NapsGear.Net - reviews

LMFAO damn dude you just proved you don't know shit!!! Do you even know what a 19nor steroid is an how it causes gyno? Apparently not you fuckin tool!
The reason that you get elevated prolactin is because of elevated estrogen not because of 19 nors. If the godam gyno was caused by solely elevated prolactin then your fucking tits would be leaking fluid you dumb fuck
The reason that you get elevated prolactin is because of elevated estrogen not because of 19 nors. If the godam gyno was caused by solely elevated prolactin then your fucking tits would be leaking fluid you dumb fuck

How do you know they weren't? You're just proving my point LOL.
One at a time...Dhulk's shillin ass and hairy back is next in line! Haha

I'm not bigmurph just Dhulk and Deathstroke.
Dhulk was banned for being Pmroids rep on outlaw muscle forum so really had nothing to do with anything I did on Eroids. Mods let me come back as Deathstroke.
Deathstroke had a misunderstanding of rules shared many sources at once just sources I found on other boards non that I used.I shared them just for the hell of sharing because Eroids is a source review site people share sources all the time. People assumed I did it for gear but those sources didn't know I did that and I never got gear for it just thought I'd share to be judged.
I'm not bigmurph just Dhulk and Deathstroke.
Dhulk was banned for being Pmroids rep on outlaw muscle forum so really had nothing to do with anything I did on Eroids. Mods let me come back as Deathstroke.
Deathstroke had a misunderstanding of rules shared many sources at once just sources I found on other boards non that I used.I shared them just for the hell of sharing because Eroids is a source review site people share sources all the time. People assumed I did it for gear but those sources didn't know I did that and I never got gear for it just thought I'd share to be judged.
I don't care're nxt!
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FACTS: @DHulk is known to have multiple handles across several boards. When i asked him about one of them, his response was "ive heard of that guy" only later to admit that that handle used was banned due to adding sources just "because".
Other handles such as bigmurph something or other also banned. This handle shilled Naps to death and even tried to call out DP resellers as selling bunk.
@SuperMaroid is a Naps schill and goes way back with DHulk on eroids as dhulks handle DeathStroke.
@SuperMaroid is being looked at for possibly scamming members. Unclear if he was acting as a Naps rep or not.
I will post all pertinent evidence later on this evening.

next in line! Haha[/QUOTE]

I'm not bigmurph just Dhulk and Deathstroke get your "facts" straight.

Dhulk was banned for being Pmroids rep on outlaw muscle forum so really had nothing to do with anything I did on Eroids. Mods let me come back as Deathstroke.

Deathstroke had a misunderstanding of rules shared many sources at once just sources I found on other boards non that I used.I shared them just for the hell of sharing because Eroids is a source review site people share sources all the time. People assumed I did it for gear but those sources didn't know I did that and I never got gear for it just thought I'd share to be judged. Once again mods let me back on Eroids with a new handle because they New my ban was another misunderstanding.