50% gear is bunk. Gear labeled as pharm grade that isn't is bunk to me. When you think you are pinning a gram a week of testosterone and instead find out your level is half that, i believe that is a negative result.If you are simply re-selling and making money and could care less i would like to know that also. It sounds like you are willing to settle for less. Good enough seems to be a phrase you are comfortable with.
Personally, i lean towards truth in advertising. Labeling something exactly as it is. If it is really 125 mg per amp, i want to know it is exactly that. If you really aren't testing anything i would like to know. Guys that were not around in the good days don't have anything to compare it to, so i think some of you are just ignorant having not experienced how it can be and have just settled for the way it is.
Maybe raise the bar a bit and quit settling for the garbage. If you continue to support the crap sources you are going to get exactly what you deserve, and that doesn't seem to be working so well. Ultimately the consumer drives the product. Meso has been a leader in testing and we are getting a picture of what a lot of us suspected previously. A lot of garbage floating around, selective scamming rampant, and sources not being bothered with testing. When and if we do see tests from sources, they are totally bogus and tell us nothing, such as the latest naps crap that showed 106% purity. Really? You thought that would be a solid way to gain some trust by showing tests that are baselined against other crap gear? Amazing. Objectivity is a good thing, maybe naps should look into it.