown (pack stolen). PPL int. Can still do it in around 14 days..... I won't be ordering again. If you think a 20 day TA is long, try ordering int. In December... 30+ TA like every year. Fuck int. Suck a fucking hassle.
Bro... I am so sorry to hear that... That fucking sucks. Our post man doesn't even ring the damn doorbell and that shit pisses me off. If the garage is open he will put packages right behind my car. Asshole. I'm about to get cameras for my house soon.
Bro... I am so sorry to hear that... That fucking sucks. Our post man doesn't even ring the damn doorbell and that shit pisses me off. If the garage is open he will put packages right behind my car. Asshole. I'm about to get cameras for my house soon.
Best $200 I spent was on exterior cameras.
UPS does that with my fucking syringes. 20 fucking 18 and these guys still have trust enough to leave a package on the fucking porch!?
Different for me, they won’t leave a package at all unless I’m home to sign. Super frustrating because I can never be here so I always have to have them take it to a ups access point