Monkey King Anabolic

No that’s not in range... it’s crashed.

Low estrogen can give same symptoms as high estrogen.

Edit: technically I wouldn’t call them crashed but your estrogen is low for sure. Bring that up a little and I will suspect your prolactin will fall.
What's the lowest you can keep estradiol long term, while still feeling ok?
Touchdown - 28 days from payment (old safe shipping method)

Stealth was great. Everything weighed out correctly and labeled. Will be sending in some samples for testing but will have to wait until I'm back from vacation.
Touchdown - 28 days from payment (old safe shipping method)

Stealth was great. Everything weighed out correctly and labeled. Will be sending in some samples for testing but will have to wait until I'm back from vacation.
What samples are you thinking about sending in? I know @Grandpa Gainz had a TD. You sending anything off GG?
For the majority of people controlling e2 is the key To controlling prolactin.

I am personally a subscriber to control the e2 to control prolactin.

Some can argue this but to that I would challenge what medications they are on and really dive into what else they are doing to affect that loop way to bring the prolactin out of control as the main factor.
I agree to this in most cases but I think some people are genetically Phrone to get prolactin. I personally have lactating nipples ever since running tren and both my e2 and prolactin were in perfectly normal ranges and it’s never went away since that run
I agree to this in most cases but I think some people are genetically Phrone to get prolactin. I personally have lactating nipples ever since running tren and both my e2 and prolactin were in perfectly normal ranges and it’s never went away since that run

Dude. You are fucked up... 21 and you're making milk.

Post up your bloodwork please.

Those are wonkie bloods.
What all were you on?

And how are you claiming prolactin gyno, you're within range .

This is all why we don't let children run gear . They fuck themselves up. Lemme haven't seen a doctor?
Does anyone have any suggestions for acid reflux? I want to start taking Tren again. Last time I took tren I was having to eat 300mg of Zantac daily and by the time I went to sleep it was still coming back. Was just curious what you guys have found that works for you?
Does anyone have any suggestions for acid reflux? I want to start taking Tren again. Last time I took tren I was having to eat 300mg of Zantac daily and by the time I went to sleep it was still coming back. Was just curious what you guys have found that works for you?
omeprazole always works for me, i take one every other day
Does anyone have any suggestions for acid reflux? I want to start taking Tren again. Last time I took tren I was having to eat 300mg of Zantac daily and by the time I went to sleep it was still coming back. Was just curious what you guys have found that works for you?

L-glutamine my man.

Start with 3-4grams per day.
After a few days to one week if sides don’t get better go to 4-5 grams. Once the sides get under control, then you can lower the dosage to a maintenance dosage which will be when it comes back, then up the dosage a little till u find the sweet spot.
Does anyone have any suggestions for acid reflux? I want to start taking Tren again. Last time I took tren I was having to eat 300mg of Zantac daily and by the time I went to sleep it was still coming back. Was just curious what you guys have found that works for you?

I’ve followed @roger rabbit’s advice and used the glutamine and it helped tremendously. I was running the tren e pretty high so I was also continued taking Pepcid along with it and that combo made a world of difference with the stomach problems I was having.
L-glutamine my man.

Start with 3-4grams per day.
After a few days to one week if sides don’t get better go to 4-5 grams. Once the sides get under control, then you can lower the dosage to a maintenance dosage which will be when it comes back, then up the dosage a little till u find the sweet spot.

This is just a once a day dose? Not divided or time of day specific?