When he went off the AAS his HCT should have went down. He may have already had a problem and the EQ made it worse. When I'm not on a blast and just on trt, my hct can drop to mid 30's because epo is low. That makes dropping to trt dose a problem because I'm anemic and have a low rbc count. I think I will supplement iron when I'm on trt and stop a couple weeks before a blast.
For older members this can be a serious problem. An MI, PE or stroke are game changers.
I agree 100%. PE's, MI, or stroke are for sure game changers. My buddy is now stuck having to take that rat poison the rest of his life. To go along with that, he has to watch certain foods, as they will cause his INR to go up and down. Something as simple as a salad could put him back in the hospital. Furthermore, the amount of blood work he has to have done is crazy. He looks like a pin cushion.