my blood work on pharma 200mg testosterone and 200mg primo


i split the injections to 2 times a week. so i inject 100mg of Bayer testoviron and 100mg of Bayer rimobolan on Sunday. and i inject the same dosage on Wednesday. i traveled to the uk and decided to do some bloodwork. i did the blood test on Wednesday before i did my Wednesday injections.
btw London is an expensive overrated shithole. the only thing you can buy in the pharmacy is codeine with paracetamol and insulin needles.
How do you store store the testoviron amp between injections?
the amps i just put in a drawer. but after i open an amp i fill 2 syringes, 1 i inject and the other i put in the fridge. when it is time to inject the second one i take it out of the fridge and wait for it to reach room temperature, than i inject it.
i split the injections to 2 times a week. so i inject 100mg of Bayer testoviron and 100mg of Bayer rimobolan on Sunday. and i inject the same dosage on Wednesday. i traveled to the uk and decided to do some bloodwork. i did the blood test on Wednesday before i did my Wednesday injections.
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btw London is an expensive overrated shithole. the only thing you can buy in the pharmacy is codeine with paracetamol and insulin needles.
Hello, i love this !
I used Bayer Test E and Bayer Rimobolan in the past like your ... But actually the price of Rimobolan are very very expensive ....
Thanks to share with us your blood work.

How much week before the blood work ?
the amps i just put in a drawer. but after i open an amp i fill 2 syringes, 1 i inject and the other i put in the fridge. when it is time to inject the second one i take it out of the fridge and wait for it to reach room temperature, than i inject it.
Personnaly when i use 125mg of my Bayer Test E i take around 5 vials and i push in steril empty vial.
Seryngue are in polypropylene it's not safe to use like this for bacteria and other things (to save the other part in the seryngue)
Hello, i love this !
I used Bayer Test E and Bayer Rimobolan in the past like your ... But actually the price of Rimobolan are very very expensive ....
Thanks to share with us your blood work.

How much week before the blood work ?

Personnaly when i use 125mg of my Bayer Test E i take around 5 vials and i push in steril empty vial.
Seryngue are in polypropylene it's not safe to use like this for bacteria and other things (to save the other part in the seryngue)
I've been on this regiment 5 weeks prior to the blood test
I've been on this regiment 5 weeks prior to the blood test
Primo need more time to work really, from around 6/8 weeks your start to feel at 100% this gold compound :cool:

Actually i use 1ml (i have a mix of UG and HG) and i plan to up to 2ml weekly from week 6.

The effect of well-being / energy are not like Masteron P but it's present and need some time to working really, that's a expensive and need to be patient.

Enjoy your cycle, from my side i plan a blood work at around 6/7 weeks.

You use only Bayer Rimobolan for Primo or you have some UG too ?
Primo need more time to work really, from around 6/8 weeks your start to feel at 100% this gold compound :cool:

Actually i use 1ml (i have a mix of UG and HG) and i plan to up to 2ml weekly from week 6.

The effect of well-being / energy are not like Masteron P but it's present and need some time to working really, that's a expensive and need to be patient.

Enjoy your cycle, from my side i plan a blood work at around 6/7 weeks.

You use only Bayer Rimobolan for Primo or you have some UG too ?
bayer rimobolan