Monkey King Anabolic

Don’t worry about monkey or hijacking he pays no dues here. He doesn’t own this thread. Tell me the compounds you used when you experienced lumps and were using letro. I’m curios.

I emailed monkey last night curious about something. Communication sucks. Just sayin
I emailed him before I ordered and he got back to me within 24 hours, time zones i guess.
First time i felt nips(end 2016) was running sustanon 500mg/wk, adex 0.25 eod-ed even till i felt it was under control, and dbol at 30-50mg (back pumps killed me and i couldnt take it so i cut it out after 2 weeks and it went away).
About 5 months later I did the next cycle that was testc @ 600-700mg/wk, I used winstrol at the end also final 5 weeks(which was too much at 50mg a day). The final 3 weeks i switched cyp to 100mg testp eod till the cyp fully cleared and i did pct 140mg tamox first day and 20mg everyday after for like 30 days (bill starr protocol). During that cycle I had trouble feeling tingly nips(used 25-50mg aromasin going eod to ed) and maybe over exagerated and said fuck it get letro. In April18(i checked) I received the Letro. The cycle I did next a couple months later was TestE 500 a week(again switched to prop for last month), anadrol 50-100mg for first 4 weeks, and bold cyp 400 a week with 7-12drops letrozol (max2mg a week +/-) and felt great. Also took taurine and felt no back pumps at all from the anadrol, so ill do that again with next run dbol.
TL DR Adex dint work well ar 0.25 or 0.5 eod, i dint have enough to do more. Got Aromasin next with 50mg/day being on the border of good, so got letro.
I emailed him before I ordered and he got back to me within 24 hours, time zones i guess.
First time i felt nips(end 2016) was running sustanon 500mg/wk, adex 0.25 eod-ed even till i felt it was under control, and dbol at 30-50mg (back pumps killed me and i couldnt take it so i cut it out after 2 weeks and it went away).
About 5 months later I did the next cycle that was testc @ 600-700mg/wk, I used winstrol at the end also final 5 weeks(which was too much at 50mg a day). The final 3 weeks i switched cyp to 100mg testp eod till the cyp fully cleared and i did pct 140mg tamox first day and 20mg everyday after for like 30 days (bill starr protocol). During that cycle I had trouble feeling tingly nips(used 25-50mg aromasin going eod to ed) and maybe over exagerated and said fuck it get letro. In April18(i checked) I received the Letro. The cycle I did next a couple months later was TestE 500 a week(again switched to prop for last month), anadrol 50-100mg for first 4 weeks, and bold cyp 400 a week with 7-12drops letrozol (max2mg a week +/-) and felt great. Also took taurine and felt no back pumps at all from the anadrol, so ill do that again with next run dbol.
TL DR Adex dint work well ar 0.25 or 0.5 eod, i dint have enough to do more. Got Aromasin next with 50mg/day being on the border of good, so got letro.
Sounds like you know your body well. I’d be careful on that dbol, I had a fiasco with that bastard one time. Flared the shit out of my left nip and tender to all hell, nvr again. Dropped the dbol and hopped on tamoxifen and killed it. I prefer Anadrol over dbol any day and twice on Sunday. Remember you can fully run an AI along with tamoxifen in case you run into a bind. I’ve done it plenty and have always won. Have you used Tren? Careful with it as some individuals are sensitive to it in the breast tissue gland.

5 - 15 and feeling like ass.
Yea that’s really low brotha I’d let up on the adex dose. At least you have a lot of pharma adex tho. Then little pills are pricey on the black market for pharma grade
Yea that’s really low brotha I’d let up on the adex dose. At least you have a lot of pharma adex tho. Then little pills are pricey on the black market for pharma grade

Yeah on test only I feel much better at 0.25 twice weekly. When I run low test and mast I don't even need that. My pharma adex collection is burdgeoning LOL
Sounds like you know your body well. I’d be careful on that dbol, I had a fiasco with that bastard one time. Flared the shit out of my left nip and tender to all hell, nvr again. Dropped the dbol and hopped on tamoxifen and killed it. I prefer Anadrol over dbol any day and twice on Sunday. Remember you can fully run an AI along with tamoxifen in case you run into a bind. I’ve done it plenty and have always won. Have you used Tren? Careful with it as some individuals are sensitive to it in the breast tissue gland.

Yea that’s really low brotha I’d let up on the adex dose. At least you have a lot of pharma adex tho. Then little pills are pricey on the black market for pharma grade
The worst part about the dbol was back pumps, i read the same on anadrol (that it was even worse to those susceptible). Came on some posts talking about taurine. I ordered a cheap 500g bottle and it worked dosed at 5g a days. The drol was great and im going to try dbol with same protocol some day.
I have never run tren and looking to start low, be ontop of e2 and watch out for prolactin with prami on hand.
I didn’t receive a confirmation email. Status says preparing package.
A quick update my order wasn't showing for some error I made, well Monkeys service emailed me back and we fixed it all in 10mins. Happy for the response and my package is being prepared. First steps to a good CS.
pack finally moved
I knew it would. I will only be using the faster shipping methods from here on out when shipping packs. And I apologize about the email. I typically check emails once a day in the morning.

Guess I’m first to report. Just got my package. TD was 21 days since I placed the order. Stealth was top notch. Reminds me of someone else o_O all I’m going to say about that.
View attachment 101211
Top is primo bottom is anavar. Anavar looks like grains of salt. Which is how it’s suppose to look. So far so good.
That's great to hear man. Glad it landed safe and sound

I didn’t receive a confirmation email. Status says preparing package.
All other packs have tracking numbers for them besides one guy who placed an order this morning. Right now that pack(if its yours) is in the processing phase. Once it ships out today I should have a tracking number updated on the website within two days.
I knew it would. I will only be using the faster shipping methods from here on out when shipping packs. And I apologize about the email. I typically check emails once a day in the morning.

That's great to hear man. Glad it landed safe and sound

All other packs have tracking numbers for them besides one guy who placed an order this morning. Right now that pack(if its yours) is in the processing phase. Once it ships out today I should have a tracking number updated on the website within two days.

I'm just happy it's not stuck in the abyss.
The worst part about the dbol was back pumps, i read the same on anadrol (that it was even worse to those susceptible). Came on some posts talking about taurine. I ordered a cheap 500g bottle and it worked dosed at 5g a days. The drol was great and im going to try dbol with same protocol some day.
I have never run tren and looking to start low, be ontop of e2 and watch out for prolactin with prami on hand.

Just use vitamin- b6 for your prolactin. Research that instead.
Just use vitamin- b6 for your prolactin. Research that instead.
Yeah thanks I heard about it before and now im searching and I see studies with rats mainly where B6 lowered prolactin. Im looking for actual experiences and some guys write they used 200mg-600mg a day to good effect, going to go deeper in tonight. Dosage seems to be individual dependent. I see some posts on various forums where people say it doesnt do shit either, but its dirt cheap so can always try.
Yeah thanks I heard about it before and now im searching and I see studies with rats mainly where B6 lowered prolactin. Im looking for actual experiences and some guys write they used 200mg-600mg a day to good effect, going to go deeper in tonight. Dosage seems to be individual dependent. I see some posts on various forums where people say it doesnt do shit either, but its dirt cheap so can always try.

Of course it doesn’t work for everyone, but.. you have to also ask yourself

1. Were the people who say it doesn’t work taking other prescription medication . Different medications can affect prolactin. Many body builders or so called people take medication after medication to fix various side effects of different medications.

2. These same people who say it doesn’t work did they have e2 under control?

3. There are many variables on why things don’t work, and when taking a natural route people expect results within days which typically isn’t realistic. And why so many want to take drugs with massive side effects... then take more drugs to counter those drugs.... no pun intended but they end up going down a rabbit hole.
Guess I’m first to report. Just got my package. TD was 21 days since I placed the order. Stealth was top notch. Reminds me of someone else o_O all I’m going to say about that.
View attachment 101211
Top is primo bottom is anavar. Anavar looks like grains of salt. Which is how it’s suppose to look. So far so good.
When I gt anavar from Lmc it looked like sugar not chunky like yours at all is the bottom of the bag like that I'm wondering if its because I only ordered 10 grams or if they pulled a switcheroo I shoulda atleast labmaxed it but I was being cheap after I bought all the raws an supplys:(