Nothing less
New Member
Here's the thing. I believe that you think you are trying to help the community here, your not. Please try to understand where I'm going with this. You might be spot on and have 100% fake gear but most people will read your post and see that you are talking about your feelings and how you feel like you should be feeling different if you had good Test etc. A lot of people will read this and assume you are a noob and have no idea what your talking about or they will assume you have an agenda, work for another lab, reverse scam, whatever. Point is that what you meant for good has probably had the opposite effect because you didn't post bloods or a reagent test even. Can you follow this line of reasoning? I have a similar dilemma but in the other direction. I have bloods showing GP a Test E is good. Problem is that they are from old batches so if I post them I'm not representing bloods from current batches so guys could think good to go and order. See where I'm going with all this?
I do see were your coming from. I will get bloods done I really want to know what my bloods are on it. I hear a lot of good things on GP test E test P, dbol, and var but not a lot out on there test cyp. I'll get bloods and post it on here. I'm not trying to bash them to make them look bad other then me not getting my products or them not even trying to get them to me yes I am bashing them on that. But the test cyp I just want to get them to see its bunk or super low dose so they can fix it. I wish I could get them to send me Test E to replace test cyp when I get bloods but I know it's just my lose on that. But I do appreciate you constructive criticism.